I assume this is a serious question. You have pubic hair (particular around you genitalia) to maintain the highly sensitive temperature of the area. Sperm needs a relative restricted temperature to remain active and potent. The extra insulation helps to keep the area in question warm. the same holds true for a female. It keeps the required "path" warm enough to accept the sperm and keep them viable.
I have no idea why there's hair under your arms.
2007-01-20 10:06:07
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You have received quite a few answers that are truthful and clear. I only want to add that one need not shave pubic hair, and this applies to both the sexes. If it grows too long, it can be trimmed, so that the health benefits of pubic hair are retained. The modern fad for shaving pubic hair is the creation of the porn industry which for obvious reasons wants no or little pubic hair to be shown, thus lending support to the 'no pubic hair is good' school. People also feel that pubic hair comes in the way of oral sex enjoyment, and this is a personal preference. Nature has given us pubic hair, and we need to keep it so that it helps us in our well-being.
2007-01-20 19:08:25
answer #2
answered by greenhorn 7
I can't imagine a man having so much pubic hair that he would need to shave it. Boys sometimes do because they are kind of panicky about puberty, but most get over it pretty quickly.
The hair is there for many reasons, but for modern folks, perhaps the most important one is that it allows air to circulate in the area. That keeps your crotch dry and free of fungus and bacterial infections. People with no hair there tend to smell really dreadful, even a couple of hours after a shower. Shaving there is repulsive; hair is sexy.
2007-01-20 14:10:24
answer #3
answered by Maple 7
If you recall before the Ice Age the body was completely covered in hair. After the migration the hair fell out in the places that it was not needed. The more we evolved the more our bodies adapted to our environment. If you had not noticed when you do shave those areas you feel a little chillier.
2007-01-20 10:04:13
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Haven't seen any guys with so much hair they need to shave it. And I've seen lots, working out in the gym for years. You must be really hairy, or else you just don't realize that real men have a bush. Trim it if it gets too wild, I guess, but I doubt you have that much to require it be shaved. Sounds like personal preference. Mine averages 4 inches long, and no problem for me ever.
2007-01-20 11:53:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Pubic hair is located in areas where skin meets skin on a fairly constant basis; since that is the case, I would imagine that pubic hair is largely present to prevent chafing of the skin in those areas.
2007-01-20 10:00:21
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Pubic hair is there for the same reason that we have eyebrows and eye lashes. It's to protect those sensitive areas from bacteria or debris getting to them acting almost like a filter.
2007-01-20 10:03:29
answer #7
answered by beautyofthesea 5
Shave? why bother. As for why it is there, is it one of the hold overs from early huminity. It, and other body hair as srcondary sexual characteristis that indicate someone of an age to be capable of bearing, or fathering children.
2007-01-20 10:02:08
answer #8
answered by kveldulf_gondlir 6
My health teacher said that it's to stop the sking from rubbing too much and causing irritation, like thats why there is hair on your armpits. I dunno why there is hair on legs and arms ... to keep warm maybe.
2007-01-20 10:01:40
answer #9
answered by Brian H 1
You shave it??? Why??? It is highly erotic... part of being a sexual person!
2007-01-20 10:01:56
answer #10
answered by waynebudd 6