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Skin Conditions - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

my husband receives alot of cold sores is because he was sick or can it be a allergic reaction to something?

2006-11-29 04:58:02 · 7 answers · asked by Bertha N 1

I am really pale. I love it, my boyfriend loves it, but one of my friends said why would anyone find pale skin attrachive and another said that pale skin is so hot. What's you opinion?

2006-11-29 04:08:06 · 17 answers · asked by C O C A I N E 2

2006-11-29 04:04:09 · 3 answers · asked by vashti k 1

as keliods appear on body and cannot be cured completely and there is not proper treatment

2006-11-29 03:47:01 · 5 answers · asked by gagandeep s 1

2006-11-29 03:41:39 · 2 answers · asked by Lainey B 1

I've got a mole just under a quarter of an inch in size on my cheek and I'm thinking of getting it removed as I'm so self conscious about it, like when I get on a bus I always try to sit on the side so my mole is facing the window and others in the bus can't see.. I know its rediculous! My friends say they don't even notice it, but I always notice them on other people and don't like how they look.. Do you think they're ugly and should I get it removed?

2006-11-29 03:07:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

it seems I have actually had them since July, 5 days after I went to a movie theatre. I treated them back then and just thought I had excema and that the chemicals ruined my scalp, but lo & behold they are actually back.

2006-11-29 03:01:44 · 24 answers · asked by shellcjt 1

It isn't down deep but rather just in the outer part. I have never had this sensation before and it is annoying.
Has anyone had this?

2006-11-29 02:21:29 · 10 answers · asked by Cindy P 4

My fingernails break, split, peel.....you name it. It's been going on for the last few years, I tried every product out there to try to strengthen them. Does anyone know if this is a medical problem, is there a certain type of food I should be eating or should I just give up all together on having gorgeous long nails?!

2006-11-29 02:11:55 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

because our porer are opening and the sweat go out..

2006-11-29 02:08:22 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sometimes my pubic area is really itchy and i can scratch for like 30 seconds and its still itchy. and the part in between your leg and your pubic area that place itches too it looks like there's vains but idk sometimes its really itchy whats wrong? Maybe im allergic to the soap im using cuz im using a different soap now and it doesn't itch that much anymore. (the one i used to use is the Old Spice body wash)

2006-11-29 02:01:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cousin, she is only sixteen has suffered from acne and spots for 4 years and they dont seem to be improving. She really wants something that will make her red marks lighter and less noticeable. Has anyone tried anything that works. She drinks alot of water and is taking tetracycline and using zinereyt.

2006-11-29 01:47:58 · 5 answers · asked by brandoleigh 3

do you believe in changing the way you look?

2006-11-29 01:46:26 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-29 00:59:38 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so, have you ever tried holistic medicine or alternative medicine? Do you think accupuncture or accupressure will eliminate the bumps associated with Neurofibromatosis?

2006-11-29 00:48:23 · 1 answers · asked by toobusy 3

2006-11-29 00:03:21 · 7 answers · asked by neha s 1

2006-11-28 23:06:31 · 7 answers · asked by tinaa799 1

2006-11-28 23:05:19 · 21 answers · asked by tinaa799 1

what can i do to get rid of this?

2006-11-28 23:01:12 · 3 answers · asked by mia 1

2006-11-28 22:50:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have loads of pink spots on my arms from my elbow up. I have tried scrubbing myself there with a body brush in the shower but that just made it worse. Does anyone know any creams or something to get rid of them??????????

2006-11-28 21:43:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-28 21:12:08 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am very stupid and I started picking at the dead skin on my heel. My sister says she does this all the time and it never hurts her. But I tried it last night and I bled a tiny bit on my foot. Now I can't apply too much pressure to it otherwise it hurts very badly and I can't put shoes on either otherwise the shoe will rub against the heel and cause more pain.

Any suggestions to what I should do?

2006-11-28 20:07:42 · 3 answers · asked by Shaun W 1

i've broken out and my pores are super clogged from DHC's Deep Cleansing Oil. So i went to see my dermatologist. he gave me Adapalene and Ketoconazole to use everyday along with some peeling treatment .He promised me it will get better within 4 weeks. it seems to get worst 3 weeks later and no sign of healing and its really expensive.some what,his medications irritate my eyes even if i didnt apply it around my eyes at all!it became red and itchy, flaky and super dry and it burns every time i wash it with mild cleaser!!so i stop seeing my derm, bought Olay total effects anti-aging anti-blemish moisturizer and cleanser and i use St.Ive's Medicated scrub once a week. i've been seeing improvement, and i'm much more happier with my skin now than when i use my derms' medication. but still i want it to go away MUCH FASTER. is there any extra advice for faster ways to heal my clogged pores with out changing my skincare routine? (such as masks, treatments etc.)

2006-11-28 19:08:11 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son, who is 2 1/2, is in the middle of potty training. After an "accident" in the middle of the night, i put a diaper on him when he went to bed the next night. When we awoke the next morning, I noticed to red wide shaped lines on his upper buttocks..almost in the same exact spot on either side. Could this be diaper rash? He's never had one before...even as an infant! Ive put desitin on it all day, but it doesnt seem to be helpin at all! I actually think one side may be gettin worse than the other! Hes only been out of diapers for about a month..and never seemed to have a problem before. Im wondering if it irratated his skin or if he couldve gotten into something outside while he was playing! please PLEASE help! And give me some pointers on how to cure it! THANKS!!

2006-11-28 17:49:36 · 2 answers · asked by nicole39565 1

I have a huge zit on my forehead, which is really greasy, and it emits a foul odor if you stand next to me!! Is this normal? Also, it secretes a fatty yelllow fluid that is thick and bright yellow like urine. It does this at mealtime. I have tried every pimple/acne treatment product and it has been here for 2 months! At night if I sleep face down When I wake up there is a little black gooey spot on the pillow where my zit was!! I don't think this is normal....Help I'm scared!!

2006-11-28 16:54:33 · 7 answers · asked by Mental Patient 29 3

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