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Skin Conditions - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

Okay so I started out with 10mg, and i took that for 30 days. And today my derm gave me 40mg. Is that a big difference from 10mg? My acne isnt severe and the 10mg seemed to help. Like my face was very verrry oily and now its not at all, but i still get breakouts, probably daily.
I didnt have any side effects except for dry skin and lips. And my derm told me that my face will get dry even more and so will my lips. so i'm a little scared now.
any advice on how to prevent it at least a little bit.

I'm a 20 year old female, btw. and have been dealing with acne since i was 14.

2006-11-13 09:16:30 · 3 answers · asked by Isabella 1

I've had them there since I was like 10. I've tried scrubs and those annoying blackhead patch things you put on your face with water and when it dries you take it off.
*sighs* is there a cure?

2006-11-13 08:58:31 · 6 answers · asked by Girl Goes Back To The Future 6

After having my son (6 years old now) I was left with a lovely parting gift....stretchmarks... on my inner & outter thighs, and above my buttocks. I find them repulsive. Now I know it could be worse, blah blah blah....but I this is bad enough for me. Does anybody know any remedies that actually work? I've heard Coco butter?

2006-11-13 08:55:51 · 8 answers · asked by PrimaDonna 1

Is it breaking open pimples? What cuases acne pit scars?

2006-11-13 08:06:35 · 23 answers · asked by lataiger5ty 2

I have tried clean and clear; doesn't work. i have tried stridex; it only worked for a little while. i have tried alot. what really works?

2006-11-13 08:03:46 · 11 answers · asked by madelinezimmerman 2

I have done research and have came down to two medications for wart removal. The Dr. Scholls dual action remover and the Compound W wart remover. The wart is located on arm. Any suggestions as to which one is more effective and really works to removing the wart?

2006-11-13 07:44:43 · 7 answers · asked by Curious Person 2

I have never had a black head in my life & rarely a blemish... but this little boogers are not coming out! I tried squeezing them after applying a warm compress, but to no avail... I tried Salicyc acid washes, Clearicil, etc... even those acne scrubs, but nothing has helped at all. Any advice???? Seems like since I had kids my skin is so different! Thanks!

2006-11-13 07:33:43 · 6 answers · asked by Francis Jane 2

ever since i had a cold sore on my upper lips, i got these rly weird little tiny bumps on my lips and it itches but i dont want to scratch it cause i am scared its going to get worse, i try every thing to make it go away. i try to give time but it doesnt work i used vaseline and blistex and everything but none of them works.. helpp
this has been going on for 3 weeks already but i dont want to see the doctor. any advice?

2006-11-13 07:29:47 · 4 answers · asked by emont_1029 2

i keep breaking out and my skin is very dry right now...this is a developing thing i cant keep under control please help, i was thinking of going to a doctor??

2006-11-13 07:24:27 · 7 answers · asked by samantha w 2

I Have A Friend He Gets Black Heads On His Nose and has tried many home remedies how does he get rid of them

2006-11-13 07:08:29 · 9 answers · asked by theflawlessrose 1

other then putting toothpaste on it.. i dont want to irritate the skin more then i have already

2006-11-13 07:07:26 · 5 answers · asked by cutiepu2tee30 1

any cream that fade them???

2006-11-13 06:56:18 · 3 answers · asked by Am so Curious 4


I used to have lovely skin until a year ago when I suffered from stress and that is when I developed acne.

I am been so down and about it and I have tried antibiotics and that hasnt worked, creams and potions from the doc's and they havent worked. I have even tried NLite laser treatment, which says that it works 99% on all patients, and that hasnt worked much!

I am now on Dianette and hoping that this will help, waiting for it to kick in. I have red marks where some of my spots used to be, they look like scars but they arent, has anyone had this before?

I am even tried microdermabrasion, but it hasnt improved anything. Surely there has to be something that works and how do i get rid of these red marks??

Thanks - sorry to go on but it is really getting my down.

2006-11-13 06:40:39 · 14 answers · asked by sunshine 2

I know using regular soap is bad, but I know using fragrance free type stuff isn't too bad...but which kind is the best? I don't want to spend a ton of money I only have it in a small area. I am currently using some dermarest products but I still use regular body wash. Anyone know of anythign that I can use?

2006-11-13 05:47:29 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've had some pretty bad cuts on my legs and they left some pretty visible scars on my legs. It leaves a darker tone than my skin and I was wondering how I could have them gone without using any make-up or tanning spray. Basically, is there any lotion or oil out there that I can use to help heal my skin's color and texture and restore my natural skin pigment over the scars?

Thanks in advance everyone! =]

2006-11-13 05:22:59 · 5 answers · asked by goonyberry2 1

i have some scars on my face from a chemical peel"by a doctor"and i was wondering if anyone knows how to make them go away?

2006-11-13 05:21:19 · 6 answers · asked by justme 2

hi..i have developed a very poor,dried out and dull skin with pimples and pimple marks....i get allergies often!!
is there really no way out to get back the normal skin?i have stopped using products since last month.ofcourse it helps me more.
i don`t want to try out products any more.
is there any miraculous way left that will really make your skin glowing without allergies,pimples and pimple marks and patches(like many fake net sites advertise!!)?
i know you will have no interest to answer this..but still i don`t want to loose hope..
plz no negative answers

2006-11-13 05:18:44 · 6 answers · asked by lovable 2

it developed while i was pregnant so i thouth it was hormonal... now i not prego anymore, its bigger and hurts.. someone looked at it and said it looks like it MIGHT have a scab on it.. they think bug bite gone bad or ingrown hair.. it hurts though..

2006-11-13 05:05:05 · 6 answers · asked by <3 2

My skin is very dry. I need a cleanser and moisturizer that doesn't irritate my skin. Is there anything out there that will make my face appear less red?

2006-11-13 04:40:36 · 3 answers · asked by Heaven Cut Off My Wings 2

Since it's got much colder now in London, my skin has just gone REALLY dry and flakey :( I moisturise everyday but it doesn't stop it... any tips?

2006-11-13 03:34:11 · 17 answers · asked by me_me 1

my fiance thinks i might have a cold sore but im not sure. its on my mouth in the corner. and this is i think the second time ive gotten on in the past few weeks. its always when im at my mother in laws house and my allergies are bothering me and my lips are really chapped, and i have a habit of picking the dead skin off my lips. is it true cold sores are std's? i've only been with the same guy for the past couple years. could it have anything to do with being on birth control...like a side effect or something conteracting with other meds? what can i do to stop this? whatever it is?

2006-11-13 02:21:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I order 30 % glycolic acid on the internet without knowing if it was safe my for my skin ,i used it and now my face is burned pretty badly and it left alot of black marks of my face which is horrible..can someone please advice me something i could use that will take these marks away???people keeps starin at me its ruining my life wat can i use to make it go away?

2006-11-13 02:15:14 · 5 answers · asked by can u ♥ moi? 4

i have taken contact dermatitis from a new pair of shoes and wondered if anyone had the same problem

2006-11-13 02:13:28 · 10 answers · asked by liz m 1

I have no insurance and I need the cheapest or the most convenient D-I-Y [do it yourself] way to get rid of them.

2006-11-13 01:54:19 · 4 answers · asked by Jack B 1

I´m 20 years old and I have acne was 17 years ago... when I look at the mirror I don´t support to meet and this everyday lowers my aotoesteem , some recommendation

2006-11-13 01:23:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-13 01:12:51 · 6 answers · asked by jerry l 1

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