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Respiratory Diseases

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

2007-12-13 19:04:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-13 17:44:50 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-13 14:00:48 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son is 3 and over the past month has had problems with extremely enlarged tonsils. They seem to be ok right now because they are not obstructing like they were a few weeks ago but they are still huge. He snores and it sounds like he has a hard time breathing at night sometimes. He also has a problem with choking on his food occasionally. His doctor said we can go either way -treat conservatively or take them out. I have scheduled the surgery but I am second guessing myself because his problems are not severe. Is it better just to get it over with?

2007-12-13 11:53:25 · 3 answers · asked by vezchakoyes 1

Hey there, I recently just started to get over Bronchitis (still have a bit of a cough) and I have this dull pain just under my right rib. I have no other symptops besides a minor cough but before when I had Bronchitis I was coughing quite a bit. Now I was just concerned because I wasn't sure if this pain was there because I had been coughing so hard the last few weeks or if it could be something more serious. The pain is only really there when I apply preassure to it or sometimes if I turn when lying down.

2007-12-12 18:21:53 · 5 answers · asked by Brendon B 1

I have fibromyalgia and i can't sleep, I finally can go to sleep 3 or 4 am and then of course get up way late, now i feel it is a pattern and i cant break it

2007-12-12 12:55:18 · 20 answers · asked by sherry f 1

5.infection 6. hypertension 7.edema 8.inflammation 9. intramuscular

2007-12-12 08:19:05 · 6 answers · asked by beeehhh 1

I take nasonex not constant, but a good month at a time. In the past 4 years i haven`t gone more than 2 weeks in a row without getting back on it. It`s the first 4 years of my life that i haven`t got sick at all. I know there is a steroid in nasonex but can this be helping me not get sick also.

2007-12-12 07:31:37 · 1 answers · asked by brokeorrich1 2

is some report generated, or is it just that I cpoudlnt buy it on this particular day? I dont want my name appearting on some list, it';s just an over the counter thing

2007-12-12 06:46:39 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is that normal ? Should I maybe seek a psychologist ? Are there prescriptions for it ? Are there any natural remedies ?

2007-12-12 06:20:08 · 4 answers · asked by woop dee doo 2

Pleasee Help

Dont Know What To Do

2007-12-12 05:10:32 · 3 answers · asked by lorissa 2

I have a cold but I sound much worse than how I feel. I need to go to work but what can I do about my throat. I'm drinking hot lemon & honey drinks. Is there something that will help?

2007-12-12 04:58:27 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I try to take deep breath mostly I am unable to fill my lungs.Drs are confusing.I am very frustated with this.Can please give me any forom lilnk or suggestion about this?I have this for past 4 months.

Thanks in Advance

2007-12-12 02:53:49 · 4 answers · asked by Ganesh 1

im coughing up blood throwing up constantly i feel sick alot im feeling dizzy as well as really hot then cold the next minute im only eating one meal aday and im takin 4 different weight pills i need help whats gonna happen or is happening

2007-12-12 00:12:16 · 7 answers · asked by christina h 2

heyy everyone im 19 years old and ive had a sore throat on and off for the past three weeks and ive been a light smoker (10 cigarettes a day) for the past year and i was wondering if it was possible that it could be throat cancer or sore throat or just a throat infection i havent seen a doctor but i will soon thanks

2007-12-11 22:24:43 · 4 answers · asked by slvrapple 2

At first I though I had a cold, and then it turned into a mutated Bronchitis & Laryngitis. The mucus coughed up was incredibly thick and grass green. I had no fever, but maybe a 99.4. The cough has been there for over 2 weeks. I just found out about the virus through my fiancé and looked it up online. I didn't/don't have the fever. I had also done prior research about bronchitis, which all websites agreed that after a cold you are more likely to get an upper respiratory infection like bronchitis and then pneumonia. Especially if you are or live with(I do) a smoker. I don't have insurance so I question my health before going to a doctor, or the forbidden "ER"! I am in the heath care field(SRNA) and I know I could have easily caught it. I had the swollen lumps on the side and everything. That is also symptoms of Bronchitis and Pneumonia. Does anyone know more on it. I'm 20yrs. old, and I know it could easily kill me. Ps. please keep in mind I do have OCD so don't freak me out too much!

2007-12-11 18:11:32 · 1 answers · asked by squall01 2

I was given an IonicPro,but read that consumer reports rated ionic breeze,same machine,lowest of all air cleaners.Will this machine produce a bad amount of ozone?It really smells after awhile.Ozone can hurt the lungs and respiratory system.Also,what air cleaner will help with the dust you see floating in the air?Besides in duct system,Thanks

2007-12-11 15:32:35 · 1 answers · asked by ? 1

I've been sick for what seems about a month & a half. I've had some sinus pressure, hacking cough, sore throat, and the ocassional dizzy spell. The doctor prescribed me a z-pack. It took most of my symptoms away except for the cough. After a finishing the meds, all of the symptoms came back, and hit me hard once again. So I called in and had him call me in some more meds, this time cipro. I took that, and felt better for about 4 days, and now it's all back again. I don't have health insurance right now, so the less I have to go to the doctor the better. The way I'm feeling right now isn't a "I need to stay in bed all day" feeling. But I have this chronic sore throat, cough, sinus thing, and nothing over the counter helps. And being a singer, this is really frustrating. A side note, I had a bad reaction to mold at one point a few years ago, and I just found some mold living in a brita picture I'm using. I know it's gross, but could this have anything to do with it? Thanks!!

2007-12-11 15:32:29 · 3 answers · asked by Meadowlark 2

So, my 2 year old is sick with what appears to be a cold. A few weeks ago he had a cold with a low grade fever for one day. He never seemed to feel too bad. Then last week he was cold free. He did have a cough last week, but it was dry cough and i am 99% sure it is from our house being too dry. I was coughing like it too and do not feel sick at all. Anyway, after his week break he got sick again with another cold. Although this time he had a fever yesterday and today, but again low grade. And he woke up this morning without the fever when the fever reducer should have worn out a while ago. The fever today did not kick in until 11:30. I know many of you will tell me to call his doctor and i'm sure i will if he wakes up tomorrow like he was today, but i just know so many doctors are like here it is a sinus infection have an antibotic. Kind of annoying.

2007-12-11 14:54:58 · 2 answers · asked by lm 2

2007-12-11 11:12:01 · 0 answers · asked by jenn n 2


2007-12-11 10:19:29 · 1 answers · asked by bobby w 1

Lately i've been having a pain in my lungs. I fell like i'm constantly a breath behind. My lungs hurt more when i take a deep breath. Why? Does anyone know?

2007-12-11 10:17:45 · 6 answers · asked by Gabby 2

you cough ALOT..
weed and shisha

2007-12-11 08:53:40 · 3 answers · asked by gypsy 3

I've been getting chest pains around my whole chest area. They seem to be getting more and more painful. Right now, the whole right side of my chest (including the side, front, and back) hurts when I breathe. Could it be simply because I'm growing (I'm only 13)? Or is this something more serious?

2007-12-11 07:09:44 · 3 answers · asked by AikonaterWOT?™ 2

It has been pretty constant, he was in the ER this morning, diagnosed with bad virus told to take Advil and sleep. I have been on antibiotics on and off for 3 months now, since two days after we moved in. Nothing helps. What was really weird was that on Thanksgiving, we were fine for 3 days.....while we stayed at my mother's house for the holiday. Then a day or so after we got home, the symptoms returned. This is a rental unit, the landlord is a total sleeze so going to him and saying that we suspect maybe mold is at the root of it will be useless. We can break lease and move, but then we are out our security deposit. Has anybody else had this? Is there a test that can be done? We have had the Health Department in already when we had a carbon monoxide problem and the landlord refused to fix it so I know that they will come out and fine him again, but I just wonder who else may have had this sort of problem and how they handled it. Thanks

2007-12-11 04:42:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

what's the difference.. lately i feel shortness of breath,chest pain, feeling dizzy that i would faint, feeling thirsty/dry mouth..

no pain in my arms, jaw etc..

2007-12-11 04:25:48 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-11 01:27:25 · 10 answers · asked by Krishnamurthy G 1

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