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Respiratory Diseases

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

ihave a bad cough and told its boncitious i use inhalers and my dr. put me on tranquerlizers they give bad dreams and make me sleepy all the time.they also scare me that i'm going to die if idon't or i'm not going to wake up when i fall asleep.

2006-11-18 23:01:40 · 6 answers · asked by clear morning 2

I was invited to a shisha-smoking party at a friend's place, and I tried it. It's got grape flavor in it when I inhaled. I didn't feel anything afterwards, but I'm just curious: what is exactly in the tobacco? How did they flavor it and is it as hazardous as smoking regular tobacco?

2006-11-18 18:54:19 · 1 answers · asked by girliegirl 2

I have smoked for about 12 years(i'm 27) and lately i have had chest congestion and coughing up yellow stuff, i have been short of breath and now tonight it hurts when i breathe. I know I know, duh, quit smoking and problem solved. Well it isn't that easy. So could this be pnemonia? I think i'm too young and have'nt been smoking enough or too long to have emphysema. I only smoke about 8 cigs Any insight anyone?

2006-11-18 17:22:19 · 17 answers · asked by ? 4

Nothing they have given my 5 year old has worked and it's been 5 months.

2006-11-18 16:35:11 · 7 answers · asked by Corona 5

This is an odd discovery. I was stretching my back one day in a quiet bathroom. I noticed when I bent to the left and came back to the upright position I hear what appears to be air coming up from my lungs. So...I did a sidebend to the right. No sound on the way down but back up I hear the exhaling of air again. I have my wife do it. I hear nothing. I close my lips and bend and hear nothing. I open my mouth and position the back of my toungue down like a doctor would with those wooden stick things and the sound is louder. I open my mouth but seal the opening wth my toungue and hear nothing. I can bend forward and backwards and hear nothing . Only when I do sidebends. I have no pain breathing and workout 5 days a week. not overweight. don't smoke cigs but do smoke weed once in a while. I could have had this for awhile but I never noticed before. I am going to the doc on the 28th for a checkup but wanted to see if anyone else ever heard of this.

Thank you

2006-11-18 16:09:12 · 2 answers · asked by Savage Weed 1

Which store in Singapore sells nasal wash bottle and solution for nasal irrigation? I can't find it at the pharmacies near my house and I don't want to order online.

2006-11-18 14:59:13 · 2 answers · asked by ispakles 3

2006-11-18 14:26:36 · 5 answers · asked by Chelsea 2

I have a cold and my throat is very sore, and I also have chest congestion and I just spit a sample of blood. Is there anything abnormal about it?

2006-11-18 14:26:10 · 7 answers · asked by College Kid 5

2006-11-18 13:42:35 · 1 answers · asked by shane l 1

I was just wondering if any other kids have had this same problem. He has been on breathing treatments for a couple of months and never seem to work. He has gotten 2 chest xrays and they both are fine. But the doctors are always worried with how he sounds. Is there anything else that can be done? Do i just have to hear him at night always coughing (which is new). It is a really bad cough and it sounds like it is hard for him to even get it out. I hate to see him like this. Should i be concerned that the treatments are working? I should mention..he is only 5 months old..and has been diagnosed with bronciolitis in the past..when he was about 2 months old..seems to me that he never got over it

2006-11-18 13:20:09 · 9 answers · asked by shell bell 2

ive have been feeling like i need to take deep breaths and i cant and i cant stop yawning and sometimes i try to and i cant its so annoying
is this something serious??? do i need to go to the doctor for this wat could it be??/

2006-11-18 11:32:12 · 8 answers · asked by Lolita 1

2006-11-18 10:27:39 · 39 answers · asked by Big Bruv 2

2006-11-18 07:59:03 · 10 answers · asked by snowboy 3

i have trouble breathing. i'm only 14 and i'm not overweight or anything...but when i'm breathing i have to do deep breaths all the time and then still i can't get enough air in. it's only been happening a couple of months but now it really worries me.

2006-11-18 07:21:14 · 7 answers · asked by Jessikhaxo 1

My 20 month old son has been diagnosed with Asthma. He has a nebulizer and takes Pulmicort and Albuterol. He seems super sensitive to weather changes. Does anyone else with asthma have the same problem?

2006-11-18 06:06:50 · 6 answers · asked by kelly v 2

My throat and lungs feel like they are burning. Is it damaging my lungs and throat?

2006-11-18 05:42:17 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

include the terms diffusion, aveoli, capillaries, diaphragm, intercostal muscles, CO2, breathing rate O2, hemoglobin, brain stem, pH, carbonic acid, thoracic cavity, trachea, bronchiole, and lung.

Once again, knee deep in homework and no relief in sight.....appreciate the help!

2006-11-18 05:11:48 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have smoked for years, but recently have cut it down to just a couiple smokes a week. However, during the last few years I really exagerated and smoked a lot. I feel like I'm often and easily out of breath and I wonder if i have done perminent damage to my lungs. So i'm wondering if my lungs will recoupe if I quite completely. If so, how long does it take...

2006-11-18 03:17:40 · 7 answers · asked by cafeplanete 2

2006-11-18 02:40:32 · 3 answers · asked by MonyB 2

I have a U.R.I. (Upper Respiratory Infection), I need to know if it's contagious!?

2006-11-17 16:00:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My phlem is comming out very thick and sometimes has threads of blood through it. I am beginning to be concerned, I have very recently had a chest x-ray and it was normal so I do not worry overmuch avout cancer, I just want to increase the reduction of this nasty phlem out of my body. Any help, herbal, over the counter, or just down home advice would be appreciated. thanks Deb M

2006-11-17 14:44:35 · 10 answers · asked by DEBBIE M 1

Websites with info would be helpful. Thanks!

2006-11-17 14:10:51 · 1 answers · asked by abbas_n_chantel 2

My boyfriend was eating and he got something stuck in his throat.. and it's not going down. He can breathe and talk just fine, it's just uncomfortable for him and it hurts every once in a while. It's been like this for probably 2 hours now. He feels like it's getting better and everything.. but.. it's still not gone. He's been throwing up every 5-10mins or so... mostly mucus.. He says it feels like it's just producing a lot of mucus where the food is stuck in his throat.. What could this be?? (DONT say go to a doctor..if he feels it's THAT bad and necessary, he will.)

2006-11-17 14:03:05 · 5 answers · asked by abbas_n_chantel 2

2006-11-17 13:58:17 · 7 answers · asked by abbas_n_chantel 2

My mom has had this crazy cough for weeks and it won't go away. She's tried Mucinix DM, Robitusin DM, Ricola, NyQuil, DayQuil, Theraflu, Alka Seltzer for cough, some weird cough syrup that was prescribed to me by Army doctors, horehound candy (whatever that is)...but nothing has helped.

Do y'all have any idea of what might help my poor mother?

2006-11-17 12:39:42 · 13 answers · asked by lidiya5 2

So I have really bad asthma. I’ve stopped breathing already and had to have CPR on me, i've been intubated as well for a week.

I’ve been on prednisone (steroids) for over eight years already.
I have developed a lot of the side effects already.

Osteoporosis, cataracts, weight gain, mood changes, sleeping trouble and I get sick almost every week and I get outbreaks of shingles as well.

I’m currently on prednisone, singulair, zyrtec d, protonix, advair, combivent, spiriva.
For the machine i’m on pulmicort, chromalyn and xopenex.

But what I have trouble with is dealing with it. I hate not being able to do anything. I used to walk 60 blocks a day (no lie) and now I can’t even walk two stairs without having a little attack. I’m getting depressed. I’m still managing to go to school full time, but I can’t get a job anywhere because i’m always sick.

One thing I’ve manage to never lose is my sense of humor. I’m afraid to let people know how i’m really doing. I’m the person wh

2006-11-17 09:54:46 · 16 answers · asked by mindlessklutter 1

really bad anxiety so I will quit taking it for a while and I have no problem, so I'm assuming it's the medication but is that normal for advair and all asthma medications or should I get my doctor to switch medicines?

2006-11-17 09:31:06 · 8 answers · asked by ItsJustMe 2

If you cannot prove it, then do not expect it to be taken seriously.

2006-11-17 06:09:29 · 9 answers · asked by damo 2

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