What is the best way to clear up respiratory illness whether it is any stage pf pneumonia, bronchitis, toxic inhalation, allergies, even anaphalaxis (naturally/herbally)? A brief history & my experience, I had stage II pneumonia bacterial/viral they never could diagnose it, I went to an urgent care after the pain I fely in my lower back, they gave me new generation drugs, cipro, & 2 others because within 3 days of treatment with each type, I had allergic reactions, mild anaphalaxis, & the only thing that would clear me up was childrens liquid Benedril, I would sneeze profusley, feel my chest open up, drink a ton of distilled water, & Bio-K (look it up) it was the ONLY pro-biotic, no organic plain yogurt, no super biotics would clear up the ferocious yeast infection I had that multiplied, only Bio-K has 50 BILLION, not the 9 milliom live acidophilus, & cleared that up, but I had to stop all forms of drugs, I could not get them to give me the old time cillins (old generation drugs).
1 answers
asked by
cora c