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Singles & Dating - 16 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

My bf and i had separated for a week and during the weekend his friends dragged him to go to the carnival and when he went one of his friends from 2nd grade(girl) was there and ask her to get on a ride with him and she went with him.After that all he was talking about was her and he would also talk to her when he'd see her.Then the week past and we got back together there was a lot of rumors about that night everybody in a class that they both have(but in different periods)are talking about it and one person told my friend and she told me that they got on more than one ride together and i was so shocked that i told him and we sort of broke up for awhile and i asked him to tell me the truth about that night and he told me that they got on several rides and nothing else.I believed him and didn't believe him at the same time cause he told me like a week later.Then on Wednesday he said hi to her and it got me sort of uncomfortable because i don't want anything bad to happen between us

2007-11-16 08:50:16 · 18 answers · asked by cgyr12506 1

will a guy always miss his first true love even he found a new girl friend? my bf and i are happy together but i know that he deeply loved his ex and his family and friends knew that he loved her so much too, and they all like this girl so much becoz she was a very nice and pretty girl!! and i agreed that she is a pretty girl with nice heart and would do anything for my bf before, but somehow just didn't work out on their relationship! i m just wondering is that means it will be so hard for him to fall in love with me deeply like the way he loved his ex girlfriend? or i should accept the fact that she will be always in somewhere special of his heart? pls help!

2007-11-16 08:49:59 · 7 answers · asked by dayme 1

I am not ugly i am not the most popular i have tons of friends and ita lk to other ppl.

2007-11-16 08:43:22 · 1 answers · asked by doggypaws32 1

Recently I became good friends with this girl in physics class. She always makes an effort to talk to me, is almost too nice to me, and even made me a cd after she asked me if I liked a certain band. She also made copies of her notes for me. She asked me my number too, so we could study together the other night. When I was walking to my car, she also stopped and picked me up (my car was maybe 30 feet away), and we talked alone in her car. Also, today we went and got coffee at school, after she waited a few mins for me to finish our exam (she finished first). She hasn't admitted it yet, but I think she likes me. I'm hoping other people agree...she even dropped out of her lab project group to be in mine after I couldn't get in her's. How should I let her know I like her, but subtlely?

2007-11-16 08:26:28 · 14 answers · asked by cracky 2

There is this girl at my job that I like and she is goin through a tough time bc of what happens in her previous relationships she has been in. she is depress about it, she is depressed by the fact that she thinks she did something wrong in the relationship and is tired of bein used then dumped. I would like to make her feel better, during lunch she talks with the other females. What can i do or say? Im a nice guy and all, and i truly do like her and i would def love to get to know her. What is the best thing i can do or say to her, i want her to know that i can be there for her to develope a stronger friendship then lead to relationship

2007-11-16 08:24:39 · 12 answers · asked by tbg1982 1

A guy i really like made fun of me during math class and he keptt snapping my bra just so he could show off to his friends. I was totally embarased.

2007-11-16 08:21:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

First off, I'm 13, have a 4.0, play in basketball(two teams, all-star and school), fastpitch and slowpitch softball, track,cross-country,band,quizball,and have to admit I'm attrative, but not vain. I go to a school where a lot of girls my age are already having sex with their 16 year old boyfriends. I have a boyfriend who recently turned 15, and has asked me several times to have sex. I've already made a promise to God that I'm waiting and have told him(my boyfriend) that. He is a great person, but seems...perverted at some times. I'm not a Holy-roller,I know that, but I made an promise. I have been pondering this issue for months now, and am trying to decide. Thanks for the time.
-Siara Nicole

2007-11-16 08:19:07 · 59 answers · asked by Siara Nicole 1

Ok there has been some sort of twisted recurring phenomenon going on in my life for the past... i don't know... 4 years where it seems like all the time i run into girls who are dating my friends' (or people I know and am reasonably friendly with)...why might htis happen...and what should i do about it ine general

2007-11-16 08:17:57 · 13 answers · asked by mapeacock86 1

hi I'm going to one of my what you might so called friends ( a guy that i kinda like) and i was wondering what kind of things we could do- i'm 14, he's 16... ideas! :) oh and what should I wear?

2007-11-16 08:12:05 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have known each other for 2 years now, we spend practically every spare moment with one another, he knows my parents I know his...we hang out with them. I went to his family weddings, we are going to three of my families next year...when do I push on committment with him?

2007-11-16 07:56:27 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm really quiet in class. sometimes I'll go a whole period without saying anything to anyone. I was walking in the hallway and this guy and his friend were like damn look at that ***. at the time I didn't know how to handle the situation so I didn't say anything at all and kept walking. one of the guys is in my english class. after class he walked up to me and was like why are you so shy in class? I started to say I'm not shy but he cut me off and said yes you are then we walked in opposite directions. we have to read journal prompts out loud for credit or take a zero. I'd rather take a zero. he was like "Laila read yours" but I had alread told the teacher no so I just looked at him and looked away. he has a friend who really likes me. every time his friend sees me in the halls he stares and when I look back he looks away like I'm not even there. I am so confused.
I saw him today and he was with his friends (the guy who asked why I'm shy). he was looking at first but when I looked

2007-11-16 07:51:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want you to discuss all aspects of it, relationships, sex, everything. I just want to know.

2007-11-16 07:44:51 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

i like this new guy at our school but i havent really talked to him untill yesterday. he asked me what my name was and i told him and he goes thats kinda sexy. so i smiled and walked away. then i saw him again today and he sang my name as he walked by and smiled. i really want to go up and talk to him but i dont know what to say. any ideas????? plus good flirting tips too. thanks

2007-11-16 07:39:10 · 1 answers · asked by brooklynn olivia 4

im 15 and i want to kno if there interested?

2007-11-16 07:28:25 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend and i have been together for a year and a half but he is so mentally abusive. we broke up last night and i know it was the right thing to do but it still hurts like hell....when does it stop hurting?

2007-11-16 07:27:54 · 12 answers · asked by Fighter 1

You know we're not difficult to confuse!

2007-11-16 07:26:23 · 17 answers · asked by Ahwell 7

Basically, will you guys call back after a one night stand if it was off the top (3x in one night), or just work on the next time with another stranger? What qualifies as a "call back"?

2007-11-16 07:22:55 · 5 answers · asked by mayita 1

Hello, I am really shy guy, Girls keep looking at me. but i usually dont smile when i look at them but girls also dont smile. I want to talk to my neibourhood girl. she also looks at me. she knows my name and my background. where should i start? Give me some tips !! Thanks in advance....

2007-11-16 07:18:40 · 15 answers · asked by vijaiatul22 1

spend more time with but i could tell she likes me better. me i have a better image then him besides the fact that he is told mean person to me always rolls his eyes at me. When she is around i'm worried that she is going to dump me for him?

2007-11-16 07:16:28 · 19 answers · asked by Matthew H 1

I have a friend from high school days who's into tantra and she thinks about sex but doesn't do anything physically so as to build up a "pool of passion". How does one do that? What do you do?

2007-11-16 07:15:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Maybe just a little chubby, without the sloppy belly, has a smaller waist, big tts, big hips, thick thighs, and a nice bubble butt. I dont know about ya'll but they drive me crazy, thats just too sexy to me.what do you all think?

2007-11-16 07:12:58 · 12 answers · asked by layn da smckdwn 4

2007-11-16 07:09:30 · 5 answers · asked by abhi_comp225 2

I have been in a relationship for 4.5 years. I think that we will get married sometime soon, but I am cautious because he was a virgin when we got together. I am afraid that his curiosity will someday get the best of him and cause him to cheat. What are the chances of our relationship surviving?

2007-11-16 07:06:06 · 9 answers · asked by bananie83 1

A lot of men on here try to hook up with girls. Are they for real, or do such species as they describe themselves as exist. Can a relationship be formed by hooking up with someone on here.

2007-11-16 06:57:12 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

need help

2007-11-16 06:56:34 · 45 answers · asked by jorge_avila_12 1

me and this guy met on a cruise. we had sex twice, and acted like bf and gf. after the cruise he contacted me right away on myspace.
we didnt talk constantly..but after awhile he wasnt contacting me and i got nervous. i wrote him a message on myspace basically
saying that if he doesnt write back, he doesnt want any part of me..and he wrote back. i surprised visited him a few months after
the cruise, and he was really happy. he kissed me on the lips goodbye, we were only there for about 20 minutes. it was weird bc
i already decided i was going to college near where he lives in a year before the cruise. between the cruise and college we saw
eachother twice, once the surprise visit, and the other time we hung out and talked the entire time..NO SEX. we had a convo
about whether or not he was using me on the cruise or not. he said no he didnt and that he liked me. after that visit, he texted
me right after saying "thanks for coming..cant wait to see you again"..i told him i was glad that we got to talk and he said "i would
never use you" later on i said i was going to bed and i told him to have fun and he said "all my fun left at 12"...which is when i
left. two days later he texts me and were talking about him coming to ny to visit me and we could go to the city..and he said
"way rather see you then the city"..we didnt always talk constantly, but every now and then we did..so basically we were
keeping in touch. the third time we were supposed to hang out , he messed up plans...and i was down near where he lived and
staying at a hotel. he called me and got a cab and told me he was coming to see me..and it doesnt matter how much it costs
he just wanted to see me..but i told him he messed up plans in the first place, and it was too late so there was no point in coming.
5 days later, he mustered up the confidence to call me and apologize for when he messed up plans. he told me to tell him the
next time i was coming down, and he said "lets keep this long distance relationship going"..but we werent in an ldr. this past
august, i came to college near where he lives, a whole year since the cruise. we had kept in contact for one year..and now were 15
minutes away. weve hung out 6 times since ive been here. the first time he just stopped by with his friend and his friend said
that the guy i like wanted to see his girl..meaning me. we didnt have sex, we just talked. he texted me after the visit and said
it was nice seeing u tonight. i told him i was sorry he didnt stay longer and he said he would have loved to, but he didnt want
my suitemates to hate him for being there so late when we have classes the next day. and he said "just wanted to see you." the
second time he came to visit he came to lay with me. we layed together and talked the whole time, and then did stuff, but NO SEX.
i asked him why things happen sexually between us and he said because i like you and you like me. and i said as more than a friend?
and he was like..yeah i like you as more than a friend. and i said..so u didnt come here for sex..and he said..i didnt even bring a condom
so i didnt even have intentions..and we didnt have sex. he then left and gave me a huge hug and a kiss on the lips, and he was a little
offended because he said "why do you have to make me out to be such an asshole."..but he wasnt mad at me, just a little upset.
the next time we hung out we just layed and talked with eachother..NO SEX. i went over there, and it took me awhile to get there
and he called me 4 TIMES..to make sure i wasnt lying to him..and was really coming. he even offered to pay for my cab, and drove me home the next day
and then the 4th time we layed together and talked again..NO SEX. the 5th time we hung out..we actually did have sex..and
he asked me if i was alright..and if it felt good, and we climaxed at the same time. it was really intimate. the 6th time we hung out
he got high, drank, and popped pills. he wasnt himself..he was still sweet to me but he was avoiding me. i asked him what was going
on and he said he wasnt mad at me. and i said..well why are you avoiding me..and he said i wasnt. i said..listen do you like me
and he said..of course i do..its obvious i do. and he said..i just dont want a gf right now..and i think you ask a lot of questions.
i was like..i know i do..except when youre acting weird..i have a reason to act. so i was like well do u like me as more than a friend
and he was confused. i said well why did we have sex the other night..and he was like idk. he was so confused and so out of it.
so he leaves and i get a text from his friend pretending to be the guy i like saying..i had to leave cause i think youre friend is hott.
i called..and the friend answered and was like..we just hooked up..i want your friend. and they came back and the guy i like was
like i didnt say any of that..that wasnt me. so the guy i like was like lets talk in the kitchen..and the friend follows us? and the friend
got involved and pulled me aside and was like..listen he told me the gist..youre friends..he likes hanging out with you..but he
doesnt want a relationship..u hooked up on the cruise what did u think it was ? and i said..how dare you..you dont even know
the story..we didnt just hook up on the cruise. and he was like well idk. so they leave again and the friend calls me saying..the guy
you like is ****** up..call him when hes sober so you can talk..so i was like whatever. then later i get a text from the guy i likes
phone and his friend is texting me saying..the guy you like is passed out..but he likes your friend..can she hang right now? im awake..
and hes telling me yes the guy u like likes ur friend..send the digits over but dont tell him i was on his phone. i was thinking..if the
guy i like wants my friends number..why would he be mad that you were on his phone...wouldnt you just be doing him a favor?

ps. the guy i like was in a 5 year relationship with a girl who cheated on him and got pregnant with another guys kid.
his friends influence him a lot..and when we were hanging out this last hang out he was talking about how he knows a lot of pocketbook
brands bc he would buy them for his ex gf..and he "knows how girls are"..and i think that triggered the way he was acting weird.

and his myspace song is look after you by the fray and his title says "any reason why you would want to date me"
and we havent spoken in 4 weeks..and now his song is i dont wanna be in love. and now his title says " this way is a waterslide away from you"
and now i think hes hooking up with some girl.

1. does he like me and have feelings for me?
2. is he using me?
3. was i just a hookup?
4. what does his myspace title and songs mean?
5. did i pressure him or push him away?
6. will he ever talk to me again or want to see me?
7. do you think hes still in love with his ex gf?
8. why hasnt he been contacting me?
9. why is he hooking up with some girl right now?
10. do you think hell stop liking me, and his feelings will just randomly stop for me?
11. would he honestly hold onto me for over a year to have sex once and thats it?
12. do you think he'll come back around and we'll eventually go out?
13. what if he gets back with his ex gf? does that mean he doesnt like me? what does it mean?

2007-11-16 06:53:36 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-16 06:52:18 · 1 answers · asked by racheal m 1

I am wondering if when you are on the internet if you become a different person. For shy people do you become more outgoing and talk to people. For me the internet kind of brings out the naughty side of me. I have shown some scantily clad pics of myself before which is something I would never do in person. Who else changes on the internet and in what way do you change.

2007-11-16 06:52:06 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

like emotions and thoughts and stuff?

2007-11-16 06:51:09 · 9 answers · asked by *!Its Shay!* 1


should i ask this girl out, i know from school and everything, on msn messenger or is that wrong?

2007-11-16 06:47:33 · 3 answers · asked by nuh uh! 4

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