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Singles & Dating - 4 April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I just found out I am pregnant yesterday, and i am worried on the reaction my mom is going to give me. I am 19 yrs. old I have been with my boyfriend 2 1/2 yrs now and we both go to college, and are deeply in love.....But besides that I think my Mom will be mad . So how should i tell her?

2007-04-04 08:45:02 · 24 answers · asked by Jackie A 1

2007-04-04 08:40:02 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hey everyone,

How could I ask a girl to junior prom who I've never spoken with? Is it possible? I'd have to ask in the hall or something but I dont wanna seem like a total creep! Help!

2007-04-04 08:32:43 · 12 answers · asked by Jim 1

I'm getting very tired of being single and I was wondering. Is it better to just go up to a cute girl and talk to her out of nowhere or is it better to wait for a cute girl that comes along so that you can make friends and then work towards becoming more than friends? Whichever one you think is better, why? By the way, I'm in college, and I dont want to date just for fun. I mean, I do but the reason I date is to find a girl that I want to marry. I'm pretty mature for my age, 18, and I'm a decent looking guy. Most girls would wonder why I'm asking this but I've never had a girlfriend. I've just been on dates with girls that later tell me they have a boyfriend. Anyway, thanks for your opinion.

2007-04-04 08:29:38 · 30 answers · asked by Packman 1


2007-04-04 08:17:40 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

i gave head to this kid i met yesterdayy..last nitee...we werent relle thinking i guess caught up in the momentt im afriad im gunna get an std bcuz my best guy friend whos friend with the kid tld me he has an stdd...idk wut to doo nd i dont wanna tell my mom...im 14 ndd hes 17 ahh

2007-04-04 08:10:27 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay so my bf is usually super busy. I know that and I understand, but lately he seems like he's blowing me off. I want to talk to him about how I'm feeling but I'm afraid of losing him. I think I should call him, and I know he wont answer today, and leave him a message saying I need to talk to him and it's important. But after that I dont know what to say. Help?

2007-04-04 08:02:06 · 24 answers · asked by jesssikahhh_x3 4

Been in this relationship for about 3 months.. I only told him that I loved him only because he brought up the fact that he thought I was falling in love with him. I have to add that we have known each other for 2 years and that I started to have feelings about a year before we started this relationship together. So obviously, my feelings are more developed than his I guess... But crap.. I really don't understand any of this. This is only the 2nd relationship (seriously..it is) that I have ever had.. my other one was 20 years long.. So I am not too "worldly" when it comes to things like this. Am I looking to much into it?

2007-04-04 07:51:58 · 13 answers · asked by SF49erGirl 1

What are some different positons my girlfriend and I can try while we make out? So far we've only gone through three: me on top, her on top, and her on my lap while we face each other sitting down.

2007-04-04 07:49:50 · 2 answers · asked by Good for somethin' 3

My gf and I have been dating for nearly 2 years and we've talked about marriage. Just recently she started tripping about things, been searching through my emails and reading the text messages in my phone while i'm in the shower and such. I have a friend that i've known for 3 years, we know nothing is going to happen between us, but sometimes we talk dirty to each other. My gf has met my friend through a photoshoot that we did for her. Anyways she says she know the girl likes me and that I should cut off all contact with her. Just recently, like within the past two days she called someone who works for Verizon and had them to pull all of my friends text messages, the guy did it and called her back and emailed her all the text messages my friend either sent or recieved from me. I feel totally violated and now I feel liken some one is always watching me for every little thing I do. I talked with my gf and told her I don't appreciate it and I can't believe she has trust issues.

2007-04-04 07:46:51 · 13 answers · asked by madtyga2002 4

Well my ex-boyfriend and i were together this was my first time but i didn't feel any different after so i wasn't sure as to if i was still a virgin or not. Recently i have been with someone and we did have sex and the same thing happened i don't feel any different. What i would like to know is did i lose my virginity the first time?

2007-04-04 07:37:21 · 11 answers · asked by sliverwings 2

when we started going out she came over to his apartment with prom pictures from like 2001 he said i hates her and she wont leave him alone but its hard to believe when they talk on myspace he always tells me she wont stop sending him messages and i was like well if you guys broke up 4 years ago how does she have your home number he say she looked it up in the phone book and when she calls i just tell her i have to go. but i dont know if i should beileve him or not wev know eachother for about 5 years weve been together for 9months and we use to live in the same apartment complex thats how we met then he moved away and i didnt see him for about 4 years then all of a sudden we run into eachother i was so happy cuz hes the first man iv ever fell in love with. but the hole ex-girlfriend thing i dont know what i should believe you think he still has feelings for his ex-girlfriend that is now married?

2007-04-04 07:29:14 · 2 answers · asked by to good to be true 1

how do you get a guys attention....p.s. im only fifteen so dont get to graphic...

2007-04-04 07:28:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i work with an ex.. i want him to get fired.. any ideas?


2007-04-04 07:27:58 · 40 answers · asked by xoxocean 3

My boyfriend lives 1500 miles away we see each other an extened weekend every month.

2007-04-04 07:27:02 · 4 answers · asked by Megan C 1

or what a difference between a normal woman and a lesbian.,and why they feel that they can do a sex with the other woman..?why they feel.that kind of things.they don't believe in nature..?or they just do something ridicules against nature..?????plz tell me in detail..

2007-04-04 07:25:59 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend and I (now he's my Fiance) were walking around his campus about 2 years ago and he ran into this girl. He introduced us and they said a few words, then we went our seperate ways. Well a few weeks later him and I asked each other who we each lost our virginity to and he said, "remember that girl that we ran into at my school, well that was her". After I heard that I got this awful feeling in my stomach and every once in a while I think about it. Just that fact that I was once face to face with the girl he shared such an intimate moment with, a moment I will never share with him. Even though I had his child, I know that tops the girl that took is virginity but I just can't get the feeling out of my stomach. He says to me that it meant nothing to him and that virginities are more of a thing for girls. I'm not worried about the situation at all or about her I just wanted to know what other men thought about the girl they lost their virginity to. Thanks.

2007-04-04 07:18:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

a. i don't really know how to french kiss and not be terrible
b. ive only done it once or twicce with my ex of 11 mos.
c. it was really gross when we did
can ya help me out? whats the deal?

2007-04-04 07:11:54 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

examples: go to the beach, massage someone, walk etc...

2007-04-04 07:04:59 · 33 answers · asked by barefootkato 2

is virginty effect you in your social life?is it really bad loosing virginity before marriage?is it really important for a man(future husband)?

2007-04-04 07:03:08 · 21 answers · asked by nienna 2

Is it the fault of the man or women or is it because they dont see the quality of the women they normally choose or is it the beccause of the sex pls

2007-04-04 07:00:57 · 1 answers · asked by Jacqueline B 1

2007-04-04 06:50:50 · 19 answers · asked by :o) 3

I seen this guy at work one day .. and we both looked at each other ... i walked away i seen him like 2 weeks ago .. and we talked we exchange numbers .. we started talking on the phone ... we meet up for lunch everyday .. and chill here and there ... I like him and he confessed he does to but when he tells me this !!! that he is NOt legally married but lives with someone and is expecting a kid.... So know everytime she calls and hes with me he goes outside and talks to her ...


I dont want to be that girl that DISTROYS a family just cause i got attached to him ... u feel me ? Its like i want to just let it go .. cause in the long run if he ever gets caught .. he will deny ever feeling for me and lie about everything .. and just go back to her .. im worth more and do not want to put my self in that . !!

What should i do ?


2007-04-04 06:49:58 · 17 answers · asked by Melissa I 1

2007-04-04 06:46:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was about to leave this club when a drunk guy came up to me.He said he had to tell me before I left what a nice butt I have.Has anything similar ever happened to anybody else?If so, what exactly.

2007-04-04 06:39:55 · 17 answers · asked by Mary R 2

2007-04-04 06:32:41 · 11 answers · asked by jess 2

we have been dating for about 7 months,he has mental stimulation...I cant tolorate to be around him but for so long before I get irratated and Im sure it goes both ways.Ive tried to break it off but he shows up at my home wanting to talk about the situation. I even think he follows me from time to time. I dont really know what i want or see in him other than physical pleasure these days, He also tends to make me feel older than I am and act older which aint going to fly because the reason he's sprung is my spirit.. I really enjoy the time spent,Im confused and dont really know what to do here.... any advice?

2007-04-04 06:26:10 · 25 answers · asked by tavia20019 2

What do you like better?

Girls, I an just wondering . Does it matter to you if your B/F gets big s quirts or just little dribbles when he ej aculates ?

2007-04-04 06:15:52 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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