medical school. He has become the head TA of a class, medical school keeps him busy, he only sleeps like 4 or 5 hours a day due to studying etc.. Basically he has a really good excuse for being busy. We are both on facebook with a million other friends and cousins, he doesn't post on my wall, or comment my notes or pics, i post on his time to time, but he never replies. i say to myself, he does care he is just busy. than why the ***** does he have time to write on other walls or comment things. he replies to my cousins, exactly my age, somehow finds time to reply to some friends but never me and it pisses me off. just spending 30 sec to say hi on my wall or comment a pic or something reminds us and people that we are siblings and that he cares. doesn't he care if i am having sex, doing drugs, cutting myself again, etc. i care about him, has he eaten, does he want me to send him something . . ? why doesn't he feel the same way or show me that he does?! all i ask is to remember me!
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