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Singles & Dating - 11 February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Are you still harboring feelings of love, or hatred? Do you wish them well, or do you wish them the worst. Do you still see or contact your ex?

2007-02-11 21:09:27 · 18 answers · asked by nunya 3

I somehow cannot seem to keep a boyfriend especially when it comes to comprimising I fail miserably....I understand that there should be some compromising cause of the differences and stuff but when do you draw the line or should you draw the line is it okay to lose your own self in a relationship just to keep it going??? Please guys help

2007-02-11 21:09:05 · 9 answers · asked by Nokuthula 2

In a relationship, what's the biggest age difference you'd settle for?
What if you were younger (14)?

2007-02-11 21:03:25 · 16 answers · asked by huntingforeggs 2

I have a crush with this guy, we're from the same school now in college and found out that we're from the same province and go to same highshool back... We're not really close but we text each other maybe 2x a month with just some silly quotes... then one day I had the courage and text him... I ask if he have some feelings for me!!! but days passed and no response from him... And from that moment on I never texted him again... Then we saw each other at the airport but we never even say hi hello to each other... I don't know it's a weird feeling that I still like him but don't want to be hurt by that feeling anymore... So I still have this question in my mind why he never reply with my question if he have feelings for me... It just simple as YES or a NO!!!

2007-02-11 21:01:48 · 4 answers · asked by desert 2

see me and my gf wanna kiss but i dont know how we both want to but probaly are to embarased to kiss.she told me she wants to kiss.but the thing is i do to but how when where and how long?and how to tell if she likes the kiss or just went along to not break up.im 11 old. and wht do i do when i want to kiss her hug her.we have not started holding hands yet should i wait for that then after a few weeks kiss her?we have been going out since january 18 2007.we hug and sit next to eachother at lunch and walk next to eachother and walk home together bt no holding hands or kisses yet.how to tell if she wants to kiss me (i mean i already know for sure she does but she wrote me a note i wrote i do to)like if she want to more than kiss like make out?pelase help me please???dont forget to answer all of my other questions please thank ya girls advice most helpful pelase.

2007-02-11 20:59:16 · 9 answers · asked by ray r. 2

Is this possible? Why?

2007-02-11 20:56:12 · 12 answers · asked by Lilliana 5

I'm going to be in Barcelona this week and know a lady who will also be there. On Valentine's evening I've offered to show her the city, lavish my attention on her, buy her dinner and then walk her around the Barcelona fountains.....so far she's said.... "f*** off, I'm busy!"

Do I take this as a sign of genuine disinterest or is she playing hard to get?

2007-02-11 20:54:29 · 21 answers · asked by James M 2

My crush & are classmates..One time, while i was talking to one of my friends, I caught her looking at me! (my crush) Then i became so shy that I tried to look away (while still talking, pretending that I didn't see her)..Then,after that incident, while we we're walking as a group, I heard her tell one of her friend (a girl) that her crush was somewhat stupid coz her crush seem to be always daydreaming, I mean, always looking far away..Then she said, even if her crush was like that, she still likes him..I don't know if it's me she was talking about..Bcoz this girl isn't a typ[ical one, she's aggressive and some kinda flirt..Do you think it was me? what's a good advice to help me?

2007-02-11 20:53:34 · 5 answers · asked by 'd campus Hearthrob 1

So I've got a major crush on this guy at school ... and then my best friend said to him that I have a crush on him, and then he always looks at me then smiles and well, he was asking me to dance with him to our prom ... (I DONT REALLY KNOW WHAT TO DO, I'M REALLY A BEGINNER WHEN IT COMES TO THIS, PLEASE HELP!! I'M REALLY REALLY SHY AND I DUNNO WHAT TO DO!!) ... hehehe, I dunno ... maybe I uhhhh ... whatever ...

2007-02-11 20:53:22 · 7 answers · asked by Unable2Love 1

he can send me long mails and even cry if he feels he is losing me. iam confuse i dont know if he really loves me? few days ago he sent me amail that he loves me but we both have strong personality. and we can not be together. i haven't replied cos i am triying to forget abt him even if i know it's not easy, bcos he won't let go. what should i do?

2007-02-11 20:52:50 · 2 answers · asked by MIMI T 1

Well here it is. I signed on to my b/f's yahoo screen name, and went through his conversation that he had with this girl. In the conversation she asked him if we were back together and he said no, but we were back together. Then she told him about the message I had sent her, and he said if anyone is a whore it is her(referring to me). Well I confronted him. He asked what I was doing going through his personal stuff. I understood where he was coming from but I felt I had a right to know. He said it don't matter cause it's just yahoo, and besides he didn't even remember the conversation because he was drunk. Then just this past Tuesday night I called to talk to him and he said that he couldn't talk because he was busy. Well come to find out there were to girls here that his buddy had brought over and the girls slept in my b/f's bed with him. He swears he didn't do anything with them. What should I do? Should I break up with him. Help me please!

2007-02-11 20:52:22 · 12 answers · asked by Esther V 2

so I'm doing a poll.... which do you think...
is love a false preception of security, or is security a false preception of love?

2007-02-11 20:47:27 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am Rajib.32 years old.
I like a girl(20 years).she takes computer tution from me.I want to
know whether she likes me.
Sometimes she stares at me and create a direct eye contact while
talking.Even she wants to listen music(titanic) and watch some music
in class.Tho other students are there she doesn't care about it. Tho
course tends to end but she doesnt want to end the course and wants to
hold for long.She even don't want to miss the class also.She laughs
when i say some joke in class.
Based on these pls. tell whether she likes me or not.

2007-02-11 20:44:51 · 13 answers · asked by rjb_bnrj 1

What am i looking for to make sure she was flirting with him. His face was bright red is that a ding ding we have a winner duh thing I am kinda thinking so. What do I say. I have anger problems and am afraid of going on a phsycho babble rampage sometimes so I hold back but what do u say? He still deny's it and she's gone but this stupid thing is annoying me still. What do I say/do next time?

2007-02-11 20:41:25 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I find ladies who look at me so much and smile and i fail to understand, they want to play sex, or what help me out,may be am missing to enjoy some fun

2007-02-11 20:39:23 · 19 answers · asked by Simex 3

ok well I've been going out with a girl who was christian but not serious about it till well tonight..errr last night, and she now tells me that she is no longer going to fool around with me and the furthest she will go is making out with me, me myself am not christian I'm not religious, but for some reason she see's no problem with this and doesnt let that stop her from seeing me, but my question is, we've already fooled around quite a bit but now all of a sudden she has a rushing need to fufill herself with religion, and is laying down rules left and right about what I can and cant do, and quite honestly I think this is bull$#*t, I mean really I just got through a tough period of trying to be with her and have her friends leave us alone and now she is throwing all these christian rules on me...where where these rules before!?!
my question is should I wait a while for this girl to either come to her senses or what should I do?
she wont tell me how long I would have to wait or anything

2007-02-11 20:38:06 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i mean evey1 goes through this crisis right?
~there has to be some1 out there for me!

2007-02-11 20:38:00 · 10 answers · asked by mariah 1

i am such an idiot. i met this amazing guy in a club on saturday night, but i let him go without asking for his number. i really want to find him but i dont even know his last name! does anyone have any ideas????? i just cant stop thinking about him and i'm really worried that i will never find him again.....what can i do?

2007-02-11 20:36:35 · 4 answers · asked by rach 1

do you think you are....?
Have you ever been surprised by your reaction to something?

2007-02-11 20:35:38 · 8 answers · asked by Basket-santa 6

We live together and have so for the past year. We both make good $, 110,000 plus combined. I'm 25. I'm 1/2 black, 1/2 mexican and She's chinese... (other note: if we have kids, they'lll be 1/2 chinese 1/4 black 1/4 mexican and his/her last name will be WHITE!...LOL)

When I first got with her 2 yrs ago her parents hated me and never would speak or look at me... Now they're ok with it and actually very nice to me... I am a very proud person... Should I just forgive them?... Or Ask them why they were so hateful in the beginning? I would always say that they would never be around my kids or even invitied to the wedding for the way they treated me... Is this wrong, they are very old school chinese so I think if I brought this up they would be offended, should I care and make them see that people are just people?

Also thinking of funny ways to Propose... any ideas?

2007-02-11 20:28:59 · 21 answers · asked by Coach White 2

Me and my boyfriend just made a year (today) but we almost broke up yesterday. Theres a lot of problems, but not really amongst ourselves, but with outside conflicts (which then affects us). We had break up near new years, and it was really bad - but we were back together after a couple hours. We always try to break up, but we never really can actually go through with it. I know I love him with all my heart, but i get too hurt easily with him, and he gets hurt too easily with me. We've tried to have some time apart to start things over, but we're never able to, and I can't seem to put a pause to our year. I have no idea what to do because when we fight I'm usually the one that has to fix things, then in the middle of our argument he tries to be all sweet and let it pass but I don't want to because I want to finish and get things clear - but it just makes me angrier when he does that! :( I need help... Sorry for making this so long..

2007-02-11 20:27:27 · 5 answers · asked by No. 01 2

I think we kick as-ssssssssss!!!

2007-02-11 20:19:29 · 10 answers · asked by Cyrill sneer 2

I don't understand why women know they deserve a guy that will show them respect, say i love you, surprise them w/little romatic things etc... but they settle for so much less. Women settle for guys that treat them like a dog, walks all over them, cheat, lie. But for some reason women end up falling in love with those type of guys cause they don't want to wait for that one right guy to come along. This question is for girls and guys to answer.

2007-02-11 20:18:07 · 15 answers · asked by Elizabeth C 2

My ex and I have been broken up for a week in a half. (we've been through this before because we were together a year in a half on and off). He won't stop calling my house, the phone line is tapped and it's going to the Sheriff's whenever he calls, but they won't do anything about it. He won't leave me alone on Myspace... he sends e-mail after e-mail and spams my inbox and in the e-mails all he's saying is "I love you baby, can we still be friends? i miss you" and all that lovely crap. Then when I'm on AIM he's always IM'ing me saying the same crap and then he's always on top of that calling me a b**** and a whore and a s*** and just all of these uncalled names and saying I'll never find another guy better than him. It's driving me crazy and I do keep changing my screen name but he ALWAYS finds me... I need some help... it's driving me crazy and stressing me out reallly bad. I do'nt know what to do and like I said the sherriff isn't do anything about it. It's been going on for 2 wks.

2007-02-11 20:15:20 · 3 answers · asked by Christina 3

2007-02-11 20:14:16 · 10 answers · asked by Cyrill sneer 2

My girlfriend of 3 yrs doesn't want to have sex anymore or be romantic in anyway. We only have sex on her terms, which is about every 6 to 8 weeks. I can't make any moves on her or she will get mad--no touching or kissing. I know she could go the doctor, but when I bring this up she gets mad. I know sex isn't the only thing in a relationship, but damn, I'm 27 not 57--I like to have sex.

2007-02-11 20:14:03 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i really fancy this guy. ive known him for ages.

when i was out on a nite out with my friends and my boyfriend, he was out too on a nite out with his friends and his girlfriend. we all started to hang out together.he was texting me all nite asking me to to over and speak to him etc. i didnt cause i found it a bit strange.

since, hes been texting me asking me to meet up when hes out in town if we are both out-by chance.

as i ended my relationship with my boyf (not cause of this guy) i have met up with him a few times. we have only kissed.

sometimes tho, he ignores my messges and i dont hear from him for a while, so i dont bother but then, he comes back as normal!

he told me that hes not seeing his girlfriend anymore.

Why is he behaving like this??
i have heard that he loves the chase, but also, that hes a virgin. is this why hes behaving like he is?
he did want to take "things" futher with me tho, sexually.

hes 29.

2007-02-11 20:13:22 · 11 answers · asked by hunni!!! 1

If you were financially independent of each other by splitting all bills 50/50
If you two didn't annoy the crap out of each other but didn't click exactly either just kind of co-exist together
If you two lived in the same apartment
If the families opinion of the gf was not objectionable but not well liked same for the friends
If you two were comfortable with each other secure with each persons qualities and traits
Intimate life is great but uneventful otherwise
if you two could sit on the couch and cuddle forever making fun of silliness on tv
If your phone conversations only last 10 minutes max
If daily conversations were a task to maintain
If you felt like making the other person happy and do your best all the time but never really know where they stood
If you had lengthy conversations regarding moving together but deep concerns about the negative emotional affects on the other person common of moving
If you were constantly wanting it to work but never sure what was up ???

2007-02-11 20:09:47 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

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