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Singles & Dating - 14 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

she already played barbie, and stardoll

2007-01-14 06:13:55 · 2 answers · asked by gelcoolgirl 1

Do women really care if you have a lot of friends, as long as your taking them out and having a good time. I have friends but no close friends. If you and the girl you dating have a good time just the two of you. Does she want to be hanging out with your friends a lot.

Basically is guy with not that many friends a big turnoff?

2007-01-14 06:13:40 · 2 answers · asked by Magician 1

me and my girl have been have problems since day 1. sometimes i have mixed emotions about her. one day i want to be with her, the next i don't. she's all about partying and i'm just a chill type person. i don't know.. should i let her go? i guess the real reason i can't let her go cause i would hate to know or see her with someone else. i guess i'm just being stingy.

2007-01-14 06:13:24 · 3 answers · asked by Blake 3

I understand that yeah, i am a bit hardkore at times, and there's been 2 "nice guys" now that I got hold of but had to dump them coz they were too nice...but all the guys honestly think they can just go out with me and my friend for u-no-wot...and EVERYONE says they've gotten into me...there's one group of guys who know what Im really like, but they're all the ladies guys, so knowing them even if I did go for one o' them they'd cheat or something...but how can I make a guy realise that Im not a ****, but without changing myself?

2007-01-14 06:10:43 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

if a guy want to do things with you but you dont do it with him will it make him want you more? or will doing things with him make him like you more???

2007-01-14 06:08:57 · 25 answers · asked by hj 1

i know this is long, but please answer both questions

so i went on a cruise and i met this whole group of guys. me and my friend hung out with them every single night of that cruise. the first 3 nights i had noticed this one guy, but nothing was happening between us, we just hung out really as a big group and talked a lot. the 4th night strolled around and me and this kid were hanging out and we went to my room and talked the whole entire night. he had mentioned to me ahead of time that he didn't want me to think he was gay because he wasn't going to do anything with me because i had already hooked up with his brother. so i was fine with that, and the whole entire night we talked about so much. i started to have more than a physical attraction to him, and before we even hooked up that night he had already kissed me on the cheek and when he had to go to the casino he promised he'd be back in 20 minutes to hang out with me, and he came back in 10. then we talked some more and by the end of the night we had hooked up. he slept over my room, and he had asked me before we hooked up if we were going to be hanging out the next day. the next day my friend got him from the casino, because he was always there right after dinner, and she asked him if he wanted to hang out..so he said yes and he came to my room right away to hang out. we had talked for a little while, and then he asked if i wanted to go to his room, and we went and we were hooking up and everything led to sex happening naturally in the moment. it was amazing, although he didn't talk much, it was as if he was focusing really hard and concentrating. he did everything to me, and there was a lot of foreplay. after we had sex, we went to the casino for a little while, and i told him i was going to go back to my room to lay down. i wasn't expecting him to come back that night, but he came knocking on my door to sleepover. the next night he came looking for me to hang out, but he thought i was with another guy because i was hanging out in a room with another guy, but nothing happened between me and that guy. so now he got upset, and didn't hang out with me for two nights. eventually we met back up again, and he explained to me how he thought i was with another guy. i cleared it up for him and told him that i was not with another guy at all, and i wouldn't be. that night, him, me and my friend hung out the whole entire night talking, until this other guy came to hang out with my friend. and then me and this kid had sex again in the moment, which was even more amazing the second time. he was so caring, and seemed to be more comfortable. he was constantly asking if i was alright, and told me to tell him when to stop. he slept over again that night and we layed together. earlier that night he had pulled my friend aside to ask what the deal with me was. and he said that i was his girlfriend on the cruise, and if i lived where he did after the cruise we'd be together. it just so happens that i am going to college where he lives. the last night we hung out once again and talked a lot, and he kissed me goodbye on the lips. after the cruise, he commented me right away on myspace, and we talked a few times, but it's really hard to talk everyday, and it's not easy to get involved in a long distance relationship, because those hardly ever work, plus we never really talked about it. at one point he had been really busy, but i thought he was avoiding me..so i left him a message saying, i'd still like to be friends or at least talk for that matter, but if you don't write back then i'll know you don't want any part of me. sure enough, he wrote back, and told me that of course we're still friends, and let me know that he didn't have a girlfriend or anything. i surprised him one time and he was really happy to see me, he acted the same exact way he did on the cruise, and kissed me on the lips goodbye. he told me to call him next time that way we could actually meet up and hang out. he wanted to make sure i was definitely coming to college there also. it was a really nice visit, and after the visit, he had commented me asking me how the rest of my trip was , and telling me to call him next time i was in his state. we haven't talked in awhile, and for right now i'm moving on, and so is he..he has a girlfriend which he just got recently, and i'm sure i'll find someone new, but hopefully in the future this might work out.

p.s. i never did anything to him such as giving him head or a hand job, and he wasn't with any other girls on the cruise.

does this sound like he really liked me a lot, and maybe we have a chance in the future?

2007-01-14 06:08:37 · 10 answers · asked by rachel a 1

2007-01-14 06:08:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really like this girl and had dinner with her. She's responding nicely to my texts and we had a great time last night. I've had some great answers to my last question and am debating asking her out, how do I do it? I'm getting scared.

2007-01-14 06:07:30 · 7 answers · asked by Keplaz 2

Ok I think I might like my best friend. How in the world do i ask him out (if I decde to) or how do I drop hints that I want him to ask me out? I dont really want to ak him out because every tim its ended badly. Remember I am a modest girl and 13 so..... ya. Anyway, thanks 4 all your help! :D

2007-01-14 06:06:27 · 1 answers · asked by lauranakf 2

...and did some of you keep your first impressions - and took on cynicism - or realise it would get better in time, depending on the enthusiasm and aesthetics of partner (of whatever sex)?

2007-01-14 06:06:06 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

and were you dis illusioned? lik shocked or whteva ??

2007-01-14 06:05:39 · 9 answers · asked by spin spin sunshine 4

how would you feel if you got a place with your girl and she waited til the last minute to tell you that she's moving back home with her parents and cause she knows you and her isn't going to work if you and her lived together? don't you think that is some major bs?

2007-01-14 06:05:35 · 13 answers · asked by Blake 3

I was dumped recently, but we both still wanna stay friends. Is it possible to stay friends with someone you were with for 5 years?? Cuz right now it just feels so weird....

2007-01-14 06:05:22 · 7 answers · asked by Alex 2

I mean, aren't we supposed to be ourselves, love ourselves, and stand strong in spite of superficial social pressures?

2007-01-14 06:05:04 · 6 answers · asked by Just Chillin' 2

like they all disapper

2007-01-14 06:05:00 · 5 answers · asked by xoxbabexoxox 2

one girl i talk to wanted to try it but I said no. Should i try it?

2007-01-14 06:04:50 · 8 answers · asked by ? 6

My ex, ripped my heart out and chewed it up in little pieces. In the last year and a half I've been trying to make a decision. Which is worse. To live as a lone star in the universe within the vaccum of space or take the chance and love again and maybe have my heart ripped to pieces again. It may seem like an easy answer(of course to take chances). But, I'm not sure I can take another person breaking my heart.

2007-01-14 06:04:26 · 10 answers · asked by Voyager01 2

Are guys think girls are more unfaithfull in relationships,
or do girls thing guys are??
would really like to know what the people from 2007 think??

2007-01-14 06:04:01 · 4 answers · asked by m_faery 2

like they all disapper

2007-01-14 06:03:24 · 20 answers · asked by xoxbabexoxox 2

ok, there is this guy named jonathan, all of my friends and his friends say he likes me, but im not sure. recently, ive been noticing things he does to me and for me. here are some of the things.
1. he likes to touch me, grabbing my shoulder, touching my arm, and putting his arms around me, sometimes.
2. he is always really nice to me. one time, after gym he runs up to me and puts both of his hands on my shoulders and said to me, you were awesome today!
3. after band (i play saxophone, and he plays trumpet and he sits directly behind me) he always ALWAYS waits for me, even for no reason. one time i had to wait an extra 5 minutes and he waited for me, even tho he was late to his next class. he invited me to a church event, and a some other events. he always looks at me, and stares at me. i think i might like him to. i see him tonight again at 6. wat should i do to tell him that i like him to? and do you think he likes me? he also pull my chair out 4 me when we're done with band class

2007-01-14 06:00:55 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

We had been fighting on and off for six months. All I could get from him was that he didnt have it in him to give it another chance becuase he was so tired of us hurting each other. The problem was that sometimes he would do or say things that were a little insensitive, and, not getting my way, I would tend to freak out. What sucks is just when I finally realized what I was doing, so I oculd fix it, I lose him. He is the most wonderful person I have ever met, always there for me. I dont know what to really do. Ha, the last things we said to each other were insults out of anger, becuase I had been begging him pretty much for 12 hours staright, before bed and before I had to leave, and we were frustrated and angry with each other. He said he didnt want that to be the last time he saw me, that he still loved me very much, and wanted to be friends becuase then things wouldnt have emotions involved, but I could never do that, and I told him I didnt want to ever hear from him again.

2007-01-14 05:58:36 · 4 answers · asked by musicgurl1 3

I've been with my X-boyfrind for two months sins Nov. and evrey
time he comes and see me he allwasys has hes old girlfriend with
him. So one day I tould him that it was over and he said that he has batter options and hunk up on me. But a week befor I had sex with him but at first i didn't wont to because I wasn't ready but I did because he bage me and knaw I I think that I'm going to have a baby. and he dosent know that i meant be.So what should Ido?

2007-01-14 05:57:33 · 3 answers · asked by Sexy Chica!! 1

Does he like me? He always looks at me then looks at something else then looks at me, ect. What do you think? He's my crush and i already told him i liked him & asked him out but he said he didnt know cause we havent really talked..... but we still dont know each other very good... we only know are names... Can you help me?

2007-01-14 05:56:51 · 14 answers · asked by Green With Envy 2

2007-01-14 05:56:45 · 19 answers · asked by Shadow 1

I've been with my X-boyfrind for two months sins Nov. and evrey
time he comes and see me he allwasys has hes old girlfriend with
him. So one day I tould him that it was over and he said that he has batter options and hunk up on me. But a week befor I had sex with him but at first i didn't wont to because I wasn't ready but I did because he bage me and knaw I I think that I'm going to have a baby. and he dosent know that i meant be.So what should Ido?

2007-01-14 05:56:44 · 3 answers · asked by Sexy Chica!! 1

okay. like in my last question i didn't know what to do, well i decided for myself, well now that it is over, i think it was with the wrong person. I told myself and him that it would be casual meaningless s3x, but i think that when you do your ex and you still have feelings for the person, they reopen. i loved him and everything like that but he broke my heart 4 times and we decided we weren't going to be friends, but then that happened. I told him that i loved him and he didn't say anything. He is single and i am single but he said to me today the day after that he loved me but couldn't say it yesterday , then he asked if would could do it again. i mean i want to but i don't want to get hurt. Does he really love me or does he just want more i mean come on i realy shouldn't have done this should i? Do i find someone else or do i continue with him even though i know how i feel and how he pretends to feel?! Help Me!

2007-01-14 05:56:41 · 1 answers · asked by Hannah Lynn 1

So all most women now have a carreer, working on a carreer, or have a good paying stable job. So, ok props. A gurl of that nature is a turn off and a keeper. But, does that mean u have to give up being the man. LIke the proctector, the muscle of the relationship. Now since all women are more indepent, they think they dont have to answer to ur suggestions to problems in a relationship. They always come up with the "well im independent, i dont need u "... threats like that! what the hell!. Cant even put ur feet down on them even if ur justified without them threatening to leave u ...now im going for the loser junkie type...or some UNeducated, unsuccesful, loser... without potential and carrerr,

2007-01-14 05:54:50 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Broke up with ex in the beginning of september. We have both had a new relationship since then. I am out of mine and she is stll in hers. We ended up going out to dinner last week and we ended up sleeping together again. She said it was a one time thing and that it can't happen again. The whole time she was over she was hanging all over me like when we were together then she just shut off those feelings the next day, is that just from the guilt of cheating? She is really confusing me. I really don't know if it is a wise idea to hang out anymore. If it has happened once I don't really think it won't happen again. She also wasn't telling her boyfriend we were hanging out. She finally told him we went to dinner this week, but nothing else. Should I just stay away. I actaully still have feelings for her and she knows this. I don't honestly know what to do. Any advice would be great.

2007-01-14 05:53:13 · 7 answers · asked by john 2

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