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Singles & Dating - 31 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I have spent the last three months, almost 24 hours a day, making a version of Law and Order call Law and Order: Special Jar Jar Unit. Its like regular law and order only all the characters are Jar Jar Binks. The plot was Jar Jar Binks is found murdered and sexually assualted. Detectives Jar Jar Binks and Jar Jar Binks chase the killer, and find it to be Jar Jar Binks, the son of senator Jar Jar Binks. Senator Jar Jar Binks tries to use his power to free his son, but captain Jar Jar Binks and Assistant DA Jar Jar Binks manage to convict the the son. It was a great episode. I had it saved on my video camera and was carrying it around showing everyone I saw. Most people got a little peeved that a stranger (wearing a Jar Jar Binks costume) stops them in the street and makes them watch an hour long show but I knew they would love it. A lot of people got angry and threatened me, Then one guy tried to walk away and I jammed the camera in his face, he got mad and smashed it! My only copy!!!

2006-12-31 04:24:14 · 7 answers · asked by Be Intimate with Jar Jar Binks!! 1

Where were you? What did you do? Who were you with?

2006-12-31 04:23:22 · 24 answers · asked by Stewart M 1

were going on a snowboarding trip with out youth group from church
we got a huge cabin for our group and theres a jacuzzi

2006-12-31 04:21:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

only quotes I can remember "i'm in love...with another man"....and something like "he saw his own eyes"

2006-12-31 04:21:09 · 4 answers · asked by David M 1

Been dating a guy a bit for a few months. We have both been out of town alot over the past month and a half. We both left town at the same time for the holidays and I thought he was coming back around the same time. I have not heard from him. Up until the time that we left, everything was fine and we had seen each other a few days before and he called the night before to say bye etc. I sent him an e-mail asking him to give me a ring when he returns but no response. This is really not like him but I am starting to worry a bit. I am thinking that he may have stayed on his trip longer than planned. Am I over reacting?

2006-12-31 04:16:21 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do I choose in the following situation??(see add'l details for situation)

2006-12-31 04:15:09 · 15 answers · asked by Michael 1

2006-12-31 04:14:58 · 14 answers · asked by mister roy jones 2

Due to the fact i can't be bothered with this evenings frivolities (Everyone is ill!) who shall be here this evening, downing a few with the music blarring???


Do you have something else more exciting to do?

2006-12-31 04:10:49 · 33 answers · asked by untanuta 5

For example, there is this girl that keeps on saying "Eww..she is weird/" The thing is everytime she talks to me about someone like this,all I want to say is "Look, you are fat and have pimples all over your face, your breath stinks and you dress funny and you still somehow manage to make fun of other people!", but I have to hold myself back because I don't want to hurt her feelings..

How come some people NEVER think before they say something..

Or they ask weird questions about a persons character like "Why do you talk like that?" Because HE DOES. How can anyone answer that.. I hate people like that..it's so annoying because they have more problems than the person they knit-pick on.

2006-12-31 04:10:44 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

This man makes my heart soar. I finally found him after years of me searching for him and him searching for me (we used to work together). I can't stop thinking about him, and when he kissed me and told me he's always loved me, my heart literally skipped a beat. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. Problem? He is black and my parents are against interracial dating. I have an idea on how to tell them, but I hate confrontations like this with them...last time I got slapped and told that if I date another black man, my kids would be taken away (keep in mind, my kids are mixed too). Not to mention this man loves my kids...so how should I tell my parents????

2006-12-31 04:10:06 · 8 answers · asked by trisha_r_c 3

2006-12-31 04:09:44 · 2 answers · asked by bob 1

And some funny noises escape your body, would you be really embarrased, or just laugh it off?

2006-12-31 04:08:13 · 34 answers · asked by ? 2

Hey, Please read the add'l details and answer.

2006-12-31 04:07:20 · 19 answers · asked by Michael 1

I have a friend who is a girl that I have known for about 9 years....we have been best friends for so long but we have never even talked about either of us ever liking each other. I mean we literally have just been friends. Well last night we were out drinking and talking about new years resolutions and she said something to the effect of "Next year you should dump your girlfriend and Start dating me" this literally came out of no where...and it shocked me. At first I thought she was joking around because we always say dumb stuff to each other but I think she was serious. and the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Im not going to dump my girlfriend I love her more then anything and my friend likes her but I mean should I talk to her about it?

2006-12-31 04:05:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 11 months may be more. I am now 6 months pregnant with his baby. He has only told me that he loves me one time about 8 or 9 months ago and never said it a gian. I don't bother him about it but I always tell him I love him before we go to bed but never get a response back from him. We live together and have for about the whole time we have been dating. Sometimes I feel that he does, but when we get into an arguement he always brings up my past (lets just say I was not angel) and tells me he don't need me and can find someone better. I like to think that I have changed I don't do any of the things I used to that he brings up. I really love this man and would do any thing for him and have. What I want to know is he in love with me or just using me cause I am easy and vaulnrable?

2006-12-31 04:03:59 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

When a guy who claims he is a virgin is really good in bed, does it mean he has lied through out the relationship?? Cuz if he is a virgin how is he so good??
I mean, why would he lie?? Is it possible he is just good??
Every guy I have ever been(which is 4) with hasn't been a virgin and they sucked.
Don't most guys lie and say they are not virgins??
I AM NOT A ****.
I make a guy wait a while for sex.
He doesn't lie about anything else
Why would guys say they are a virgin if they are not??
Do some guys just have it??
He knows I am not a virgin.
He looked sincere and honest when he said it.
We went out for 11 months before we had sex. So if it was just for sex, wouldn't he have moved on??

2006-12-31 03:59:40 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I 've said on previous questions that my ex and father to son that he called after t-giving and told me the woman he slept with was pregnant. He was also jailed before he called and she bailed him out. I thought she was putting him up with her money but according to him she has none. He is staying with her in a motel and told me he didn't want me anymore when she's listening but when she isn't he says the opposite. He also says that he didn't want me around him cuz of his situation where he is. He said she is nasty, he hates her now and is miserable . He tlod me he misses me and isn't happy without me. I told him that there was nothing I could do for him and that he could figure it out for himself. I still have feelings for him but I just don't have sympathy. Do you think I should? I don't.
I warned him about nasty girl a long time ago & he did not listen so he mad his bed and now has to lie in it.

2006-12-31 03:59:22 · 13 answers · asked by ♦ Phoenix Rising♦ 6

Is this trouble or what?

2006-12-31 03:58:53 · 17 answers · asked by In Honor of Moja 4

i know him from past 6 yrs. he love me alot n we have future plans also. but he doest feel that he is hurtg me by have'g attite n ego. if he is upset from me.. (wdout any reason) he dint talk'd to me for 18 days. n wen i asked him... he jus said sorry. wat to do please help me.

2006-12-31 03:58:10 · 19 answers · asked by sim_ran_19 1

i love to love women in all aspects but they always say this is to good to be true am i suppose to mean and dirty to find d 1 good woman 4 me

2006-12-31 03:57:10 · 4 answers · asked by d1goodman4u 2

we have been broken up for about a year but we was still messing around thats ow it all happened

2006-12-31 03:55:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just curious to see what you girls lilke in a man. Defiently single but just want to know what our the best qualties a man can have so that I can be the best boyfriend our husband in the world one day. Thanks ladies, love you

2006-12-31 03:55:01 · 8 answers · asked by matthew 1

I like this girl that is a grade below me and she's Jahovah's Witness. I just want to know why she can't date

2006-12-31 03:51:25 · 8 answers · asked by Josh W 1

i hope u understan my question.

2006-12-31 03:49:20 · 22 answers · asked by sarah 3

I met him online, and only talked on msn. Never met in person or spoke on the phone. I havent known him too long. The first thing he tells me is about his cancer when he was younger and now hes in remission.

He is sweet, but, because Ive had bad experiences with people online, it makes me wonder, how sincere and honest is this guy being?

Does he go on about his cancer, now he is in remission, for me to feel sorry for him? and he says sweet things about how nice and sweet I am, and doesnt know me. Am I being to skeptical?

2006-12-31 03:48:51 · 15 answers · asked by confusedbrowngirl 2

My boyfriend has feelings for his ex. Yet, he took me in when I became unemployed. He has been taking care of me by putting a roof over my head and food on the table. He has been patient and supportive about the job situation.

There are times I think that he really cares about me, but then I know a part of him wants to work things out with his ex. There are days I want to leave, but haven't found the courage. And money is a problem. I can't just leave without having money to pay my bills.

So, am I using him or his he using me...or are we using each other?

2006-12-31 03:47:34 · 17 answers · asked by torn 3

2006-12-31 03:47:10 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-31 03:42:16 · 26 answers · asked by iam_Amie 2

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