I 've said on previous questions that my ex and father to son that he called after t-giving and told me the woman he slept with was pregnant. He was also jailed before he called and she bailed him out. I thought she was putting him up with her money but according to him she has none. He is staying with her in a motel and told me he didn't want me anymore when she's listening but when she isn't he says the opposite. He also says that he didn't want me around him cuz of his situation where he is. He said she is nasty, he hates her now and is miserable . He tlod me he misses me and isn't happy without me. I told him that there was nothing I could do for him and that he could figure it out for himself. I still have feelings for him but I just don't have sympathy. Do you think I should? I don't.
I warned him about nasty girl a long time ago & he did not listen so he mad his bed and now has to lie in it.
13 answers
asked by
♦ Phoenix Rising♦
Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
reallly I don't likepeople saying this is ghetto and it has nothing to do with ghetto. i think that is a racist remark. I also don't like the fact that people are assuming cuz I'm black I don't have an education. i have 1 degree and am getting a second so my education has nothing to do with this. This is an emotional thing and Have been off and on with for years but am realizing that I can't play this game anymore with my emotions.
Don't judge me cuz I have issues with a sselfish man that I am uneducated and ghetto that is racist and wrong!
04:33:31 ·
update #1
Hey, you did the right thing. He will not change. He'll leave you again soon. What made him not want you and your child in the first place? He chose some broke woman whom he hates over his family. He is no good and he wants you for the moment. You spent four years hurting over this. You should move on and tell him to lay in the bed he made. Find someone that can be a real father to your child and a good partner to make you happy. I applaud you for having the strength and the courage to say "no." A lot of women don't have that. God Bless and Happy New Year!
2007-01-01 05:24:39
answer #1
answered by Do_As_Infinity 5
He is trying to play you both like fiddles and get as much out of each of you as he can. It looks like you are seeing through him. The best thing you can do for yourself and your child is to stay away from this guy....he is toxic I would suggest finding someway to better yourself, and raise your self esteem and then you will see how much you are really worth, and how this guy is just going to suck the life out of you.
I dont know anything about you, but I would suggest going back to school, and focusing on that, anything that will better y9ourself, and just watch you will start seeing all the right types of men come into your life, your lasts words t your ex should be ......To the Left to the left, everything that you own in the box to the left! LOL either that or get a damn job, get a damn life, and start giving me some damn child support!
Good luck to you, remember your a woman and you are stronger than you think!
2006-12-31 04:06:42
answer #2
answered by michiganmommyx3 2
You must shut this man out of your life. Does he pay you any child support? It is obvious that he is sinking deeper and deeper into whatever sewer of life he got himself into and also, I am sure that he is playing you both woman against each other, he is a manipulative, cheating dishonest lowlife, deserving of no sympathy or care from you whatsoever.
Change your phone number, get an order of protection against him (no. it's not too extreme, you might need it) Make sure that you have full custody of your son without any contact with his scumbag father, and you go on, cut all ties and continue with your life, otherwise, you will end up as a pawn in his sick stupid games and your child will go down with you.
be smart and brave. good luck
2006-12-31 04:08:24
answer #3
answered by artist-oranit.com. 5
Sounds like you already answered your own question. He already did you dirty. Why would you even contemplate taking him back. He'll do it again. He sounds self centered. Start the New Year off right and find you a Man that is not going to hurt you or leave you for Nasty Girl! lol. Good Luck! '-)
2006-12-31 04:02:41
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Leave him in the dust. You do not need him dragging you down. You have a son to think about and he does not seem to be responsible enough to be around him. Do what is best for your son.
2006-12-31 04:04:30
answer #5
answered by rikki105 2
So messy
Get out of this life, don't date this kind of man. go to college and get education open your eye. don't live this ghetto life. If you take him back? you are playing with fire think about your life, your health
Change your life you can do it.
2006-12-31 04:24:44
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
So who cares if he's miserable. It's apparent he didn't care about you. Those feelings will fade in time.
2006-12-31 04:05:24
answer #7
answered by angel 4
you're actually not asking, you've already provided your answer..
keep it up girl.. staying away from such people saves you the time and the effort (not to mention missery).
way to go!!!!
2006-12-31 04:03:15
answer #8
answered by Maximus 3
you care because of the son you have with him
your right he made his choice.
take care of you and your son first and foremost
2006-12-31 04:04:10
answer #9
answered by trawet 3
what a mess...I would just stop taking his calls...what do you need him for....what do you need all this drama for.....they all sound pretty trashy to me...good luck
2006-12-31 04:01:50
answer #10
answered by Anonymous