Last christmas , i met this boy who i fell in love with instantly.I hadnt believed in love at first sight before i met him.We were both really shy though,and didn't get talking until nearly four months after it, although we wold always just stare into eachother's eyes.When we finally got talking,we sat up talking until the early hours, but i had a boyfriend.We became friends,but we hardly talk as much now because...he's fine talking to just me...but when my boyfriend is there he just walks off.I love my boyfriend to bits, he's amazing.But today i suggested 'that boy' had a problem coz he kept walking off every time we walked over.So my bf shouts 'Oi,have you got a problem with us?' and he was like no,why?and my bf pointed at me and said 'coz she thinks you do' and the boy looked at me as if to say wtf?I am a bit upset by it,and i feel like i need to apologise to him but what can i say?Plus obviously my bf doesnt have a clue about us.Dont get me wrong i love my bf but that hurt me.
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