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Singles & Dating - 15 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

My ex passed his driving test yesterday!

i bought him a keyholder (as a present) before we broke up, i was wondering what he would think if i just send it to him????? We are trying to be friends ! he is back with his ex.

should i send it and what should it say in the card????
something short, sweet & cute???

please help me, i have messed things up enough, kinde would like him back... but not when he is has a stable loving relationship, and i dont want to look desprite, just want him to remeber how sweet i was....

2006-11-15 05:13:39 · 16 answers · asked by Simone 2

2006-11-15 05:13:28 · 10 answers · asked by Missy 1

The other person is married.

2006-11-15 05:13:20 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do you shy away from confident man, why are we labled as players......Why can't we be confident in who we are without the lables..give us a chance.

2006-11-15 05:12:51 · 6 answers · asked by Mark K 1

there is this guy i know and we are like friends with benefits but without the friends. basically we just call eachother up for a booty call and im ok with that cuz i like it. but in school we dont really talk and online we talk sometimes but theres nothing to talk about and i dont know why its so hard to talk to him and have a interesting conversation. he isnt really in my crowd of friends and im not in his. and every time we spent together is amazing.

i dont know what is your intake and how can i start a good friendship with him gradually, make us click "like that" without making it obvious that i want to

2006-11-15 05:12:00 · 12 answers · asked by Suzie R 1

Is it not staying in touch at all or being in touch but being a little distant always? Or is it something else altogether... need some ideas!

2006-11-15 05:11:34 · 35 answers · asked by gorgeous_ami 2

my parents dislike him bcuz they think his following me bcuz of money..my parents r status conciouss...plz advise me i cant leave h im

2006-11-15 05:10:16 · 14 answers · asked by mahwishathar 1

there is a girl i have been talking to through e-mail. i am just getting out of a relationship and we don't know each other well so we decided to take it slowly. she said in time she can tell me if she likes me too. but now she says that she sorta likes someone else and thinks they might like her to. so i'm really confused and don't want to get too invested but i don't want to not try at all. so what should i do? getting over her will not be easy. she is the most beautiful girl i've seen and i really like her mind and heart. we go to college together and have talked 5 or 6 times but are planning to hang for the first time this weekend.

2006-11-15 05:08:16 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does any of you ladies care to explain why some females will not talk to a guy simply because the female thinks the guy (based on looks), may look at himself as being "too good" or "high on himself", anything like that. And all of this judgement is done without even talking to the guy and/or getting to know him.

Now the twist to it all is basically/kind of vis versa......If a guy approaches a female to maybe have a conversation then the female is the one that's acting stuck up and if she doesnt want to be approached......I dont understand, maybe its just the Mississippi ********* :-/

2006-11-15 05:07:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Background story:
I had just gotten out of a serious relationship in June and started casually seeing this guy. Things started to get a little more serious but I was still unable to commit. I asked him to give me until Christmas to get all my issues straightened out. Things seemed to be going really well.
Two days ago, we were supposed to hang out but things came up and neither of us were able to. And then this morning, I read an email that he sent me late last night. It basically says that he is giving up and that he wants to start a relationship with another woman who is able to commit. The news of this other woman is completely out of left field! We had talked alot about how honesty was important in a relationship and I had even been completely honest about my feelings about my ex but it seems that he has been developing a relationship with someone else while allowing me to believe that we were exclusive. Should I be angry?! Upset?! I feel that way but is it justified?!

2006-11-15 05:07:38 · 6 answers · asked by amaranth_86 1

i have a GF and i am not sure what else i can say to her other than the plan I love u and ur beautifukl?

2006-11-15 05:05:48 · 18 answers · asked by da man 3

sum ppl (ie me) wre not born vry attractive and it ruins my life i dont wanna liv 2 see another guy i like go off wit a better girl...wat can i do?

2006-11-15 05:04:35 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I asked this girl out that I've only talked to a few times and she said she had a lot going on right know. She said I could stop by the Restaurant where she works some weekend with some friends if I wanted to though. She said she would let me know if she caught up with things. Does she want to be persued and what would be the best strategy?

2006-11-15 05:03:41 · 18 answers · asked by KBcustom 1

Okay so me and my gf have been dating for almost 10 months now, and she always used to say that she wants us to get our own place, and she said that she could see herself getting married to me. And last night she told me that she might move out of state and she doesnt want me to go with her, and she doesn't want to actually move in with me in the future. So i told her that i cant allow myself to get more attached to her, and i asked her if she spent another year or more with me if she'd get attached at all, and she said that she can't promise anything? What does that ******* mean!!!

2006-11-15 05:01:35 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm going to put this poem before class starts and while nobody is there. This is to prevent anyone from seeing who put it. As for people reading it nobody really cares about that stuff. Also it will be addressed to her but my name won't be written and shes always sitting in the same place since the beginning of the year. Also tell me how i should decorate the poem. I have an idea but i want other opinions.

When i think of the perfect woman
You are the only one that comes to mind

With the intelligence of a genius,
Eyes of an angel,
Hair as soft as silk,
And a smile that lights up a room,
No wonder you are God's only work of art

You're an amazing woman, an amazing person
You're special and irreplaceable in my heart

2006-11-15 05:00:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

The world says that guys are usually the ones that like sex so much and will go out of their way to get it and all we ever think about is sex, etc....., but girls are the ones that moan and scream and go on during sex, so doesn't it kind of contridict?

2006-11-15 04:59:36 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

When her only experience is bad guys. Shes never ben out with a good guy. And I'm a good guy and she don't wanna be my gf cus she wants to be the bad guys.

2006-11-15 04:59:08 · 16 answers · asked by juelz_10304 2

too cheap to get a steady girlfriend. Should he be grateful to me for even being bother with him. The only thing he can get is a 33 year old girl who is a gold digger, with a 10-15 year old toyota camry and has slept with every tom,dick, and harry. He is afraid to sleep the 33 year old for fear of catching a deadly disease like AIDS, or another STD. I on the otherhand do not sleep around with other men. He should be more generous to me since I am the only clean woman he knows. the rest of them are old hoes. Should I move on with my life and find somewho who will treat me better.I do not need a sugardaddy, but my exboyfriend does not even treat me to dinner and he can afford a dinner once and awhile.

2006-11-15 04:58:31 · 11 answers · asked by gigi120pelham 1

If someone handed you a brownie and said im just like this brownie a little hard on the outside but soft inside? What would you say? Original line or corny? Somebody actually said this to me...

2006-11-15 04:58:16 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-15 04:56:50 · 24 answers · asked by knowssignlanguage 6

my family style growing up.. sharing our feelings was something that just wasn't done so i kept alot of things bottled up. just want to know how to get over it

2006-11-15 04:56:41 · 5 answers · asked by Simone H 1

Did you have a crush on someone but you found out he/she didn't like you all along. But kept on making you think he/she likes you but don't? Did this happened to you?

2006-11-15 04:56:33 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend and I have been dating on and off for a few years, and have been officially together for a few months. He is now leaving to go into the army, and i wanted to get hi9m soemthing special. I bought him a new watch (his is trashed). It was kinda expensive (like $350). and i think it may be too much (not money wise, but as a present). I dont want him to think im trying to keep him form leaving, or buy his affection. I dont know if i should give it to him or not. What does everyone think?

2006-11-15 04:56:20 · 17 answers · asked by AliceA. 1

Alone...I pick what I want to eat, see on TV and in the Movies...with a partner I might have to compromise...

2006-11-15 04:56:18 · 6 answers · asked by Lovely B 3

actually, maybe it isn't, but it doesn't hurt to think positively :)

2006-11-15 04:53:20 · 12 answers · asked by bob_xc452 1

2006-11-15 04:52:49 · 5 answers · asked by non active 2

He bragged so much about how "good" he was in the sack....got me to move in with him......asked me to marry.......and now I find out he's pretty much mediocre between the sheets. Is there a warranty for this? Did I have to buy the extended service plan from the beginning? Maybe I could exchange him? Anywhere I can do this? Hollaback if you know.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation..........

2006-11-15 04:52:23 · 20 answers · asked by DoubleD 2

Everything is great when we see each other- which is weeknights- cause she works two jobs & her second job takes up the whole weekend. She says I'm too good for her friends & her family is crazy, but I want to marry her & I need her dad's permission to do so. She always borrows money from me, which is a little weird since she works so much, but I love doing stuff for her. I just figure she is using her money to pay for past credit card debts- she has like ten or twenty of them. Do u think it is okay I have never seen any friends of hers. Is she making them up? Sometimes my girl doesn't make it home at all thru the weekend, but I know it's b/c she's studying late at the library, after she gets off work, at the bar/club. I take care of her 4 kids on Sat. & Sun.-sometimes fri night, for her exams. They always tell me all about how great grammy & papa are. I need to know someone else has gone thru this too, what I should do, & when I should give up on asking her dad & just marry her!

2006-11-15 04:52:20 · 14 answers · asked by c.c. 1

About a week ago, this lady and I were helping out at church painting and other things. Anyway, she and I both were messing with each other with paint, you know how that goes, but lastly she gave me a massage afterwards, is this a good sign? What does it mean, if any?

Thanks ladies

2006-11-15 04:51:46 · 11 answers · asked by Light Bringer 3

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