good things:
fun,funny,intelligent,cultured... in music/sports,very good-looking,studying to be a plastic surgeon,very financially stable,thinks you're attractive,not needy,doesn't cheat,says he loves you.
bad things:
takes jokes too seriously sometimes n it can lead to arguments, thinks hanging out with friends is a waste of time,too into his own beliefs and gets mad if you disagree a bit too much,hates christianity and is a militant atheist, but it's a bit overboard,too into cars and spends hours looking for car parts online/car magazines,narcissistic and spends at least an hr getting ready every morning,cheap and never pays for anything and sometimes asks if i he can borrow money($5)but forgets to pay back,looks down on non-pre-med students n you're non-pre-med,looks at other women,very jealous,sometimes needs entire weekends alone to study,has a temper/gets moody/jealous, as in picking arguments mid-debate n punching walls if it gets heated, whines A LOT, doesn't want a relatonship
19 answers
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