I'm only fifteen, but please listen to my story, befor you blast me for being to young
Here goes....I love her, now please dont say I'm crazy until my story is over..
Over the summer, I liked her. we seemed to talk all the time, and flirt like crazy. well she kinda backed off, and I kinda smothered her a little bit...so I gave it a while and asked her how she felt.....she said she didnt like me like that...but... a month later...she emailed me..and told me that she was really sad..cuz our friendship wastn wat it used to be ( we've been friends since age 7).. I told her it was just hard for me to get over her.....but I was working on it..and things got better, and we seem to be good friends again..but theres one problem..I love her....I just cant get over her.... I mean I want her to be happy, and if she is thats great..but, she's a huge flirt, ..and it just kills me to see her with these other guys all the time....
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9 minutes ago
but a couple of things she has said confuse me. when she said she wants our friendship back....she was talking about me moving on and getting a gf......that if I get rejected ..the reason is probably stupid.....and she also said her reason was probably stupid... but the she goes and flirts with these other guys...and I just dont want her to be a **** or sumthing...that would kill me more than anything..I am afraid to get close to anyone else, becuz I'm afraid that this wiill happen again.....and plus..well idk..i love everything about her..her smile, the way she laughs....everything..I know this isnt just another crush..cuz i have had many of those....and this isnt one of those...is there anything i can do?? please help?
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39 minutes ago
but way back 6 months ago, she told her friends she mite like me......and then she backed off ..so I know she has even the slightest feelings..and other times..I just kinda get that sense..she has thought about it..i just dont know what to do..I mean she is only 13..so I know her mind is goin crazy.but what should i do
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42 minutes ago
I mean since weve been friends for so long...we see each other every week...... i mean..i know nothing is gonna happen in the next month..but am i crazy to hope for sumthin in the next year or so?? or however long??
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