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helga,a tall slim television achorwomen with sharp features, intelligent green eyes and red hair, came in with an ugly cut on her nose."i've been telling my friends that my shower door broke and i got cut by a piece of flying glass," she said, but the truth is bob hit me. This is the case were she meet's bob and she fills her head up with dreams and fantasy, and treat her good the first couple of months.tho she says he's diffrent,he's deep,commited.he served in the peace corp in angola and work with underprivileged children.anyways he started to call her alot and things started to get obsessive.they had dinner one night and he propose to her,he gave her his grandmothers dimond ring.they moved in toghther,at 1st inseperable always in each other arm.she taught it was terrific due to her first husband dint treated her in that kind of way. bob kept asking her to marry him but she din't want to rush.so he got upset& try to take the ring of her finger that dint help so he pulled her over &bittttttttttttttttttttt

2006-11-08 07:59:41 · 1 answers · asked by g2daezo 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

1 answers

Ah.... okay

2006-11-08 08:02:24 · answer #1 · answered by SHE HATE ME 5 · 2 1

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