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My new bf of a month thinks i've been with 10 men..I've been with around 30...He's been with 4 women...With all the bad name calling aside i've made some mistakes YES but im not like that anymore...is it horrible to lie?

2006-11-08 08:05:41 · 14 answers · asked by pigsrule25 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

14 answers

don't tell him.. it will only make him untrustworthy and bring up things that arent necessairy but may hurt the relationship

he never needs to know and that's not a big issue.. everyone lies about this.. that's your personal life.. please don't tell him

2006-11-08 08:09:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sounds like the "Rule of 3" that they talked about on American Pie 2. Believe me, 10 guys is 10 too many for most boyfriends to handle. But according to the rule of 3 maybe he has been with only really 1-2 girls. Everyone makes mistakes, but 30!?!?!?! If you two get married, then you need to have a very frank and open discussion about your sexual history. If not, then keep him in the dark as much as possible, especially about how many of those guys you gave BJ's to. (That really grosses guys out) Guys dont want to know, and if they do know, dont worry about him ever kissing you again. In conclusion, lie about what you can get away with lying about.

2006-11-08 16:15:06 · answer #2 · answered by Brad 4 · 0 0

If he really loved you he wouldn't care. BUT, if sleeping with 30 guys is related to any sexually transmitted diseases, its your obligation to tell him, k? But since I hope you wouldn't be having sex with him when you're inflicted, let me just say that no, it's not all that horrible to lie. Your past is yours--if you don't want to tell him, it's none of his business. However, if you really really love him, honesty is best. In the end, if he loves you, what's the differenve of you being with ten men as opposed to thirty. They're both pretty high numbers. But you are who you are, girl, no one has any right to judge you based on how many men you've slept with. If he's so hung up on a mere number, dump him. He isn't worth it.

2006-11-08 16:20:33 · answer #3 · answered by lilazngurly53146 2 · 0 0

What's the big deal, right? Wrong. No matter what people say, hearing that your girlfriend has bedded 30 men before you and she's only 23 years old, yeah, that's kind of a stretch (no pun intended). Whether we like it or not, we'll end up defining what was once our cutie pie as not so "pure".
Upon discussing this with some of my female friends, they insisted that men have no right to ask that kind of question.
Keeping the truth to yourself your best bet.

2006-11-08 16:26:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Most of the time...it's not good to lie, but in certain situation it should be okay. I personally would she leave it at 10 guys or less and leave it alone. Most guys will be turned off by that and probably wouldn't want anything else to do with you. That's pretty high. So, in this situation....I think its okay to lie. Why does he need to know?? As long as your std and aids free, and you don't sleep around behind his back you two should be fine. Good luck.

2006-11-08 16:11:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Who cares as long as you can shake that money maker!!

30 huh do I know you??? Better yet was that you that drunken night in Mexico and I called you some other girls name after we had sex and you left in a big rush!!! Mind you the night we spent together was fantastic!

2006-11-08 16:09:24 · answer #6 · answered by Paul M 3 · 0 0

no it isn't horrible to lie. it's really nobody's business how many men you've slept with. there's also nothing wrong with being sexual and enjoying sex. besides, how do you know he's not lying to you about how many women he's slept with?

2006-11-08 16:15:16 · answer #7 · answered by Jenn 3 · 0 0

There is absolutely no reason why you have to tell ANYBODY your number. Its nobody elses business but yours. And truth is if you tell him any number over his he will fall to pieces. Men cant handle it. Just dont give a number at all. I refuse to answer that question with my bf's.

2006-11-08 16:11:42 · answer #8 · answered by JustMe 6 · 0 0

Girl you better not tell him the truth. My girl thinks she's the 6th girl I've been with. Oh how I lied to her.

2006-11-08 16:09:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your past is behind you. You don't have to tell him. I wouldn't lie just tell him its none of his concern

2006-11-08 16:07:32 · answer #10 · answered by Alissa 6 · 0 0

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