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what should I write in a love note to a very special girl?
Question Details: I feel like i should start writing to the girl i really like. Her name is Kelsey and she is on My schools competitive cheerleading team. I really love but i want to make a surprise approach. Can any body give me some ideas on how i could do this?


2006-11-08 08:06:19 · 15 answers · asked by bitsyrocky 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

15 answers

the best love note is the one that is straight from your heart. i mean tell her how you really feel. telling someone how you really feel makes them feel special and it lets them know that you really like them or love them.

2006-11-08 08:11:32 · answer #1 · answered by santiagardner 1 · 0 0

Just say how you feel, that she's very attractive and made a good impression on you, and you'd like to get to know her a little more. Something simple but sweet. Maybe slip it into her locker with a flower or something, or better yet, just approach her and let her know when you present her the note.

Hope this helps, good luck!

2006-11-08 08:09:52 · answer #2 · answered by mysticaura29 3 · 0 0

Finding out what she likes.. is always a good start.. being there to support her is good too.. go watch her try out ..
If you do write her a note.. make sure you write it honestly .. the only thing is .. if you write something down it could be passed aroudn for everyone to see.. sooo be careful. Good luck

2006-11-08 08:10:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think of that must be rather candy with the aid of fact i know how problematic it particularly is to completely talk face-to-face with a individual you like (the awkwardness, rigidity, and so on). as long as she is familiar with the letter is from you (till you ought to make it nameless) and you be confident you place it interior the impressive locker each and every thing ought to bypass as planned! i understand that any lady could be excited and extremely joyful to get a love word from a guy. wish all of it works out properly!

2016-10-03 10:25:48 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Mention things like the smell of her hair or the way she wears it. Talk about her smile/laugh and how it makes you feel inside. If you get butterflies when you see or hear her mention that. Talk about how much your heart loves her..

2006-11-08 08:12:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

to the girl:
you're so sexy, you're so beatiful you're steaming hot, you're everything the other girls are not.
i'll cheer you up baby,not any way just competitvely me and you.
i got one surprise for you,because i really love you.
Will you come on a date with me?

2006-11-08 08:10:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

wait...........does she no your name or are you guys 2gether????
hold on, this is coming from a girl her self, we think guys who write poetry, are kinda STUPID! no offence in all. but ill give you an idea i guess.

hmm........i dont really no but hear it goes......
you are sooooo special to me i would FREAK if this happen:
If you came right up to me and said " I HATE YOU (your name here)!"
I would just be like "OMG.....HE/SHE KNOWS MY NAME!!!!!!!!!"
its not really poetry but o well.

2006-11-08 08:22:57 · answer #7 · answered by Lonley Little Misfit 1 · 0 0

well if you love her like you say you do then what you need to write is in your heart.

2006-11-08 08:09:30 · answer #8 · answered by Jordan Alexis 6 · 0 0

Well.......Why don't you write poetically....for example:

"K"eep doing that thing you do, "E"lectrify me with your beauty and "Lovilness", "S"how me your warmth, "E"xcept my hearth, "Y"ou have become to be loved....by me.

That was just an example!! hahaha....
But I like short love notes, they are meaningful and keep you lingering...

2006-11-08 08:12:54 · answer #9 · answered by StyleDiva 2 · 0 0

Write from your heart . What does your heart want to say? Say it :-)

2006-11-08 08:09:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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