The girl I am talking about is my old next door neighbor who I lived by from the time I was 8 to almost 18, I'm 20 now, she's a year younger grade wise than me. I think she developed a bit of a crush on me because I always played with her little brothers are almost 10 years younger than she is, I really love kids but I don't think this girl is my type at all, she always seemed so superficial.
Now she started her first year at my college where I'm a sophmore and she is starring at me constantly. It's gotten to the point where I am trying to avoid where I think she is going to be, I havn't even talked to her, I just stare back for a second then look away, I smiled last time, but she really wasn't even smiling, just starring at me. She is a very pretty girl, but like I said I look for girls with my same interests (sports, music playing).
How do I get this girl to stop staring at me? It's making me very uncomforatable...
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