when i first met my boyfriend he used to take so much pride in himself, now weve been together nearly 2 yrs (which isnt long, but we do have a 9mth old baby!) and hel bath maybe twice a week if IM lucky, i dont even wanna think about how often he changes his underwear, he really smells and i tell him and he thinks im joking! we hardly ever have sex coz of this and i tell him if he has a bath and smells a bit sweeter then yeh, but its a case of more than one bath a day may just do the job, he has also put on a lot of weight and he says hes gunna start excersing but it never happens, he doesnt start work until 2pm so he has know excuse, i go swimming walking and horse riding aswell as looking after the baby, if anyone should have an excuse to be fat and smelly it should be me!!! (i also bath everyday!) how can i get it through to him to buck his ideas up, ive told him ill be looking for a cleaner model, but he still thinks im joking!
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