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Other - Family & Relationships - 30 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

I'm not in a relationship. I'm just trying to think of something to say for a poem I'm writing about a bad relationship and I'm stuck.

2006-11-30 13:11:16 · 10 answers · asked by 24th Princess 3

i was molested, resently and i want to compleplty for get it ever happenen

2006-11-30 12:58:44 · 2 answers · asked by bowiegirls_eye 4

He has PS2, a Nintendo DS, a computer, a bike, an old school scooter, and a cell phone. He loves Legos but has so many. We live in New England. He loves to read. I don't know what to get the kid now. He just started 6th grade at a middle school. What is a good gift for a boy this age???

2006-11-30 12:50:42 · 7 answers · asked by KeeCee 3

So, there's this guy and a month ago I told him that I liked him! Well, he stopped talking to me and later I figured that I told him on his dad's death anniversary! So I emailed him (sympathy) and he seemed overjoyed to recieve it..then he stopped talking to me again! Well, turns out that I was wrong all along and he just didn't like me, and he went out with another girl! Well, I haved moved on since then, but I still like him a little! Today, out of nowhere he said "hey sam" to me and I was well shocked. Sometimes, when he sees me, he asks me stupid questions....what should I make out of this?

2006-11-30 12:48:20 · 3 answers · asked by HAPPY <3 2


I am only fifteen but I slept with one of my teachers. Now he treats me sooooo different in front of everyone i feel like everyone knows do i say something?

2006-11-30 12:47:20 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

but i need for them to leave, they came from a different state to where i lve friends of my son, but my son don't live with me, i felt sorry for them but now i am trying to make them into better ppl they steal from the stores can't keep a job, smoke weed after i said to them i don't want it in my house they do it outside somewhere and then come home but i don't even want that, so i told them they can help me to pay bills they need to leave my house soon i try my best.

2006-11-30 12:46:44 · 5 answers · asked by imjustagirl 2

If so were they good dreams? I'm still waiting to dream of my dad, I pray every night and nothing. He died 19 months ago.

2006-11-30 12:36:39 · 17 answers · asked by kathy p 3

My boyfriend watches porn, and it irritates me soo much. I hate porn, i think it is harsh and unreal. And i hate that i alone can't satisfy my boyfriend. It does make me jealous that he is getting off while fantisizing about other women. I've talked to him about it MANY times, and i've told him that it really hurts my feelings, and that it turns me off to him. I've tried suggestions like making our own photos and videos, but it doesn't help. He's even watched porn while i was in the next room sleeping. It is not as much as it used to be, but it still bugs me. I don't want to hear "men watch porn, it doesn't mean anything" I want to know if i should be upset that he watches porn even though he knows it really hurts me. I don't know what to do, because he doesn't stop, and i can't stop caring about it. I have a hard time just ignoring it.

2006-11-30 12:20:20 · 13 answers · asked by Stark 6

So, there's this guy and a month ago I told him that I liked him! Well, he stopped talking to me and later I figured that I told him on his dad's death anniversary! So I emailed him (sympathy) and he seemed overjoyed to recieve it..then he stopped talking to me again! Well, turns out that I was wrong all along and he just didn't like me, and he went out with another girl! Well, I haved moved on since then, but I still like him a little! Today, out of nowhere he said "hey sam" to me and I was well shocked. Sometimes, when he sees me, he asks me stupid questions....what should I make out of this?

2006-11-30 12:15:26 · 4 answers · asked by HAPPY <3 2

i have been with randy for 3 years and we are engaged and plan to get married this summer. well last night i had a dream about haveing sex with my ex that i had a still born by and we dated for like 10 months and he was my first love and i still talk to him from time to time and now he is married and has a new baby and he still tells me he loves me and to be honest i still love him but not like i do randy so what do u think the dream could mean

2006-11-30 12:15:24 · 6 answers · asked by kat 1

I was just wondering.

More specifically, I'm talking more about rock and metal, not cheesy "love songs."

2006-11-30 12:10:30 · 6 answers · asked by jaxchick23 2

together we been along time hurts to find out i wasnt the only one he was with he lied and cheated o why am i still on him i am a pretty gurl i get compliments and numbers all the time but why do i reject them all and have to face a lier every day i need to move on but that is my baby the loved we had was so rare and he makes me feel beautiful than what im already am im scared i wont find a man that kiss me the way he do love me the way he do and touch me the way he do plz help

2006-11-30 12:04:01 · 6 answers · asked by maxamarra s 1

2006-11-30 12:02:02 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have a school dance coming up in January 5th. I was one of the first to know because I am on the comitee, so we already need to start thinking up decoration ideas.

The teachers say this isn't a "get a date dance" but we all know how it is going to end up, everyone with a date or hanging with your friends.

My question is, do guys find it awkward to ask a girl? Do they prefer to ask you online, or notes in class, or just plain out asking?

What is the most likely time they would ask you? How far away from the date of the dance? Do they feel awkward with your friends around? This is the first dance of the year, so everything is new.

2006-11-30 11:56:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


I used to date this guy but he moved to texas a few mouths ago and now hes got a girlfriend and i still like him and i dontknow why..i dontknow what i should do! should i pretent to be happy for him or what? or can i get him to like me back..Im so cunfussed.

2006-11-30 11:47:08 · 5 answers · asked by blastxgirl1820 1

2006-11-30 11:37:32 · 5 answers · asked by pebbles 1

2006-11-30 11:23:45 · 4 answers · asked by Shivers 2

they are now split up and have been for over a month. He was thinking about coming back to me. She told him she never wants to date him again. But, they are still friends and she causes problems everytime he talks to me. He and I would be together and she would text message him and start a fight. Because she is jealous. So, he quit talking to me because he hopes they will get back together.

He says we cant be friends right now but maybe in the future. Ok, I know this is going to sound stupid but I want to be friends with him. And I dont know how to make him see that she is the one causing the trouble not me. He says he still cares about me and always will but right now he is going through changes and wants to stay away from me because it causes to much heartache? Does this mean that he still wants to be with me but wants to explore before he comes back? I just want to be friends and stay in contact with him. Is there anyway I can show him that its her thats causing the problems?

2006-11-30 11:16:35 · 10 answers · asked by flower c 1

Do you think its possible for long distance relationship to work? I lived in England for a year and one of my friends from over there I really like. Im not sure if he feels mutual...but im now living back in the states and I was wondering what people thoughts are on long distance relationships? What advice if any can u give! Thanks

2006-11-30 11:16:08 · 5 answers · asked by Fi 2

I get bored a lot always finish my hw and go out for two hour soo the rest of the day I am on the internet and it kinda gets boring after a while!

2006-11-30 11:14:27 · 8 answers · asked by THEcraziest1 2

We were just friends before and we are part of this big group...I dont want to have it be weird if we brake up...because I know that he will stick with the group!

2006-11-30 11:09:46 · 8 answers · asked by thatonegirl 2

because my bf is legally separated and we have been together for ages. the ex has been living with the white trash bf for over 2 years and my bf's mom sent an email asking for a xmas list and she said hi to my bf's daughter, to the ex and her bf and she didnt say hi to me!!! OH that ***** made me mad. Not that actually care about her because she is in MA and we are so far away from her but the fact that she doesnt take me seriously, BOTHERS me so much. so I sent her this email pretending i was my bf and I said next time she sould try to be polite because I've been with him (her son) for A LOOOOOOOOONG TIME. she thinks I was the reason her son and the ex got legally separated because I started dating him a few months after that mess and she probably thinks I'm a who*re or something.
I know it's bad to use someone elses mail but I wanted to make her understand that they'll get divorced and I'm not going anywhere.
so what you think?

2006-11-30 10:57:01 · 5 answers · asked by chikis 6

I'm having an affair with a married man, I have got a boyfriend aswell. I know I'll get some stick for this but I need advise! At first it was about sex but now I have started to get feelings for him, I don't know whether to tell him about this, I wish I could end it but it's very hard for me, help!

2006-11-30 10:52:44 · 47 answers · asked by Jennifer M 1

2006-11-30 10:51:32 · 10 answers · asked by sonoftazont 3

Well I have 2 wonderful children with a not so wonderful man. He is a cheater and controller, but it doesn't stop me from loving him. We broke up 6 months ago and I am still so hurt and upset, I just feel I can't live without him! It's not like I can just walk away because we share 2 children and he is a Wonderful father.

2006-11-30 10:45:20 · 6 answers · asked by RachelSusan 1

Would you still invite them to the wedding? Say if every time you go to a family gathering for the holidays and they treated you differently than everyone else and treated you like crap and they always ruined the occassion for you because of their constant insulting remarks that you had to leave because they hurt your feelings so bad, would you still invite them to your wedding? This is the most important day to you and you want the day to be special and you want nothing to ruin it but you know that if you invited everyone then that is exactly what will happen. If you don't invite them, they might get hurt and then it will be on your mind all day. What should you do in a situation like this?

2006-11-30 10:37:49 · 11 answers · asked by Pinky 3

okay, i've been going out with my boyfriend for about almost seven months and like usual, we go through problems too of course, i found out on the thrid month we've been going out, that he was going out with this chick via online [myspace] for about two weeks on the first month we were going out and i caught him redhanded lying to me and talking to that chick telling her that tell ME that they weren't going out at the time he was with me, because i doubted him and he got really mad. and i forgave him for that, it's not almost the seven month and a couple days ago, i was arguing with my best friend and talking to her online, and she asked me if i knew EVERYTHING that happened. and im like, at least i think so, and she said,well, he was planning on going out with ME when you were about to break up with him, he planned it all out. and it just pisses me off how he can do that, i talked to him about it and i told him that i wanna break up with you and he can't take it as an answer

2006-11-30 10:32:37 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can't find any job worth going to. My mom says that a $10/hr job is fine I told her I can't live on that. It sucks what do I do. I really want to go back to school. This town i live in is ******* bullshyt and Im ready to kill everyone in it.

2006-11-30 10:24:13 · 10 answers · asked by Mike Hunt 2

my boyfriend cheated on me back in febuary and then dumped me on valentines day for her. after a few weeks he sais he reliezed he made a mistake you know the whole gut wrenching story, so anyways i took him backbut i couldn't love him like i did because i didn't trust him. as time went by i left that there was noway i could get past this then i cheated. i wanted him to feel what i felt. in return it ended up in an 8 month affair. he BUSTED me and now that i got that off my chest i feel better and promised it won't happen again and now he wants to get married. i believe he loves me but how do i know if thats such a good idea

2006-11-30 10:19:19 · 15 answers · asked by sbizkit79 1

2006-11-30 10:04:15 · 4 answers · asked by austin r 1

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