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Friends - March 2007

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my best friend likes another , but i like him. wat should i say 2 him?

2007-03-19 04:25:06 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

well i had this "bestfirend" and she was cvought doing something she wasnt supose to and i guess she figured that if she whenbt down she was going to take me down with her so she told her parents that i told her that i had sex with my cousins both of them. which is not true altho they arent my real cousins i would never do that with them because i see them as my brothers and that would be discusting almost like havine sex with my sister. i would never ever do that. soo my parents believed her... just because she is a staigh A student and she doesnt do anything bad in front of my parents but this one thing. she talked to me on the phone the pther day and she said why are you lying. and i told her that i wasnt lying, she must have been dreaming. then she was like oh well im pretty sure you said that to me. that got me pissed off because she told my parents that i told her that i fuc.ed my cousins and she was acting like she was sure when she got me in trouble and everyone looks at me bad

2007-03-19 04:24:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ideas for party?
I am having a Sweet Sixteen Party just a small get together with my friends and boyfriend. What kind of music could we listen to

2007-03-19 04:17:30 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

if so can i ad you to my contacts because im the needle in a haystack over here and i have no other punk friends in my school so if it is ok if i get some punk or anarchy friends out there i only got two right now that dont live near me. Lincoln Torreyson + Ben but he cut off his moahawk. so can i have some more punk friends,

2007-03-19 04:16:26 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a so called friend, so-called because she only calls me when she wants something.

She will 'one ring' my phone and expect me to call her back.. when I do... it is her doing all the talking, when I talk about myself or what is going on with me, she has to go.

She earns £20K a year, has a house and car, but dont have a computer, she is in a long distance relationship with someone and called me to read the email out to her over the phone, this was while I was getting ready for work.

The other day, she called me at work, and I got into trouble with the manager because the phone vibrated.

I have not responded to her texts or phone calls in over a week.

I dont want to change my number as it will cause problems with other mates and family that I have

Any advice?

2007-03-19 04:13:15 · 13 answers · asked by Rebz 5

A friend of mine in the USA is into basketball and he said I should fill out a bracket online. I did, but didn't know that it was $10 a pop...so I did 11. He thought that I knew this, and that I was just not gunna pay, but I didn't know. I know it's no biggie cos the gy can't gt me from over there...but he does have my e-mail and phone number. I actually feel really bad..what do you rekon I should do...e-mail hime n tell him of what?

2007-03-19 03:58:35 · 10 answers · asked by :) 5

the only reason i done it was because i didn't have my glasses on and went to the wrong washing line. She s said she's going to tell the police now. What should I do?

2007-03-19 03:49:16 · 30 answers · asked by dennis 1

I am getting so frustrated with him. He is 32 years old; I am 26. He gets very upset with me whenever I am in social situations and not as friendly and outgoing as he deems sataisfactory. I had a bad day last Sunday and wasn't talking very much and now he is virtually ignoring me. He says he needs A BREAK from me! This happened several months ago, and we barely spoke at all for a few months! I'm getting so exasperated! What should I do about this? Am I being unreasonable/is he?

2007-03-19 03:49:01 · 22 answers · asked by Angie 2

ok their is this boy i fancy he goes to my youth club, and we never tlk to each other but my mate said she spoke to him and that he said he was going to ask me out, now when i got there his mate said to me oh you know its never meant to be between you two and he said in front of the boy i fancy and then the boy started smiling and he turned a bit red, then his mate said why dont you just talk to him, his mate keeps on trying to get me to talk to him and he is bothering me about it and it is only that particular boy. also this boy i fancy is shy around i think and he knows i like him but he didnt tell me to my face his mate told me that we are never meant, to be do you think i should move on or do you think the boy i fancy, fancies me back. or what does his mate want and why does his mate keep on botherig me. by the way im to shy to speak to the boy i fancy so we just avoid each other. i dunno why his mate keeps on bringing it up randomly.

2007-03-19 03:45:46 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was stalking this boy, I found his adress, phone number, I even spy on him sometimes at his house. But one time he caught me spying on him in his room so he shut the blinds!! I also have evrey picture of him imaginable. I probably own pictures of him that he doesn't even remember taking. I put them in my closet. He asked one of my so called "friends" why I was spying on him, and she told him all about the pictures of him in my closet, and how I once saved one of his used tissues.
But that was a long time ago, I don't save his used tissues anymore. He thinks I'm a freak now, though! And I'm not!!!!!!
WHAT SHOULD I DO!? I really like him and now my chances of even being his friend are over. Now whenever he sees me at his baseball games he looks at me like I'm a freak.
I'm not a freak! What should I do?

2007-03-19 03:35:22 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I didn't get into the position I wanted for this year, my relationship is ending, and my roommates conspired to take my bedroom and give it to someone else. I'm having a really crappy week. I think now I'll have to move home until I find a new place, and I need some encouragement from all you Yahoo! strangers.

2007-03-19 03:32:29 · 17 answers · asked by Year of the Monkey 5

I had a secret pal who I thought was a guy but it could have been anybody. I don't really understand the purpose of a secret pal. Any suggestions?

2007-03-19 03:27:36 · 6 answers · asked by Sweet Pea 3

We have been friends for 8 months, we work together and had a small falling out over a work issue. I felt she didnt show any room for our status as friends in the way she addressed the issue and reacted accordingly. It was probably the wrong way to react. We discussed the work issue and put it to rest, Now she has gone very cold on our friendship. I want to repair things but when I approach her to talk about it, she just said it was personal. We were great friends but now we hardly even can look at each other without it being uncomfortable. I know this is the classic work/friendship clashing thing and we had no "rules" on how to deal with this type of thing if it occured. We have both done/said hurtful things but it is up setting that such a small trivial thing appears to have cost us a blossoming friendship. Any advice on what I could do to mend this?

2007-03-19 03:23:27 · 8 answers · asked by Zipster 1

if you like someone and he doesn't know it, should i tell him? how should i tell him? do i need to tell him?

2007-03-19 03:19:38 · 2 answers · asked by bealicious 1

If you known someone a very long time, and notice they want things on their own terms and you can't ask for their help on anything anymore, what can be done?

2007-03-19 03:19:00 · 21 answers · asked by suzlaa1971 5

I have so many friends and they're always having some problem in life. My problem is that they come and tell me their problems, but they don't really consider if I'm not in the mood,or I'm having trouble... And I see their problems as mine and while trying to solve, I feel that I'm putting so much effort I'm tired. But I don't know what can I do to achieve this situation..

2007-03-19 03:14:21 · 4 answers · asked by ironic 2

2007-03-19 03:12:58 · 4 answers · asked by Neo 1

are you using yahoo instant messenger

2007-03-19 03:03:59 · 17 answers · asked by gaf 3

I live in a room with my girlfriend, and there are 3 other people with bedrooms in the apartment. We all pay pretty cheap rent for New York, but everyone had agreed we wouldn't sign the lease for another year. It's been 2 years.

Then yesterday, one of them let it slip that they were planning to re-sign the lease, and his girlfriend was moving in and they were going to take the room I now live in with my GF, and they were going to just let us move out. We were about to buy the paint to -repaint for the landlord.

They claim that they thought we were moving out, but that was only when we thought EVERYONE was moving. It's a huge slap in the face, and I'm very offended that they'd make decisions regarding OUR apartment without cunsulting us or metioning it.

Was I stabbed in the back?

2007-03-19 03:02:51 · 5 answers · asked by Year of the Monkey 5

I'm 19 and my friend is that same age we've known eachother 8 years He is havin problems with his girlfriend and he always texts me at really random times like 3am or 7am in the morning saying he can't put up with her anymore...my boyfriend is getting annoyed as he thinks somethings going on as he is texting at really weird times I've told my friend to stop bugging me with his problems he stops for a while then he starts txting again l..last nite at 4am i got a text saying "Oh she just went to sleep she didn't even bother doing anything with me...what are you up to?" my boyfriend went mad! now we're having problems, too be honest i would pick my boyfriend over my friend i don't no if i should just tell him to leave me alone for good i can't bear the thought if i lose my boyfriend over this!

2007-03-19 03:02:34 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

would you save him from all of the ugly things in this world?

2007-03-19 03:02:11 · 4 answers · asked by bealicious 1

back to work on tuesday so dreading it what do u say to a person(it's a girl)who u know hates! me. and would go out of her way to like make fun of u when others are around and doesn't say anything on her own.
i haven't said anything but hello once,oh she so hates me and i actually find it hard to talk to people i guess she thinks i put it on to be rude or something which i so don't get why would i not say anything to be rude?i don't think i can change how she feels but if she knew i was like this at home as well as work and hardly ever go out maybe she would stop.but then that would leave me open for more insults, why don't u like anyone no wonder no one likes you. it sucks!
sorry to mention my silly problems but at least u cant say anthing bad to my face and i can kinda talk about it
Lol jp
i do want her to like me , we are gonna see each other more in the next few weeks and i dont want to feel like crap when im around her. it cant be good for her either to think i dont like her

2007-03-19 02:46:32 · 3 answers · asked by johnc 4

My friend doesn't wanna talk to me because my boyfriend didn't wanna take her to a place.My boyfriend didn't mind doing a favor to her but the thing is that she doesn't want people to see us together (church stuff)so mu boyfriend got mad cause he says that she looks for me onlu when she needs me to do her a favor.

2007-03-19 02:46:20 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

what were the circumstances?
i havent i am boring , chance woould be a fine thing

2007-03-19 02:40:00 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

they can be male or female of good characters and inteligent so that they can teach me some of the things I did not know

2007-03-19 02:34:33 · 11 answers · asked by alofidelix 1

My hands are 20% smaller than average male, and 10% smaller than female. If I compare my hands with a girl who has bigger hands than me, does this break the ice between us, or should I try to hide the fact : ) whether it's just female friends or a girl I'm particularly interested in, I'd like to know

2007-03-19 02:24:53 · 8 answers · asked by David R 2

The person sitting next to me is suppose to be a "good" friend of mine. Whenever she gets around my other friends or her boyfriend all she wants to do is hurt me, and embarrass me. What is going on?

2007-03-19 02:24:07 · 20 answers · asked by Chanello 1

2007-03-19 02:22:00 · 2 answers · asked by Mike's D One 2

Yesterday my friend help me to tell my admire, i like him alot!
And today morning my friend told me that my admire likes me, My admire told my friend, that i need change my looks & style. For him? He wants me dye & high light my hair blond colour. But i dun want to that it, feels not like me anymore. He told my friend, that his going to think about it? if he really whats to be my steady??

I knew admire,for 1year 2months soo i need tell truth. I can't kept it to myself for long?? I and admire were close friends. Will he take me too be his steady. Cuz tomorrow his coming to tell me truth, i hope my heart broken too pieces agian. I'm nervous nw.. and thinking too much! help me!!

2007-03-19 02:19:23 · 2 answers · asked by xDi0rAngelx 1

he has long hair. he is tall.

2007-03-19 02:16:52 · 11 answers · asked by Nikhil P 1

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