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Friends - January 2007

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I had a crush on a guy at work and after a few weeks I found out that he is gay! He found out that I liked him and we kinda became friends and we just talked off and on, Recently we hung out for the first time and I had so much fun! We didn't really talk all that much in the short time we were together, But I felt like we finally bonded a little bit and became closer friends. When he left he was talking about coming back to hang out when he had more time and even left food here for "next time".. He hasn't talked to me much since then except for things that are work related and I tried calling him and he didn't answer.. When I try to talk to him about what his problem is, but he claims there isn't a problem. i know there is something going on. He really avoided me the other night and I was upset and vowed to myself that I just didn't care about him anymore, but after seeing him again tonight I know that I do care and I'm not sure how to handle that. should I tell Him?

2007-01-15 14:44:39 · 5 answers · asked by confusedgirl 2

i just want to know coz a lot of me gal friends are broken hearted becoz of this.

i would appreciate if the guys will answer this honestly.

2007-01-15 14:37:31 · 5 answers · asked by ---q.ty pie--- 2

last year this boy sent me this gushy love letter for valentines. it wrote:
I love u soo much. I love the way ur heart chimes. I love it how u shake ur butt. I also LOVe it when u yell at me for spying on u. I love u. I kno we may have had some bad times but we can change it my dear. So for now i ask u shall we go out??

I really hate this guy cause he is stupid (gets f's) and spies on me. I dont kno wat to do. he will send me another love letter this year too. last last year he was a big bully. wat should I do.

2007-01-15 14:34:33 · 2 answers · asked by kitten baby 2

For those of you who don't know, World of Warcraft is a computer game.

My friend spends every waking moment, he is sleep deprived, playing this game. It controls his life. It seems like a drug. He values it over his girlfriend, and we used to be best friends and we barely talk any more. Any suggestions?

2007-01-15 14:24:23 · 11 answers · asked by hpascare 2

i lied to a friend of mine (who s a guy) and told him i was not a virgin but iam.i know its silly but im a bit ashamed of it being that im in my 20,s,but is anything really wrong with it?

2007-01-15 14:17:25 · 7 answers · asked by jelisa3120 4

My best freind on 360 got mad at me because my other "friend" posted a question about him and I and I was dumb enough to tell him about it. He was one of the greatest friends Ive ever had and I just want him to be my friend again. I feel like this question was my fault and I tried explaining it to him but he wont listen to me. He was a really great friend and he really inspired me to be myself and the first person Ive talked to that had alot of the common interests as me. There was a huge age gap but when your just talking to someone it doesnt really matter. Is there anything I can say to him so that he'll be my friend again?

2007-01-15 14:13:00 · 3 answers · asked by ♫That'll be the Day♫ 6

omg. its the most awful stench in the world.... so bad it gives me headache.. its smells like rotten pepper or something..... how can i hint to her please not to wear it anymore?!?! shes an older lady....

2007-01-15 14:09:11 · 5 answers · asked by whuvahgut? 2

i am in middle school and can u tell me how to be popular?????i am a good student and i do many clubs but i want to be popular but not the mean ones.

2007-01-15 14:07:22 · 13 answers · asked by musiclover 2

my best friend really liked this extremly hot guy who i also like so i was texting him on my fone one night and i told him she likes him and now he likes her back and they are probably going to go out but i really dont want them too because i like him!! and i no that i was the one who set them up and i have to pretend to be happy for her because she is my best friend....what should i do???

2007-01-15 13:54:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

About a 1yr ago I had to move home since I was having issues with finding a roomate who would actually pay rent/bills. I could not afford rent on my own. Recently my good friend of 10 yrs. tells me her lease at her place is up in Jan'07, and we should get a place. So we started looking and found a house to rent. I have already started to move in when she tells me that she now has to stay another month at here current house, but now I doubt she is moving in at all! She will not give me a definate answer wether or not she will be signing the lease in March. So, I am basically screwed-I can almost bet she won't even call me at the end of February! I do have another person who may be able to move in right away. My question is should I just have this other friend move in if she can or should I give my friend a chance to see if she will sign the lease in March? I don't know what else to do, I am very upset my "friend" would do this to me. Or does anyone know how to find a roomate?

2007-01-15 13:54:36 · 12 answers · asked by BUTTERCUP 2

i have this guy at my school, and he is obsessed with me. i ask him to leave me alone, but he doesn't. he's really nice and all, but he's really clingy. how can i ask him to leave me alone without giving myself a headache, or him a restraning oder?

2007-01-15 13:47:12 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need more people as friend's. The one's that I have aren't dependable, trustworthly, or have cars. I seem to be the only one who has a car. I need someone who can be there. Someone I can trust, dependable, and have a voice. I mean alot can talk but they can about themselves. I am going through something and need a good person by my side. If your that person, you can email at my yahoo. It's spicygurl_2286@yahoo.com. I am in the Fayetteville, North Carolina area.

2007-01-15 13:44:33 · 12 answers · asked by Micka 2

and her car was damaged, but thank GOD is was not anything that could not be fixed and we only siffered minor injuries. This is how the accident happended... Earlier in the evening we were all supposed to go out after work which ends at 7 PM. However, our plans were delayed when my "friend" said she had to go home (30 mins away) and then take her mom to B-more (about 1 away). But she promised that she would be back by 9 PM. Well, she did not get in until 11:30 PM and still wanted to go to numorous places to hang out. First, we go to another friends house which was about 15mins ( 20 because we got lost)away and do absolutely nothing over there and his room smelt like smoke from weed ( and I do not smoke and hate the smell!) He totally ignored us and played his X BoX the whole time. So, byabout 12:30 AM I tell my "friend" that I want to go somewhere else. She acts like she does not want to drop me off and I told her she didn't have to,but she did and I gave her $10 for gas ( when it was really a $5 ride). We get over to my fother friend's house at about 1:30 AM and my "friend" says she will be back to pick me up in a half hour, until then she was going to the 7/11 and I-HOP. After she got me we were supposed to go to another friend's house. Well, I decide I want to stay for an extra 30 mins (1 hour in total) and I tell her I will be outside at exactly 2:30 AM. It turns out I was outside on time and she was no where to be found. I walk to I-HOP and she was there. I calll numerous times, no answer. Finally, she answers around the 5th call and says she was "waiting" for me for the past 20mins, and I explain to her that she wouldn't have if she had been on time. When she picks me up, I ask her is 1. she were tired and 2. if she wanted me to drive. she said no to both questions. we are driving for about 2 mins, she is already not going the speed limit and is leaning back in her chair. All of a sudden she gets way too close to a SUV and drives directly into it. The first thing she screams when we jump out the car is that it was my fault for having her out so late and I shouldn't have let her drive. I feel a little guilt because she was picking me up,but on the same token we would have been out late anyways becuase SHE wanted to go somewhere else and SHE was the one who was late picking me up. Also, I offered to drive. Is she right? Was this my fault?Should I apologize and help pay for the damages? PLEASE HELP!

2007-01-15 13:43:29 · 4 answers · asked by princess_4_life88 1

My friend used to be skater. He got to know this girl. Three weeks later I see him with polos and khakis and belts and a northface. There's a preppy girl attached to his arm. I was ticked. Then, I found out that she just wanted him for his money. He could have been the next Tony Hawk. Now, I don't know. I found the right girl for him, but he don't talk to me anymore. He won't listen. He to busy talking to his girlfriend. what in the world do i do? How do I help him?

2007-01-15 13:42:45 · 5 answers · asked by skater_shorty 1

2007-01-15 13:36:59 · 1 answers · asked by Lori T 2

Well my friend is 11 years old and she is lying about age (faking that she is 17 years old) and going on imvu. She has a myspace with almost ton of over aged people around 17-22. She puts fake pictures of her on her myspace. I want her to stop lying because i know that something is gonna go wrong.

2007-01-15 13:31:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, i have this friend and hes nice...he has no friends pretty much but me and another girl..
He asked if he could call once and i said yes...
ow he calls at least 4 times a day..
My dads getting angry and my boyfriend is getting suspicious.
I want this kid to stay my friend, but i just want him to stop calling me all the time.
i want to tell him but i ddon't want him to feel i don't want to be his friend anymore.
What should i say to put it nicely?

2007-01-15 13:29:07 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend died on Friday morning. I did not know until Friday night when my brother told me. I am very upset because he was the last friend I had left. I have no other friends to go to or hang out with. I already see a counselor, but we meet only once a month. She told me to make a friend, and I made friends with James and now he is dead. He was only 24 years old. 24 year olds aren't supposed to die! What do I do? I am trying to write a sympathy card to his father and mother, but I don't know how to put into words what I am feeling. Please help.

2007-01-15 13:28:17 · 31 answers · asked by Courtney C 3

My best friend has been using hard drugs for a while now- heroin, cocaine and various different pills. She means a lot to me, and she's beginning to get worried about her own usage. I can't control what she does, obviously, but I don't know what to do to help. I don't want to lose her to this. She told me that she had been high on cocaine last night, and when she woke up, she could barely walk and she went into the bathroom thinking she was going outside. She also claims that she felt like her body was dying. She insists that she isn't addicted, but she also tells me that she's not sure she can stop using them. I hate it that she's doing this to herself, but I know that I can't control what she does. The fact that she's worried about herself is alarming, but I just don't know what to do. I value her and her friendship, and I would really hate to lose her. Last I checked, she doesn't want to stop using them. I'm beginning to feel like a lousy friend. Please help.

2007-01-15 13:27:12 · 19 answers · asked by noxious_asperity 2


how do you know when your boyfriend is lieing to you?
or cheating on you just asking?

2007-01-15 13:26:26 · 18 answers · asked by roxie 1

My friends bother me all day with that...! can someone tell me what it is?

2007-01-15 13:20:14 · 2 answers · asked by shalalamx 1

i have a friend from there and thats like all she talks about. so what do you think? is it true?

2007-01-15 13:20:07 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

i moved in with my boyfriend and his roomates about a year ago. he had the smallest room (which i then shared with him) and the biggest room with its own bath belonged to sara, the only other girl in the house. last summer, sara decided she would move out soon; it was then agreed that me and my boyfriend should get her room because there were 2 of us sharing one room and both of us were paying full rent. about a month later, sara's boyfriend, chris, moved in with us and stayed with her in her room, of course. 2 weeks ago, sara moved out and chris refuses to give up that room, he has even put an extra lock on the door so no one can get in. he refuses to talk to us or compromise on the room situation. he told me that he is already in that room and is not moving, especially since i dont count as a real roommate because i'm a girl and just moved in with my boyfriend. the other roommates refuse to get involved in the fight. both him and my bf are on the lease, i'm not. what should we do?

2007-01-15 13:18:58 · 10 answers · asked by samishae 2

2007-01-15 13:12:29 · 2 answers · asked by Alisha W 3

I think it's wrong, and it upsets me. However, I haven't told her of my true feelings since she is a good friend. I think she will be upset to hear of my feelings. I don't have a right to judge, so I don't. But, it's has been bothering me for 3 years now. Should I tell her or leave this alone? She will stand in my upcoming wedding too, which I think it's such an paradox. Am I wrong for doing nothing w/ this situation?

2007-01-15 13:09:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok see I have this friend that moved the same year I moved to oregon but in different parts of the state he moved to roseburg,or but Im not sure if hes still there so if anyones from there and possilbly a freshman can you please respond and tell me if you know a michael moeller or simaler to that. It would mean alot to me.

2007-01-15 13:09:05 · 1 answers · asked by countrygirl101 2

How do you know if a boy likes you?

like what are things i need to look for when a boy talks to you. you see there is this boy his name is jon. he wrestls. and whoa do i like him. now ladies he is a hotti and i need your help with this one. so what are things i need to look for when we are talking or when we are in class togther? i really need ot know...! thanks :)

2007-01-15 13:06:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

tempting life style and become a better Christian. How should I have this conversation when I don't even know what to say?

2007-01-15 12:58:15 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, here's the scoop. There are these two guys, Jake and Zack. I've like Zack since gradeschool and never stopped liking him. But until this year, he hasn't paid me one lick of attention. Now he talks to me and stuff. But then there's Jake. Jake, he's really cool, really funny, and really hot. We used to hate each others guts, but now I like him, and he isn't mean to me. We joke around and stuff. I wish I knew if he liked me or not. I can't decide who I like more, Zack or Jake. If one of them asked me out, I would definately go out with him. There's one thing I haven't told you. I'm through with confronting guys! I've been turned down too many times! And one of those turn downs was Zack. I'm afraid to talk to him again. And as for Jake, I'm just afraid! I have a lot of classes with him, so if he turned me down I wouldn't be able to stand it. I'm so confused!?! Please Help Me!!!!

2007-01-15 12:44:50 · 4 answers · asked by Look into the Air 3

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