My "ex-best friend", you could say, all of a sudden turned against me. She was throwing this lame christmas party, with people I never had fun with. She told me that i could come if I wanted to but the next day was "mine" and we would hang what i thought the mature thing to do was make casual plans with another friend. The kind I could cancel easily because I wasn't quite sure If my position or invitation at this part y would hold up. I told this friend I would come to it later, while I did these exciting plans with my other two friends. I made sure to come down there beforehand to give my secret santa present to the pile, her xmas gift, and a movie i thought they could watch during. My plans went later than expected and we even slid off the road. When I got home I had MAJOR family issues, the kind so personal i cant even tell you OR her...becase it makes me far too depressed. I came down there 2 and a half hours late, where she comes to the door screams some bitchy things and locks the door. She has her other best friend, or I call her the "queen bee" cuz she is so beautiful and is so popular in their group (not according to me but to my ex bff), tell me im uninvited and scowled at me, telling me the horrible things ive done and am doing to my ex bff. I stood their calmly making sure not to deck her right in front of the ENTIRE party ( thirty people i can barely tolerate but i am kind to them anyhow). She was even wearing the xmas gift that i gave to my ex bff. After that i left, not even feeling the hurt that this queen bee tried to put upon me. My exxy even calls my other best friend to scream at her and tell her all these lies (that i supposivly did). Exxy even has her mother talk to my step mother. This is strictly between me and her. She ahnnilates friend ships left and right becuase she has strict rules and is trying to make friends with what she believes will get her more popular. She leaked out all of my and my friends secrets and claims i have no chance with any of the guys I like. Her friends glare at me in the halls and even spy on me for her! I ignore it, becuase I always knew my exxy has mean streaks and will never have a true friend. I really dont care if i set our friendship straight, but should i just apologize for the sake of being a good person?
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