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Family & Relationships - 16 September 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

have you used someone as a rebound guy or gall?
for example: I have an ex-girlfriend that calls me everytime she breaks up with someone. she says she needs me to be there for her, mind and body (lips mostly). I think she considers me her permanent rebound. and, as you can picture it, I need her out of my life. luckily I see her about once a year. but she can be a pest from time to time.

2006-09-16 08:33:28 · 13 answers · asked by toma_calin86 4 in Other - Family & Relationships

I have a friend that her husband left her for a 44 year old woman. The other woman is ugly and I just do not understand why some one like him would do something like this. To leave his wife with 2 kids and a buetuful home.The 44 year old women is fat and has kid as young as teen. Why?

2006-09-16 08:32:12 · 20 answers · asked by bigbrowneyes 2 in Marriage & Divorce

My children are 11 & 13 and they want to decide when to see their dad. They are busy with school and church activities on the weekends thus the reason for wanting to decide when they see him.

2006-09-16 08:31:49 · 6 answers · asked by paula68white 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-09-16 08:30:42 · 15 answers · asked by need2know 1 in Family

After all we had been married for 21 years and we both consented (eventually!)

2006-09-16 08:28:40 · 9 answers · asked by Lou B 2 in Marriage & Divorce

My dad died a while ago, and my mom had 8 kids and then she met this man who had 10 kids, they got married but when they had the last baby, our new father left us, they found him later, in an ally way! anyway, my mom gave us up and later she ended up dying and now me and my brothers and sisters have no one left, there's 18 of us and now we're traveling the roads with no where to go, we stay the night ussually at this place we found, we ran away from the place we were in cause the people weren't treating us very good, so we're glad that this place has a computer and everything and so I was wandering if you'd like to be my friend while we're going through this hard time! Anyway if you would like to be my friend then e-mail me, you can im me later if I don't im you first, anyway! thanks and your helping out alot just by being my friend!

2006-09-16 08:27:00 · 10 answers · asked by Cassandra g 1 in Friends

I found out because my soon to be ex told me. This girl has been my friend for over 10 years she has been there everytime my husband hit me and she helped me get away from him She is like my only friend. So my question is should i just stay out of it since im not going to be with him anyway or confront her and end our friendship?

2006-09-16 08:25:13 · 12 answers · asked by mystic_rage879 2 in Friends

im living on my own and none of our parents know about this.... i am NOT gonna tell my mother about this..... but might have to tell my dad...
im sure shes not lying and she is threatening me to marry her or else she is going to have an abortion! NO way im gonna marry her! wht should i do????
she know i like kids... wht should i do? i sed ill ask my dad to buy her a house but she sed she don't want money or a hse and she just want me to marry her!!! are there anyways i can test if the babys mine?and should i marry her and then get a divorce later?
help me!!!!

2006-09-16 08:24:29 · 34 answers · asked by nickcartertrades 1 in Marriage & Divorce

my X is $19,500 behind and i want to see if hes on the list yet

2006-09-16 08:22:23 · 4 answers · asked by seafires 1 in Family

i am not suppose to know about this but he told my bff that he didnt want to go with me, and he thinks that you shouldnt go with someone who you arent going out with. i want to get back together with him. what should i do??

2006-09-16 08:22:05 · 16 answers · asked by mandy 1 in Singles & Dating

well not naming people.... my parents were gone this weekend to go to ohio to see my dads girlfriends parents... so i got a smart idea(im a idiot now looking back on it) i was going to have my girlfriend over and well yeah....... but when her mom dropped her off she came up to the door this time and i was like "SHIZA" and then i opened the door and she asked if my dad was here and i said no and then said he was picking up my grandma and would be back in an hour.... well then she said her daughter would come back in an hour if there is a jesus, help me.... i need to find a way to get her over here or call it off but the problem is her mom has my dads phone number... HELP ME!!!!!!!!

2006-09-16 08:20:41 · 11 answers · asked by Black_Rose 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

Me and my husband want to spice up are marriage we talked about another woman in the bedroom i am not sure will it end are marriage and how do you even find someone for that . I dont want a friend But than with a stranger what about all the things out there you dont want to get . any suggestion please help!!!!!!!!!

2006-09-16 08:20:03 · 15 answers · asked by Tammey H 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-09-16 08:19:58 · 18 answers · asked by trapped 1 in Singles & Dating

i know it sounds crazy but i think the idea is kind of hot. i just want to know what i can do to maximize the liklihood of her fooling around without doing something like cheat on her 1st

sick?. well, the idea actaully orriginated by her. we went out for a year, broke up for a year, and got back together for a year before we got married. when we were getting back together we were very open about all of the perverted fantasies we had. one of hers was that she's go out and explore her sexuality with somebody with alot of experience and then blow me away (to this day, i have a signifigant edge over her in the belt notch department).

once the relationship stablized we stopped talking about those weird things, and pretend like all that talking never happened. at any rate, the idea stuck with me and now i often find myself thinking about her on the prowl, exploring her sexuality, and catching up to me - like having a blast with casual sex the way i did when i was in college.

2006-09-16 08:19:48 · 13 answers · asked by w0t_b0t 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I cant say it will be ok cause i dont know if that is true or i know how you feel because i really dont know how she feels. And whenever i am around her i feel unconfortable like im gonna say something wrong or i will make her sad. What should i do?

2006-09-16 08:18:42 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

often wondered what happened to my old mucker....
ex "Bl00dy Daft Current" like me, N WHY IS SHEFF WED DOING SO CRAP THESE DAYS!!

2006-09-16 08:16:59 · 10 answers · asked by chris s 3 in Friends

If so what should I do?

2006-09-16 08:16:55 · 13 answers · asked by Anna Banana 1 in Singles & Dating

i am a tomboy i have recently started college and all the people in my class are girls so im finding it really hard to fit in. i dont want people to think im a loner coz IM NOT i got a lot of friends outside college. i want to make friends but i jus dont feel like hanging out with people im not comfortable with.what should i do.HELP

2006-09-16 08:16:00 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Did you end up breaking up or staying together? My boyfriend recently cheated on me. After a month, we got back together. I decided to take him back because I really love him and he said it was the biggest mistake he's ever made. I was just wondering what other people have done in my situation.

2006-09-16 08:15:54 · 9 answers · asked by Damon ♥ Elena 6 in Other - Family & Relationships

Or am I out there on my own??
Does anyone still actually cook from fresh ingredients? You hear so much about the increase of fast foods, junk foods and the increase of childhood obesity,etc, so why don't more people take the child's health into their own hands?
There are very few meals served in this house that haven't been cooked from scratch - even the days when I think I don't have time. There are plenty dishes that can be made up quickly and I am satisfied that my children enjoy a very healthy, varied diet.

2006-09-16 08:15:52 · 20 answers · asked by wee stoater 4 in Family

Im newly divorced and never was into the dating scene I need help.The most beautiful man I have ever seen has been on contract at my work as an electrician. Is it wrong to date someone who is temporarily a co-employee? (I don't date fellow workers ever)
How do I find out if he is single? or if I stand a chance? How do I find out his name even. He says hi and smiles when ever I see him and it makes me so happy. What do I do? How do I let him know Im interested without being to obvious about it? I dont want to make a fool of myself.

2006-09-16 08:15:20 · 10 answers · asked by knowitall 3 in Singles & Dating

Like the pastor and consultant, decorator etc. Is there a special card group for this type of thank you.

2006-09-16 08:14:36 · 10 answers · asked by Kelle D 1 in Weddings

After many years of having an emotionally dead relationship, I finally decided to end it. I thought it wouldn't affect me.

Believe me, I have no feeling left for my ex. I do not miss him and am very glad to be out of the relationship, but I have lost 33 pounds and am down to 116 lbs, which isn't underweight but I lost this weight within 3 months....and I still have no appetite. I always have to force myself to eat something and food makes me nauseous.....anyone ever had this happen to them? If so what did you do? When will I go back to wanting to eat normally?

2006-09-16 08:14:26 · 4 answers · asked by j t 1 in Singles & Dating

or do you use someone else's?

2006-09-16 08:14:03 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

2006-09-16 08:13:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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