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Family & Relationships - 23 July 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

This can be a date, lover, spouse, someone you really like or want etc....just curious....lol

2006-07-23 16:27:36 · 21 answers · asked by zeekandthefam 5 in Singles & Dating

I'm 16 and i've only had 1 boyfriend. Someone else asked me out...but changed his mind cuz he's best friends w/ my ex-boyfriend. He still wants to stay friends...but my heart was just hurt

2006-07-23 16:26:45 · 9 answers · asked by xo winter-angel xo 3 in Singles & Dating

2006-07-23 16:26:40 · 7 answers · asked by murder 2 in Singles & Dating

Actualy bring kids into this world > ?

2006-07-23 16:24:58 · 14 answers · asked by cingular11111 2 in Family

this kid is like 4 years younger than me andhe is stalking me on friday nites he came to my house with his cousins and they watch me when i am in my room just sitting doin nuttinwell me and my brother switched rooms .....so is tht funnny or wat

2006-07-23 16:23:55 · 28 answers · asked by Katy 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-07-23 16:23:55 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

im a hispanic man, im very atracted to white girls....

2006-07-23 16:23:13 · 4 answers · asked by juan j s 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

question after question all the advise in the world hasnt helped . if i even pic his face it brings me to my knees. hes in my every breath. he is my thoughts. my body ackes to hold him. my heart wants to scream. this is so unfair . how do i let go of something that is me . he is my world. but how do i tell him? we both know it could never work to much stands in the way but my heart refuses to listen. it fight with all its might . is he my soul mate . will i be ok or will this end me? does time really heal this kind of pain . omg i cant stand this pain . plz help me i dont want to be lost in this. i cant be strong.

2006-07-23 16:22:59 · 14 answers · asked by rdnckgal_gonwild 1 in Singles & Dating

I have, and it was a fruit bat lying on my stomach and it was looking at me. Imagine me screaming at the top of my voice at 7.30am.

2006-07-23 16:22:51 · 18 answers · asked by galgal 4 in Other - Family & Relationships

i'm confused i want to know where i stand with this guy.....i'm not experienced with dating so i do get confused....

2006-07-23 16:21:53 · 18 answers · asked by mrs. MJ 3 in Singles & Dating

why did everybody look at me and him as if we were from mars or something, there were giggles and every thing i don't get it. Even though he's from Kenya we're the same race right?

2006-07-23 16:21:03 · 2 answers · asked by mznatural30 4 in Singles & Dating

Their is this guy at school that I really like but the only problem is that he is shorter then me and weaker then me. See i'm 6'3 and he is 5'5. when i stand next to him i feel really weird.

Should I go for it?

I keep changing my mind So Please...Help!

2006-07-23 16:21:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Im a girl and so is my best friend and she told me i could read her diary but i guess she forgot about a certain page.. so i read it guess what! it said "i think i love kammi.. not like a sister.. real love" i freaked me out and the next day i went to her house and she tried to touch me in my personal places alot.. i left. i cant tell my parents because we are only 14.. and they are bff with her mom so i see her all the time and now she is telling me shes gonna rape me and such i told my parents and they dont believe me. then she like grabbed muh boobies PLEASE HELP ME!!!!

2006-07-23 16:20:48 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

What do I do..he asked me out and I like him..my other 14 year old friend went out with a 11 year old boy before..so i don't think its so bad..other friends tell me to go for it..and lots of people tell me we are perfect for each other..my mom thinks lots of people would badmouth me though..i just don't know what to do...HELP ME!!!

2006-07-23 16:19:12 · 6 answers · asked by ~HaileyBebz~ 1 in Friends

Well here is my story I am 12 yrs old and very confused! See my mom and dad r divoced and my dad is a big jerk. He always yelled at me and talked behind my moms back. The worst part is why they got divoced. My dad cheated on my mom with her friend and now he is even married 2 her. One day he got so angry that he punched my mom. Soon he was out of the house and married. Now I don't want 2 talk 2 him and I don't know what 2 do!!!! Should I fogive him or leave it alone and be with my mom? I tried 2 get a counselor but it is no good. I just can't take it any more!!!!!!! please help I am so confused and sad. HELP!!!!

2006-07-23 16:18:24 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Here is the whole story...
There was this new kid at my school and the first time I saw him I was like WOW!We both looked at each other and smiled, and every time we saw each other in the hall we stared...but see the only reason why he came to the school was because of Hurricane Katrina, so I knew he had to leave and go back home sometime...Well we never spoke or anything, but he left to go back home and the day he left he came into my classroom and talked to the teacher and then when he went for the door he turned and smiled at me....!!!!
I'm pretty sure that he likes me...but how do I know that he is the one or should I just wait because there is this saying..." Well if they're meant to be then they'll meet again..." Well I just hope its true and it has been a really really long time since I have seen him but I still dream about me and him meeting again.Hope this doesn't sound stupid cuz I really have feelings for him!!!Well thanks!!!

2006-07-23 16:17:13 · 10 answers · asked by Fresh/.Soul 3 in Singles & Dating


i went to my cousin's wedding yesterday. there were alot of boys and girls my age (12,13,14) and so we went to an empty room during the reception and played spin the bottle. is it bad that half of the guys were my cousins and i kissed them? but a guy that was friends with my cousin asked me out. is it bad that he's my cousin's friend, and we're not related at all? we were going out, so my cousin hooked up with my friend. is that bad?

2006-07-23 16:15:26 · 20 answers · asked by x0x_cAsSi_x0x 2 in Singles & Dating

what would you think of when a farther tells his daughter that he is going to hang her, by the way i was only like 7. And if a father yells, hits, and cursis and his kids???

2006-07-23 16:15:18 · 19 answers · asked by Jasmine 1 in Family

2006-07-23 16:13:56 · 24 answers · asked by JoeIQ 4 in Singles & Dating

Ok so i have been with my girlfriend going on a year and i have touched her(sexualy). We have gotten each other exited but that that is as far as it goes. And i am getting blues balls and i do take care of. But i really love her and she always says she has somthing in the past that scars her in her head and i want her to tell me because i am a listener and she doesnt want to tell me but i dont want to do anything to hurt her mentaly(or physically i am one of the good ones). But she tells me that if she feels weird she wont do anything(we have plans tuesday)and we will be alone for half the day and i dont pressure her into anything. But i am getting tired of finishing myself but i wouldnt want anyone else but her to do it. But i know for a fact that she is sexual just not have sex she is still a virgin so am i. So what can i do to have fun tuesday?

2006-07-23 16:13:54 · 6 answers · asked by BAM 2 in Singles & Dating

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