My boyfriend has 3 beatiful children who I absolutly adore. He is a wonderfull father and I think that is alot of what attracted me to him. However I understand completely there has to be communication with the mother, but I feel he goes over board. He will be leaving to do hurricane cleanup once they hit and sometimes he goes out of state, anyways he told his exwife he will pay for her room and flight to come out there with the kids,but I work for him do all his paper work and hasnt mentioned me going to see him, he has all her numbers programed in the phone he dont even know my number at all, basically he is a kiss *** when it comes to her, I would never ask to be put infront of his kidscause they come first but why do I feel as if he is up her buttand will do anything for her at the drop of a dime???? Im the one sleeping in the same bed as him and helping to take care of him and his children, what do I do?????
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