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Alternative Fuel Vehicles · Conservation · Global Warming · Green Living · Other - Environment

The willingness of people to bet money on something has been proven to be an excellent sign of what is truth. The collective wisdom of people is pretty good.


World leaders and corporate leaders HAVE to risk serious money on which side is correct. Overwhelmingly they've chosen to back the mainstream.

There's a small chance (even they say they're only 99% sure) that the mainstream is wrong. But very few intelligent people would risk their money on that.

Even skeptics won't bet against the mainstream. Mainstream scientists have offered bets, and have had a very hard time getting any skeptic to take them.


You don't have to bet money on this directly. But, in a democracy, your political support is effectively doing that. And your economic well being (not your life) is at stake.

2007-12-27 02:55:42 · 13 answers · asked by Bob 7 in Global Warming

Everything else is based on usage or amount...our food, cell phones, gas, electricity, water, even my trash is less if I use the smaller trash cans...
Why are clothes the exception?
If I use 1/4 the material, shouldn't I get a discount?

2007-12-27 02:20:01 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Green Living

Is It?

2007-12-27 02:14:35 · 9 answers · asked by degleader 3 in Conservation

2007-12-27 00:55:09 · 2 answers · asked by babygurl43232 2 in Conservation

2007-12-27 00:49:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Conservation

i read they are harming the environment by killing good bacteria that some things need to survive...the soaps get into rivers and streams and kill everything.

2007-12-27 00:18:30 · 4 answers · asked by de4dog 2 in Other - Environment

if you could refer me to some credible stats, that would be amazing.

2007-12-26 15:49:44 · 7 answers · asked by healinghealer 1 in Green Living

I hear all the time that global warming is going to kill us all? What do you think

2007-12-26 15:42:47 · 24 answers · asked by Rachel Daley 2 in Global Warming

even if the item is unplugged (ie a computer, radio or tv, etc). My family thinks that a plugged item in the off position is not draining electricity

2007-12-26 14:54:59 · 9 answers · asked by msijg 5 in Conservation

I need answers, reasonable, serious answers.

I already spent $100 on a new keyboard and a game.

I'm a big time gamer, and I have all I need game-wise, I just want to spend it. It irritates me that I have to sit here and stare at my money all day. I may buy my own domain, but it's 9 dollars a year.
Is there any good food that can be bought at the local mini-mart or gas station? ANYTHING LOCAL PLEASE D:
Even Blockbuster, anything good for grabs there?
I'm very serious, I need to spend that $40, I'm desperate. I have MORE money coming my way on my birthday (January 1st), so I'll be loaded with money. Don't tell me to save it either, since I just want to spend the money, and save my BIRTHDAY money, not my Christmas money.

Yes, I'm trying to use all 1000 characters in the details.
But yes, this is very serious, and I do indeed need ideas to spend $40. Just follow the guidlines below, and congratulations, you just read 1000 characters that I took the time to write out. Cya. (Serious)....

2007-12-26 14:31:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Environment

Are there any cars any person could buy that is run on pure electricity ?

2007-12-26 13:49:58 · 4 answers · asked by Jonas 3 in Alternative Fuel Vehicles

A few years ago the problem was holes in the ozone layer caused by freon.

The ozone layer protects us from ultraviolet rays.

Does a hole in the ozone layer allow HEAT to radiate back to space?

Are there plants which THRIVE on ultraviolet, possibly algae, thereby consuming CO2?

Do ozone holes occur over deserts, over the Arctic regions, over cities? Or do they float around like ocean currents?

2007-12-26 13:49:26 · 17 answers · asked by tolstoi1 3 in Global Warming

The environment is extremely important.... we cannot live without it..
no matter about Global Warming - what about air pollution, deforestation, over population?

shouldnt it be the #1 interest of everyone to improve our environment??
yet there isnt hardly ever anyone here...

2007-12-26 09:02:26 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Green Living

Surveys have shown that not only do the vast majority of liberals believe the man-made global warming theory is correct, but so do the majority of conservatives.


However, most who are skeptical of or deny the theory are politically conservative.

Why do you think acceptance of the theory breaks down this way politically? Do you think most conservatives/liberals are forming opinions on this issue based on science or politics?

2007-12-26 08:10:19 · 15 answers · asked by Dana1981 7 in Global Warming

In "Reply to Lockwood and Fröhlich" regarding the paper which concluded the Sun is not responsible for the global warming over the past 30 years, Svensmark and Friis-Christensen claim:

"global surface temperatures have been roughly flat since 1998."

Paper downloadable here:


discussed on RealClimate here:


Svensmark and Friis-Christensen are the main proponents of the galactic cosmic ray warming theory.


But we know warming is not only increasing, but accelerating


Why would these GCR propoents make this deceptive claim?

2007-12-26 07:12:04 · 5 answers · asked by Dana1981 7 in Global Warming

Or is it Global Cooling, I forget which one the fear mongers are using against us now.

Oh, wait, they should just call it "catastrophic climate change", that's a good catch-all phrase for their Orwellian windmill...

2007-12-26 07:07:58 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

Is it a cult or is it a modern example of "cold terrorism"?

Is Al Gore its high priest or a mere cold terrorist?

2007-12-26 06:38:54 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

In a previous question I asked skeptics if they think the man-made global warming theory isn't the most likely explanation for the current warming, what is?

They answered "you used Wikipedia I hate liberals blah blah blah". None have yet provided a plausible alternative theory.

We know it's not the Earth's natural cycles, because we're in a stable and cooling cycle right now.


Solar output has decreased over the past 30 years as global warming has accelerated rapidly


and even solar physicists don't think the Sun is the main cause of the current warming


The galactic cosmic ray theory has many fundamental problems.


So if not humans, what's the cause of the current warming?

2007-12-26 05:23:08 · 18 answers · asked by Dana1981 7 in Global Warming

Surely by restricting offspring to 2, a practical and more effective way to curb emissions is created?

2007-12-26 05:22:52 · 14 answers · asked by Matt D 3 in Global Warming

Scientists say…It’s primarily caused by a rapid increase in man made greenhouse gases and the reduction of the earth ability to compensate for the increase of those gases.

Sceptic and Deniers say…It’s not happening. I don’t believe that it’s happening. It’s the volcanoes. It’s the sun. It’s not my fault. It’s the moon. It’s a commie plot. Uranus is getting hot (and sweaty). Al Gore is a democrat. We’re still just coming out of the last ice age. It’s the hole in the ozone. It’s natural. Cows did it. It’s what “they” want you to believe. Just look at the hockey stick graph. It warmed before it’ll warm again. Senator so-and-so has a list. I saw this show called Swindle or something. Liberals want to take away my SUV. Scientist invented it to get more funding. I saw a picture of a temperature sensor somewhere. Rush said so. Bill O’Reilly said so. What’s so wrong with warm? Man is too insignificant to affect the climate.

Now who is undecided?

2007-12-26 05:03:12 · 18 answers · asked by Author Unknown 6 in Global Warming

The only other proposed alternatives are "natural cycles", the Sun, and galactic cosmic rays.

We know it's not the Earth's natural cycles, because scientists are well-aware of these, and we're in a cooling cycle right now.


Solar output has decreased over the past 30 years as global warming has accelerated rapidly


and even solar physicists don't think the Sun is the main cause of the current warming


The galactic cosmic ray theory has many fundamental problems.


These theories cannot explain scientific observations such as a cooling upper atmosphere and greater warming at night than during the day, either.

Even if you're not convinced by AGW, do you agree it's the most likely explanation?

2007-12-26 04:20:59 · 40 answers · asked by Dana1981 7 in Global Warming

There is a "Garbage To Energy" plant near my home, and someone trying to 'go green' was concerned that the plumes of smoke rising from the smokestacks were just creating more pollution and could potentially be more harmful to the environment.

2007-12-26 04:00:33 · 3 answers · asked by maxpower6868 1 in Green Living

I'm not talking about us on Yahoo Answers who are actually studying the topic. I'm refering to the Average Citizen (of where ever you live) who's main care is commuting to work, to pay his/her bills and whether or not their favorite show will be on television or not.

2007-12-26 03:29:34 · 6 answers · asked by Mikira 5 in Global Warming

If he is so right, why does TWC continue in it's quest of manmade global warming?

2007-12-26 03:18:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

I don't know how many watts etc, it's just a bog standard hairdryer, but parents keep saying how much electricity it uses and that it's one of the most expensive things to run in the house. Does anyone know if this is true or how I can find out? Ive googled it, but I cant find hairdryer on any lists. Thanks in advance.

2007-12-26 02:25:39 · 9 answers · asked by bluewatchgirl 1 in Green Living