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Environment - April 2007

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Alternative Fuel Vehicles · Conservation · Global Warming · Green Living · Other - Environment

Last night on "The Tonight Show, with Jay Leno",,,,,,,,Bill Mayer quoted Eighnstien(mis spelled),,,,,as saying that if the bees go away, then humans have four years left to survive. Keep in mind that it is the bees that polinate every plant. It all has to do with the food chain from the least animal all the way to human food chains.

2007-04-25 01:23:40 · 6 answers · asked by cloud 2

i am writing and essay, any info would be great! :)

2007-04-25 00:15:21 · 3 answers · asked by malibuisace 2

Think about this question ppl.

In order to GET the knowledge, fuel is being burned in order to find the answers... I'm sure there are lots of examples out there supporting my claim......

2007-04-24 23:52:58 · 4 answers · asked by Hello 3

Has anyone used the new "CARB" gasoline containers ? It is designed to reduce gas vapors from escaping from it, I HAVE NEVER SPILLED SO MUCH GASOLINE in my life, every time I try to use it "Carefully", I spill fuel all over me, the lawn mower, and the ground. How does this help with curtailing the gasoline vapors ? ? ? don't they (regulatory agency's) see that this does NOT work ?

2007-04-24 22:53:39 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

can you plzzzz give me the cycle?

2007-04-24 19:51:46 · 6 answers · asked by beat_drought 1

I just saw a post on myspace saying that on May 15th don't pump gas to protest the rising gas prices. But in reality that will just mean may 14th and 16th people will be buying double the amount of usual. If you really wanna hurt the gas companies maybe on may 15th everybody rides the bus or maybe even buys a hybrid? That would make a real difference.

2007-04-24 19:26:10 · 9 answers · asked by joshper85 3

2007-04-24 18:50:39 · 1 answers · asked by khanh20779 2

I'm on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and we now have these critters. Some whacko in another county released them as a means to controle invasive water plants in the Chesapeke Bay.

2007-04-24 18:49:14 · 4 answers · asked by rougerocker 3

2007-04-24 18:44:40 · 14 answers · asked by Joseph 2

I once read about the turbo stove which is a woodgas cookstove that was once available for sale unfortunately it is no longer available. Do any other woodgas alternatives exist?

I did buy a woodgas type stove in the Philippines designed to burn rice hull. It was awesome, but when I tried it with wood it turned into a blast furnace (it was so hot you couldn't get within 2m of the thing and the steel glowed white hot).

I've made a Garrington cookstove which was cool, but kind of cheesy to use on a regular basis.

Any ideas?

2007-04-24 18:08:55 · 2 answers · asked by Jason T 4

Everyday, thousands of gallons of these strong solvents enter our lakes, streams, rivers, ocean, and other bodies of water. It causes the death of hundreds, perhaps thousands of people each year. Are you concerned with this environmental hazard?

2007-04-24 16:39:13 · 7 answers · asked by Cacaoatl 3

Galveston, Texas, California, and South America is going to sink in about 30 years.
Well not sink but become parts of different oceans.

Since three states and contients is already gonna die soon, do you think more states will sink too?
its like the whole world gonna sink down!

We're only going to have, like 47 states left by the time im 50 years old.

2007-04-24 16:27:51 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-24 16:17:53 · 1 answers · asked by lore 1

What are some different reasons how global warming has become a threat?
Is there evidence for those reasons?

2007-04-24 16:04:26 · 3 answers · asked by Yahoo! User 2

what cause global warming?

2007-04-24 15:28:38 · 12 answers · asked by Breakin 2

Is Global Warming even a problem? Is it really going to happen soon or later? Should we do something about it?

2007-04-24 15:25:36 · 7 answers · asked by ddd guy 2

I've heard about various ways, like switching the engine to run on materials other than gas. What are some other options? I'm really curious.(It doesn't have to pertain just to what the car runs on either, just ANYTHING at all involved with the car)

2007-04-24 15:14:37 · 6 answers · asked by dognosesetc 1

2007-04-24 15:13:19 · 13 answers · asked by northhillsdave 3

Have you read anywhere that the magnetic field has changed due to our current situation of ice caps melting. If no such information, it would be good for you to state what our present situation is and how it could get worse from an environmental perspective.

Please quick!

2007-04-24 14:58:52 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

when did the polar ice cap start to melt? like was it 2002? or???

2007-04-24 14:53:51 · 4 answers · asked by Breakin 2

If you have been involved as a member from any of these people points of view, Please answer.

If you have no history with these issues or legal background, or are not an official of one of the offices which are in charge of the law, Please do not Respond.

Hypothetically Speaking:

If the owners come back from their indefinite vacations due to a heart condition or because they no longer care about the property and find this situation, "What do you think the owner/s of the (land) properties can do about the problem?"

Here's the problem:
Someone has parked a bunch of over twenty year old junk vehicles on the property within a few days of the owners departure.
Damages are including:

Reduction in property value because of the junk yard status of the vehicles; Property damage from the vehicles leaking engine oil, transmission fluid, and radiator fluid on the ground. Rust and rubber decay. The soil also becomes so shaded it kills all the foliage underneath.http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=2007

2007-04-24 13:58:30 · 1 answers · asked by d4d9er 5

Remember please, that this is water POLLUTION not SAVING water. ANY help would be awesomly great!!!! Best answer get 11 points.

~*~Be SeRiOuS pLeAsE~*~

2007-04-24 13:43:39 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

In science class, we where talking about how most cockroaches can survive in an every day, house hold microwave when I asked, "How can cockroaches survive in microwaves?" Meaning how is it possible for them to do that? If you know for sure, please do tell. I could get extra credit for it!



2007-04-24 13:07:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-24 12:50:36 · 14 answers · asked by beat_drought 1

?? (HW help!!)

2007-04-24 12:48:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-24 12:17:45 · 1 answers · asked by wade1994mm 1

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