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Movies - 9 April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Entertainment & Music Movies

I mean old as in 80's and earlier!-

2007-04-09 22:51:03 · 24 answers · asked by meea 2

I do!

2007-04-09 22:42:37 · 5 answers · asked by butterflykisses.ie 2

2007-04-09 21:12:32 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

two lists

1-0 favorites and the best 10 ever made

my favorite top 10

1. Apocalypse Now ( Redux )
2. Lawrence of Arabia
3. Good Fellas
4. Citizen Kane
5. Platoon
6. Network
7. The Sting
8. Psycho
9. Easy Rider
10. Pulp Fiction

top 10 films ever made

1. Citizen Kane
2. Casablanca
3. Star Wars
4. Gone with the Wind
5.The Godfather 1 and 2
6. 2001
7. Jaws
8. Ben-Hur
9. Lords of the Rings Trilogy
10. The Best Years of Our Lives

2007-04-09 21:11:00 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-09 21:10:39 · 34 answers · asked by stacey h 2

2007-04-09 19:38:25 · 23 answers · asked by HOke 1

This is an old movie that has a bunch of little short stories in it. Its a comedy. One of the stories is this guys is going on a date and he goes into a drug store to buy condoms and he happens to be the 1000th customer or something and is embarrassed when the clerk announces he wants "Spartan Condoms." Another short story in that movie is a lady just lost her husband and his friends were doing stand up type comedy at his funeral. The funeral ended up being held over. This movie used to come on the Fox movie of the week way back in the late 80's, early 90's. Can someone help me? Its been racking my brain.

2007-04-09 19:10:24 · 7 answers · asked by Nikki 1

2007-04-09 18:42:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

that arent texas chainsaw, hostel, hills have eyes, or saw1,2&3.

im tired of people thinking those are good movies when they kinda sucked... hostel was alright but it was either constant sex or constant gore.

2007-04-09 17:50:39 · 26 answers · asked by Dont get Infected 7

Mine is Monty Python & the Holy Grail

2007-04-09 17:40:49 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-04-09 16:40:41 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

The guys I work with love Dumb and Dumber.

They are always quoting different movies.

One of my favorites is
" I like pizza Steve."

What's yours?

2007-04-09 16:15:33 · 23 answers · asked by ♥ ♥ C.J. ♥ ♥ 5

Is it a actually a horror movie or is it just blood blood blood like most tarantino,oh and how much nudidy is there?

2007-04-09 16:08:18 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

its a weird movie. i dont get it.

2007-04-09 15:57:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-09 15:49:25 · 6 answers · asked by fruit bat 4

suicide club about a cult (?) "killing" their members to form a larger plan. The main investigator is ordered not to go any deeper into the club after he gets an inventation from someone who "obviously" wants out of te club. As the lead investigator and his connections start to piece together the clues it becomes more and more evident that there is something larger going on. Told from the cop and the suicide club's "want out" person's perspective.

If you're just here to point out my errors just leave now I don't have the time nor patience to use spell check on yahoo answers. I will take the time to edit my script Thank you.

2007-04-09 15:35:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Many of you guys may think Im physco and maybe I am, but if you havent already guessed I am completley IN LOVE with the Phantom I saw the movie 2 years ago and first I became obsessed with it watching it every day and bawling my head off every time then I had to see the play and read the book But really it mostly has to do with the movie you see my obsession kind of developed into this longing desire to be with him I had always thought he was EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE (not just the actor but I mean the character) I even thought with his mask off he was still beautiful And I realized that everything about him was perfect for me And now you don't even know how much I love him and don't think that just because he's not real that I dont really love him cuz I do TRUST me its real love because I have never felt this way b4 and I think about him CONSTANTLY I cry whenever I see couples together or anything with love or sex cuz it breaks my heart and I feel like im suffocating without him. HELP!

2007-04-09 15:34:57 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just bought the limited edition of Star Wars IV A New Hope on DVD, in the original theatrical version (disc 2) there are no subtitles when Greedo speaks like in the original film...does anyone else have this problem with their copy? Thanks.

2007-04-09 15:20:49 · 4 answers · asked by Grand Poobah 6

2007-04-09 15:16:23 · 23 answers · asked by hotrod in 7-11 1

Explain why the Crusades might be considered the greatest successful failure of all time

2007-04-09 15:11:00 · 3 answers · asked by Theo Z 2

earlier this eve i asked about a movie where the actors when killed only stay dead for a few seconds. i recall them saying something like,,,, wait until momma comes, or just wait till momma gets here. ok momma is a megayikes ugly woman that at some point grabs a hammer being aimed at her, and catched it in mid air, and reverses the swing backewards into the forhead of the man attempting to nail her. i do recal that when one person kills another, the killed one stays dead for a few seconds, then gets up and walks away slowly muttering something like wait till you see momma or etc. i cant remember much else other than it was pre 1994

2007-04-09 15:10:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

can i rent a movie from the U K block buster. I live in the us
but only the uk has the movie i am looking for.'Brain smasher.with andrew dice clay in it

2007-04-09 15:03:21 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

i had no idea that anikin would become dark vader in star wars. my brother, his friends, my grandma, my cousins, and my parents all laughed at me. they all thought i was retarded. was this like a known fact? i mean, even my mom knew it! am i that dumb, or is my family star wars geeks?

2007-04-09 15:02:48 · 15 answers · asked by ♥♫ Never Too Late ♫♥ 7

I really found grindhouse to be a moronic film that was soooooo desperate to be original it was just lame. I mean a girl with a machine gun leg. Why is that cool? Its weird , but that doesnt automaticly make it cool. Then they use the fact that everything looks like it was fake as a gimic saying its an "omage" to old film styles. I dont go around trying to sell anyone the original xbox as an "omage" to how kick butt the 360 is. I mean they pretty much just come out and say this film has no worthwhile plot or anything of the sort its just killing. Anyone else this that thats lame? I mean unless its creative (not weird I remember when people could see the difference) just mindless killing really doesnt interest me. I mean in kung fu movies the movement and the action is very original and artistic where as this is just mindless stupid crap. They were trying to mimic crappy movies when they though of that you know. Who else thinks that this movie is just a waste of time.

2007-04-09 14:51:18 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need to find the entire movie online. I mean Star Wars Star Wars. AKA Episode IV, AKA A New Hope.

2007-04-09 14:36:05 · 6 answers · asked by Indiana Jones 2

I got hooked on this show during a long period of insomnia. It is absolutely hilarious, especially Cat. I love his fangs. What is it that you love about this show?

2007-04-09 14:33:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-09 14:30:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-09 14:30:09 · 9 answers · asked by MDE 2

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