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suicide club about a cult (?) "killing" their members to form a larger plan. The main investigator is ordered not to go any deeper into the club after he gets an inventation from someone who "obviously" wants out of te club. As the lead investigator and his connections start to piece together the clues it becomes more and more evident that there is something larger going on. Told from the cop and the suicide club's "want out" person's perspective.

If you're just here to point out my errors just leave now I don't have the time nor patience to use spell check on yahoo answers. I will take the time to edit my script Thank you.

2007-04-09 15:35:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Movies

I meant my spelling not the critisism to the idea just the spelling.

2007-04-09 16:11:52 · update #1

6 answers

it's really hard to get an idea what your script will be about based on this topline summary. The main character is the lead investigator - right? Who is he/she? What's his background? Why did he become an investigator?
Something you may want to consider is his fears. The thing he fears the most may be the very thing he has to confront.
Who's the "want out" person? Is he related to the lead investigator (nephew)? Why would the lead investigator want to save him? What's at stake if the lead investigator (LI) fails? Sounds like you're thinking the LI is a good cop who wants to uphold justice, but this may be a little too comic-bookish to make the script work.

Some films may have the LI fail in a similar case early in the film so that the LI feels he has to vindicate himself this time to prove himself/clear his name. (Bruce Willis in Last Boy Scout)

Not sure about the suicide club/cult idea. When a club kills all their members, there is no club left. The idea of luring people to joining the club to kill them - because they're vampires, or satanic (need sacrifices) makes a bit more sense. But I'm not sure where you're going with this. Is this club religious (like Jim Jones or Waco?) Why are people joining? Are they suicide bombers? What do they plan on accomplishing by killing themselves? Don't understand what this "larger plan" is.

I also don't understand why the LI is told not to investigate. Is this "killing club" run by a powerful bunch of connected men (like Eyes Wide Shut?). Is the police department behind this? Why? Are they using this killing club to clean up the streets?

I'd also encourage you to explore the reason for this script. If it's pure entertainment like "From Dusk Til Dawn" - then I guess it's a good start. But if you wanted to make something that's a bit more classic like "vertigo" then you may want to consider the theme of your script. what are you really trying to say? E.g., Bad guys can get away with murder (Chinatown).

Overall - there's an idea in your paragraph - but can't tell if it's a thriller, drama or gore flick. I'd recommend you pick on point of view - either the LI or the "want out" kid. This may help you make decisions about what the story is about. Maybe it's the kid who really wanted to be part of a family only to find out the family he joined is the worst kind. (Boys in the Hood explores the family thing well.)

Sometimes, you need to write the whole script to just find out what the story you're trying to tell. Some writers know the ending before they start, others write to find out the ending. How the story ends usually gives you a clue to what the story is about.

Good luck. Hope this helps.

2007-04-10 08:23:08 · answer #1 · answered by legalbeagle 4 · 0 0

There was a porno made 10 or 15 years ago with a similar plot. Vampires own the hottest nightclub in town and all the eager trendy types become dinner after all sorts of erotic stuff. A cop is investigating the murders and is trying to save a girl from becoming the next victim. He is being warned away by everybody; while being seduced by one of the vampires.

While your story has the secret society within the club doing the killings; the porno had the head vampire cleaning house and killing off useless vampires to keep a lower profile.

2007-04-09 23:10:53 · answer #2 · answered by Kevin k 7 · 0 0

Yes. Sorry my score was 666, too creepy. I wanted to change it. It does sound good though. I must say though you ask the question "is this a good idea for a movie?" then you say "don't point out errors" if you can't take criticism, you won't go far Dude... I am going to do it anyway it can't be a suicide club if they are BEING killed... Ooh look spell check, took me 2 seconds.

2007-04-09 22:59:59 · answer #3 · answered by kylie e 3 · 0 0

You know that's not half bad. A sinister villian is the most important part of a movie like this and I think you've found one and more. The more I think about it the better I like it. Good job using the cranium on this one!

2007-04-09 23:14:43 · answer #4 · answered by jack jagger 5 · 0 0

will good look i will be writing a move about boy meet girl and girl meet boy. Its about this boy who's life is about adventure and excitment, from the dance hall era to the money making advantages.Fine the best girl who can handle the adventures,and excitment.

2007-04-09 22:50:33 · answer #5 · answered by Ivor Z 1 · 1 2

It's GREAT!!!
I'm gonna start working on the script right now!

See Ya In HOLLYWOOD!!! :)

2007-04-09 22:44:10 · answer #6 · answered by c0micb00k 3 · 1 0

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