studies in the 50's and 60's actitually benefitted our country's young.
The 'new education' (whole language instead of phonics, self esteem instead of accomplishment, as well as many other things) has been a terrible thing, disasterous, even!
The United States regularly finishes well down the list when compared toward other industrialized nations.
It was not always so!
I understand that new information (scientific discovery, technological advances) need to be incorporated in the material, but there is little reason for the American school system to have fallen so far, so fast!
I propose a Progress-at-Your-Own-Rate plan.
This system has ALWAYS brought about better, brighter students!
We do not need to teach self esteem, because the sense of accomplishment that comes from a job well done will build it. It is SELF esteem, you cannot get it from outside!
I support a voucher only school system!
Make schools compete and advance for our kids sake!
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