Truth can lie through half-truths: What is a half-truth ?
The question seems easy, a half-truth is half true, suggesting that other part is a lie. Well that is part of the answer, you see there are several other types of half-truths.
The other more deceptive form of half-truth is a statement that is not the whole truth, suggesting the truth in quesiton is true.
Here is an example:
At a war memorial on a Christian Church there was a quote from the Bible, the Gospel according to John.
"No greater love hath any man than to lay down their life for their fellow man"
That statement seems to rationalize dying as a soldier for your country.
Except that statement from taken from Verse that ends with another sentence, "love oneanother'.
So it obvious that this statment is taken out of the paragraph, out of context to deceive us; the work of hte devil ?
There are more types of half-truths; what are they ?
Here is a source:
4 answers
asked by
Caesar J. B. Squitti