i am homeschooled now and I want to go back, but its a long story. See when I was in 7th grade I tried homeschooling as a idea and i didnt really think i would do it for long so I went back in 8th grade. I had a horrible time. Its not that i got picked on, its just I was left out of a lot of things beacuse people thought I was weird for homeschooling. I had trouble making freinds because a lot of them already made their cliques which were almost impossible to come into. so i went back to homeschooling and i have been since now, finishing 9th grade going into 10th. I dont know I just need some help becuase I am thinking of going back to a cathicloc high school for 10th grade, but I am a little hessitent because I dont want to have a horrible time like a did in 8th grade. And please dont say like u need to for social skills or whatever thats not what im asking.
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Home Schooling