consider the suicide rates in United States
per 100,000 people the rates are:
above average - 14.1 or more for states (oregon, idaho, montana, wyoming, nevada, utah, colorado, arizona, new mexico, oklahoma, arkansas, west virginia, alaska)
average - 10.0 - 14.0 for states (washington, north dakota, south dakota, nebraska, kansas, iowa, wisconsin, michigan, ohio, missouri, indiana, pennsylvania, new hampshire, vermont, maine, delaware, virginia, tennessee, kentucky, north carolina, south carolina, georgia, florida, alabama, mississippi, louisiana, texas, hawaii)
below average - 9.9 or fewer for states (california, minnesota, illinois, new york, massachusetts, rhode island, connecticut, new jersey, maryland)
1. how do each of the theoretical approaches to sociology explain the suicide rates? (structural-function approach, social-conflict approach, and symbolic-interaction approach)
2. which approach best explain this data?
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