i have a four year old son who will be going to pre school this september. i bought him a workbook to get a jump start on his letters and writing in general. he knows very well how to do circles, straight lines and zig zags, but at the moment, he is having a really hard time with his letters. he got through the letter Aa wonderfully, but after that, he is having a hard time with the other ones. every letter is pre traced for my son and he gets through that great, but can not do it himself without the letter already been traced. he does straight lines and circles instead. what are some fun games i can do with him to help him do the letters better? he does not know how to write his own name yet, should i be teaching him that as well, or learn the letters first then move on the names?? i am stuck in a rut because he seems to be bored of the workbook and not feeling challenged maybe? or this too mcuh for him? please help!
14 answers
asked by
brittany martinez