There are temptations to spend more and there will always be. Getting lured into these temptations is a sure shot way to run into credit card debt. Remember every purchase that you make with a credit card is a loan and has to be repaid at the end of the month with interest.
Spend some cash:
Avoid the habit of paying for everything with a credit card. This will accumulate a large credit card debt, on the other hand if you decide to pay with cash for certain items, it will keep your budget intact and promote financial discipline. Since you are spending only from what you have, not borrowing.
Repay on time:
Owning a student credit card is often the first step towards building a credit history. If you repay all your credit card balances on time it will work wonders for your credit history. A small job, part time assignment, tuitions, anything can augment your income while you are in the college years. Paying your own debt builds essential self confidence which, is crucial to succeed later on. Read more From:
2007-05-25 20:30:57
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yeah they will give any student a loan. You have to take intro counseling and sign a promissory note.
These loans are government loans. They work different than cc debt. If you do not pay these off you will get in big trouble. That's why they give them too anybody (meaning students) without worry.
No co-signor needed. I know people at my school with bad credit and got loans no problem. I don't know what school these other people go to but if you go to finaid office and sign for loan, they will not deny you.
2007-05-25 07:27:06
answer #2
answered by Veritas et Aequitas () 7
If you have a poor credit score, it is difficult to get a loan from most banks and financial institutions. Credit is usually available only at a very high interest rate.Only few companies provide loan with poor credit score.Check out link for details.
2007-05-25 15:25:56
answer #3
answered by ram k 3
they will give you a loan with a co signer.
Try going to the school and seeing if you can get any grants/scholarship/financial aid.
otherwise start going through fast web and filling out like crazy.
2007-05-25 07:32:20
answer #4
answered by traceya87 3
hey well im about $7500 down in credit card debt :-( but i still get my student loans... i go through campus door... i need a cosigner though... a friend with good credit will do... i take $13000 out a year for student loans... you shouldnt have a problem
2007-05-25 07:25:43
answer #5
answered by D-Boy 2
You could have someone with good credit co-sign the loan for you.
2007-05-25 07:25:59
answer #6
answered by Cyndi 3
Not sure if you still live at home, but I do and my student loans are based on my parents income. I dont think their debt affects how much money I'm allowed.
2007-05-25 07:41:46
answer #7
answered by heavnzangel850 2
I think you will need a co-signer to help you get the loan. Have you try to apply to Financial Aid (federal&state aid)?
2007-05-25 07:26:08
answer #8
answered by Nickleby 3
go down to Vinny's pizzeria and tell him Mario sent ya and that yous need some money. oh yeah if you dont pay it back you might miss both of your thumbs
2007-05-25 07:29:52
answer #9
answered by texasbluezman 2