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Education & Reference - 22 May 2007

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Financial Aid · Higher Education (University +) · Home Schooling · Homework Help · Other - Education · Preschool · Primary & Secondary Education · Quotations · Special Education · Standards & Testing · Studying Abroad · Teaching · Trivia · Words & Wordplay

I need to do a project for [1st year] biostatistics, but I don't have a very good grasp of the subject. I'm also not very creative, so the only idea I can come up with is comparing the amount of M&M's to a dollar gotten from $1 vs. 20cent vending machines. Will this work? Or should I change it to something else?

I think it would be:
H(0): mean number of M&M's is the same for $1 and 5x20c.
H(1): mean number of M&M's is not the same.

But, other than that, I am totally lost as to what else I would do with the info. And would one sample from 10 diffrent vending machines around campus of each type be considered a random sample? (or 2 from 5 of each if I can't find enough)

2007-05-22 02:43:24 · 1 answers · asked by Bianca 3 in Higher Education (University +)

can MBA in hospital management be done through distance learning ? is it available in mumbai ? i am a MBBS graduate with 4 yrs of experience in working as a Medical Officer in a Govt hospital in Mumbai. what are the prospects.?

2007-05-22 02:42:14 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Higher Education (University +)

I am taking a home course in Cosmetology and Esthetics and there is a section on electrical appliances used but doesn't really cover much of why you should look for the UL symbol.

2007-05-22 02:38:32 · 3 answers · asked by hobbitt192002 1 in Homework Help

Hi. Can anyone tell me how the American sport boxball came along (history). Thx in advance!

2007-05-22 02:31:36 · 1 answers · asked by KCWS 2 in Homework Help

I'm currently a student at the University of Phoenix. I live in Canada, and am planning to get a master's degree in a Canadian university. Will it be recognized or am I just wasting my time?

2007-05-22 02:30:47 · 2 answers · asked by Uniquedude 1 in Higher Education (University +)

2007-05-22 02:30:26 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Homework Help

i go to a CUNY college and i had a question. did anyone ever hear about if you get a D in a class you can ask for an F and retake the class for a better grade. and they then change the grade you got before (F).. i heard it from my boyfriend that u can do this and since i am not doing so well in my Psyc class and i may be getting a D.. i asked my professor if she could do this and she said "in all my 20 years working for CUNY this is the first time im hearing this". im just wondering if anyone that goes to a CUNY college has heard of this and is it true?... and another question.. i have financial aid.. if i accept the F could it affect my financial aid? Thanks!

2007-05-22 02:20:23 · 1 answers · asked by Manrae 5 in Higher Education (University +)

What does this depend on?

2007-05-22 02:19:19 · 1 answers · asked by AFGbrunette 2 in Higher Education (University +)

2007-05-22 02:11:08 · 3 answers · asked by redbone001 1 in Homework Help

Well i am at school and i want to show my friends my prom pictures. only problem things like photobucket and etc are blocked. anyone know of any proxies or filters i can use that arent blocked?

2007-05-22 02:03:07 · 9 answers · asked by I Love My Zune! 2 in Primary & Secondary Education

I am a transfer student with an Associates Degree trying to get into Fordham University...Will it be too much to send in my resume along with personal statements and recommendation letters???

2007-05-22 01:59:36 · 4 answers · asked by Alejandra2008 3 in Higher Education (University +)

2007-05-22 01:54:19 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Homework Help


2007-05-22 01:52:09 · 5 answers · asked by shane c 3 in Homework Help

I am looking for something to give my daughter's kindergarten teacher as an end-of-the-year gift. Do teachers like getting school supplies for the following year even though they will have to store them somewhere for the summer. I was thinking of giving her a basket filled with cardstock, hand sanitizer, Kleenex, glue sticks, etc... I was also going to purchase her a prepaid gas card since the price of gas has dramatically risen and she is commuting between her house here in the city and to her mother's house near the beach to care for her elderely mother. I just didn't want to give her the gas card inside of a thank-you note. I wanted to be a little more creative. What do you think?

2007-05-22 01:51:56 · 6 answers · asked by ncscgirl 2 in Primary & Secondary Education

Walnuts cost $6 per pound and peanuts cost $3.50 a pound. Four pounds of walnuts and three pounds of peanuts are mixed. What is the cost for one pound of the mixture?

2007-05-22 01:50:43 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Homework Help

food chain, diet, birth and other info please help due in 1hour and 10 minutesHELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-05-22 01:50:19 · 7 answers · asked by Beauty + Brains + Talent = ME 2 in Homework Help

its a triangle the 4 and 6 on each side of the top and 5 and x at the bottom

2007-05-22 01:49:04 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Homework Help

I need some ideas for a creative story. The story has to be based on the genre of the fantastic.

The story must have a strong sense of genre, and it is acceptable for it to be a reworking of an existing fantastic motif or story. For example, a fantastic motif could be seeing your double somewhere.

The story needs to have a strong sense of genre, and be interesting to read. I am stuck for ideas. I was thinking of writing a story based on "the double" motif, but im still a bit clueless really.

I have never done creative writing before so i dont have that experience in writing. :(

2007-05-22 01:42:58 · 6 answers · asked by sarah 6 in Higher Education (University +)

ok so... I am starting college in the fall and am trying to decide which college to go to... I live in Carrollton, Ga which is home to the University of West Georgia, a 4 year school... I have been accepted there. HOwever, now I am thinking of starting at a community college in Virgina and transferring into University of Virginia (one of the best universities inthe country). Either way, if i go to UWest Georgia or the community college, i will transfer, however if i go to the community college in Virginia i am guaranteed acceptance in to UVA. Is it better to start out at a 4 year school but not have guaranteed acceptance for transfer or to start out at a community college and have guaranteed acceptance to UVA... please help?? (PS you might want to take into account that later i plan to get my doctorate and become an english professor, how does community colle effect that?)

2007-05-22 01:35:14 · 6 answers · asked by axeps2 1 in Higher Education (University +)

something to do with becoming a bird

2007-05-22 01:32:04 · 2 answers · asked by kyatoea 1 in Homework Help

I am a teacher in an urban school in SC. My principal gives out $10 cash incentives for students who make the honor roll, do well on tests, etc. The problem that it has caused, which he does not see, is that the other awards given to students for achievement (like certificates and ribbons, like we had in school) hold no weight anymore. Students just complain that they didn't get any cash and they don't want a "stupid certificate". I am on track to becoming an administrator myself and was wondering from any experts, or non-experts out there what they thought of this. I'm interested to hear your responses.

The thing that the kids hate the most, is when there are more than a handful of students tied to get the cash incentive. In that case, he divides on persons prize money up among all the winning students, and sometimes they end up only getting 1 dollar or less, which pisses them off. Should I say something to this guy?

2007-05-22 01:29:20 · 5 answers · asked by budlover 2 in Primary & Secondary Education

Actually i need a topic that not too hard and has enough information to satisfy my teacher.

2007-05-22 01:26:36 · 1 answers · asked by calviniyer 1 in Homework Help

An error in the word why{wyy} was do to an apparent miss while typing,but trying to convince someone you do not or cannot speak english is another while you keep communicating in english.And who am I?that is for you to find out and for me to know.Bye

2007-05-22 01:21:19 · 2 answers · asked by Marva M 1 in Teaching

I'm an undergraduate in a teaching program, and I want to travel through Asia teaching to pay my bills and gain experience. I find many countries require a bachelors. Can I do it in Cambodia with only a tesl certificate?

What countries do I NOT need a bachelors degree to teach?

2007-05-22 01:16:25 · 3 answers · asked by MoreFoolishThanWise 4 in Teaching

i already got in trouble for the math class, he hasn't seen/heard of the gov. class yet

2007-05-22 01:16:02 · 4 answers · asked by The Kangaroo 2 in Primary & Secondary Education

I have a essay to write, and these are the guidelines I have that I need to follow.

When composing your essay, remember to
 Choose a topic from your personal knowledge and experience
 Write 3 to 10 pages (or between 750 to 2500 words)
 Write in your own words from your perspective or point of view, using the pronoun I
 Capture your reader’s attention with an interesting introductory paragraph
 Use specific examples to show what you mean
 Use concrete or vivid words
 Use complete sentences as well as vary your sentence length and structure
 Use fully developed paragraphs where each paragraph has only one main idea with enough
supporting details to develop that idea clearly and logically.

Would it be alright to write the essay almost as one was writing a blog entry / diary page? (But be careful of grammar and all that of course)
I would think it would, but I want to hear what other thinks as well.

2007-05-22 01:09:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Homework Help

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