I'm not giving my age, but I'm young enough to still be in school. I've been identified as gifted practically from the moment I set foot in day care, already able to read at age 3. Being "gifted" has been hard in some ways socially, especially when I skipped a grade in elementary school.
I've heard ridiculous things such as the gov spending $0.03 on accelerated education for every $100 they spend on Special Ed. I realize that Special Ed kids need help too - some of my friends are in Special Ed - but my district has NOTHING for the gifted children. Next year my parents are sending me to private school, but I'd like to know: is the public school system being fair?
I'm really bored sometimes. Everything - sports, language, math/sciences, arts - they all come easily to me. I'm very, very grateful for this, but don't I deserve a chance to hone my talents, too?
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Special Education