The child develope center that I work at allows the children to have choices through out the day. When we have circle time, if they choose not to come, then they dont have to, it's their choice, no matter what group time you might try to have, they dont have to come and partisipate., but on the other hand the consequence for not partisipating, will be taking away some of their outside play time, but what do that matter because you can only take away 5 minutes out of 45minutes. The curriculum we use is called Creative Curriculum, so I find that actually doing planning for the week is not easy because you'll basiclly be teaching them the same thing over and over. I thought that I found away around by putting things in the room to draw their attention to other areas, but because I did that, it wasnt their own imagination, and now my job is on the line.....I only wanted to teach because that is what I do. Teach.! Any suggestions from child care providers who has been in shoes?
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