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2007-10-08 15:47:00 · 6 answers · asked by boparai 1

$75 to 150$

2007-10-08 15:30:46 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

in ebgames or gamestop with a hd and wireless and all the assceroies

2007-10-08 14:47:14 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im looking for an Xbox not an Xbox360, im wondering around how much they cost now, and if its hard to find one. Don't ask why im looking for one, or tell me to get a 360 instead, i already have one.

2007-10-08 12:24:28 · 8 answers · asked by Leo 3

Im going to buy an XBOX 360...Is there any way to tell if it has HDMI and a new falcon 65 nm chip BEFORE i buy it? I dont want to deal with it craping out on me.

2007-10-08 11:51:28 · 7 answers · asked by stephen 1


What would happen if your 360 had some form of a hardware failure (no picture because a GFX card prb.) but no red lights of death came on. & you told them you had red lights. (ps my warrenty's expired so I didnt want to pay for it, because It just stopped showing a picture & i didnt do anything to it so I dont deserve to have to pay $100 for a repair when I didnt do anytihng.)

& yes I did everything diff cables. diff tv.. took Hd out everyting still no picture.
So I sent it in & they said Everytihng would be free because the new warrenty for 3 rings well I said it has them but it doesnt. So will they check it to see if it has 3 red lights and make me pay...or will they just find the prb & fix it for free??? Thx!!!

2007-10-08 11:11:19 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please, I need reasons for a report.

2007-10-08 05:21:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

In terms of Graphics, if possible, can you show me pictures and videos? Please do elaborate, thanks!

2007-10-07 23:47:23 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


Ok xbox fan boys, before you start talking trash i want you to do a little research on the PS3. What does the xbox 360 have that the PS3 doesn't, uhh maybe one thing but i can't think of it right now. But the real question is what does the PS3 have that the xbox 360 doesn't, sorry it might take you a while to list all the things that the PS3 has over the 360.

2007-10-07 08:34:58 · 15 answers · asked by Jay 3

I will hopefully be getting a next-gen console soon. I want the 360 cause of Halo3 and the other good stuff but will it be worth it in a year or two?

2007-10-06 12:37:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

so i already used my 1 month xbox live gold trial from my 360 a few months ago, and never extended it. recently i bought halo 3 and i want to use the 48 hour trial. can i use the 48 hour trial with the same xbox live account i used before? or will i have to make a new account?

2007-10-06 12:32:20 · 3 answers · asked by Da balla 1

I just have a few questions about the new console:
1. will it play dvds?
2. how much games can fit on a 256 mb memory card?
3. is the memory card enough for an average gamer?
4. do you need xbox live to play the arcade games that come with it on the disk?

2007-10-06 12:18:11 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

With the release of halo 3, i want the xbox 360 more than ever. I recieve news that the failure rate for an xbox 360 is about 30%. Even the store clerk for eb games tells me to hold off and buy it in a few months or so for xbox 360 v2, which will supossely will have only 5% failure chance. What should i do? Are the statistics true? Does anyone have problems with their xboxs? i need opinions plz

2007-10-06 02:59:19 · 3 answers · asked by noideawhatsmyname 1

my controller randomly shuts off during a game. Now the green lights are flashing often now. Is it old batteries ALREADY? i only had it for about a week!

2007-10-05 12:13:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

The new 65 nm chip?

I am planning to buy 360 this month and I was wondering if anyone bought it this week cuz I'm pretty sure they have the new piece of hardware on the inside.

2007-10-05 11:58:21 · 4 answers · asked by Malcolm uses Xbox 360 Avatar 7

I want to go from one 20GB to another one. This is because my xbox just died, but the hard drive is fine. I bought it from costco and it is possible to return it there for a new one if I return everything that originally came with it. That means I would have to return the hard drive with all of my save content. Is it possible to transfer the content to another hard drive(my friend's) and then return it to the new hard drive that would come with the xbox I would buy?

2007-10-04 14:28:13 · 5 answers · asked by Kyle 3

I recently found that the Xbox 360 can be used as a great media device when combined with an external hard drive and that WMV formated videos could be played on it. But one thing that kinda sucks is that videos on the external hard drive as opposed to those downloaded from Xbox Live have no icon to indicate what they are. Xbox Live videos have a nice little icon that shows what the video is. On an external hard drive, it just shows a generic icon for all the videos. The icon is a translucent film strip. Is there any way to change this and put a custom image in its place?

2007-10-04 13:51:21 · 2 answers · asked by GamerGeek Review 2

Really want to but a new game consol which one do you think I should go with. Love playing the Madden and I heard the game moves faster on a 360 but my favorite all time game is the Metal Gear solid series and I think they are only exclusive to Playstation

which one should I go with help me out

2007-10-03 07:45:47 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently had one stolen and I don't have my serial number. Would they be able to look it up with my receipt?

2007-10-02 12:54:47 · 7 answers · asked by GermanGuy 1

I'm lookin to buy a Xbox 360, but then returning it when a more reliable one comes out. Are there any stores that allow returns for an extended period of time? A friend of mine returned his iPod almost a year later at Costco, would they take back a 360?

2007-10-02 11:44:24 · 1 answers · asked by NotTheStatusQuo 5

when should I buy a xbox 360?
no ps3, wii, xbox sucks talk in here. just when should I buy the system. and also, don't answer "never", just pick between now or christmas.

2007-10-02 10:41:53 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was going to sell my wii for the money to buy the xbox 360 and please no insulting the systems i just want an answer and i'm 12 not 20 to 30

2007-10-01 16:06:45 · 8 answers · asked by david m 1

I have read that they are releasing Tomb Raider Annivesary for the 360 in the form of downloadable episodes via Xbox Live Marketplace.
I know you have to have a copy of Tomb Raider: Legend, and every source is saying the first 2 episodes will be available from September, but I have not seen it on Xbox Marketplace yet and now it's October (just!)
Anyone know what's going on?

2007-10-01 05:52:54 · 1 answers · asked by Daniel K 2

2007-10-01 00:00:26 · 20 answers · asked by george b 1

Can I put movies on my xbox 360 that are on my pc? If so how can I do that? Please help. Websites would be appreciated too. Thanks

2007-09-30 19:03:20 · 3 answers · asked by the white indian 2

Or will the xbox 360 get discontinued in about a year or two? I bought a gamecube 3 months before it was discontinued, and I do not want to make that same mistake again. and don't tell me to get a wii/ps3/ds etc. just tell me how much longer untill a new xbox takes over the xbox 360.

2007-09-30 15:28:26 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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