Here's the situation which prompted this idea:
I used two cameras when taking photos on a holiday and due to this, the file names were coded differently. One camera has it's images as 100456.jpg 100457.jpg etc... and the other camera has DSCN102.jpg DSCN103.jpg etc.
Now, I want to be able to organise all of these photos (from both cameras) in chronological order so that I can put them on a picture CD to watch on TV with friends IN CHRONOLOGICAL order.
I clicked Organize by Picture Taken in the Explorer window but it appeared to have done nothing. Anyway, despite this, my question is:
"Is there a way to rename multiple files in Windows in one go?"
If not, I would love for someone to create this code/patch/thing so that I and countless others could do this. I'm thinking that if it would be good to be able to highlight any number of files and then (by clicking some buttons) rename them as 1-whatever, or a-z, or 001-999, etc. with many options.
Cheers for that yo.
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