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[Selected]: All categories Computers & Internet Other - Computers

If you install The Sims onto your computer, Would The Sims 2 stop working if you already had it installed before The Sims?

2007-12-28 05:51:29 · 9 answers · asked by beckahdotcom 2

I have several AVI video files on my HDD that I had captured from an old VHS tape of the family using Adobe Premier Elements 1.0 (old version).

Now I need the space on the HDD so I want to download it to a DVD (or several DVD's).

How do you "split" a 9.12GB avi video into "parts" so you can save all of the 9.12GB video?

In other words, how can I put 9.12GB of avi video on a 4.7GB DVD?

I have 3 other avi video files on my HDD (6.74GB, 2.21GB, and 1.05GB) that also need to put on disk.

I understand the last two (the 2.21GB and the 1.05GB video will "fit" on a 4.7GB DVD..........but how are the files that are larger than 4.7GB managed properly?

How can you put "part" of a avi video on one DVD and the rest on another DVD? How and when do you know when to stop recording?

And, can I do this with Nero's SmartStart?

2007-12-28 05:07:07 · 5 answers · asked by Im2hard2please 2

I don't have warranty so replacement is not an option (without a fistfight ofcourse)

2007-12-28 05:04:12 · 5 answers · asked by sal10peppr 1

I have a few photos on my computer here at work that I deleted but I want them to completely go away so they are not traceable. They are mostly of my wedding and stuff, but I don't feel comfortable with them possibly being looked at later on. Is there I way I can get rid of them without having to have administrator access?

2007-12-28 04:44:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

When i open the attachment in my email it autimatically goes to msword and it looks like hyeroglifics i cant figure out what to do...help

2007-12-28 04:38:28 · 1 answers · asked by Fisha 1

I was sending an email while chatting on my video chat with a friend and the computer went into blue and white stripes. Does anyone know what happened? How can I fix it? I am on our other computer that does have problems. Thanks

2007-12-28 03:11:41 · 2 answers · asked by Maccabee 3

The image 7 GB in computer space, how can I burn it on two DVDs of 4.7 GB each. Please suggest a way of copying the DVD (it's image actually.) without having to use a 7 GB disc.
Please explain in detail. The best answer gets 10 points + 2 that we get for answering and 1 thumbs up on your best answer which is again 1 point. Kindly make it fast.

2007-12-28 02:44:16 · 2 answers · asked by D 2


If u know someone's IP address is it possible to know their recent log activities on the internet. Is there any sort of software that'll give u some insight of what that computer does. Please Serious answers only thanks in advance!!

2007-12-28 02:23:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm pretty sure I'm getting about 50 spam emails a day, now, trying to sell me "top quality luxury watches". Just wondering if anyone has ever actually bought a watch from someone who sent them random spam.

2007-12-28 01:46:26 · 3 answers · asked by Maureen 7

My previous PC only had MS Works so a lot of documents were in .wps format. I now need to access those documents but only have MS Word 2003 which doesn't seem to be able to understand the wps document. Any ideas?

2007-12-27 23:42:00 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Not sure if this is possible but I have this link for a pdf file which I desperately need to open but it keeps freezing it is an article in the London Gazette for a relative of mine and I would like to print the article off here is the link


I would be extremely grateful if anyone can help.

Thanks in advance to anyone who tries and 10 points to the one that does it.

2007-12-27 21:16:18 · 7 answers · asked by suzanne w 2

I uninstalled a lot of things in my computer, unfortunately a lot of the videos i downloaded won't play anymore like they did before!... the videos that won't play have ".wmv" format I downloaded divx but still won't play..PLEASE HELP i need these videos to play..please

2007-12-27 20:50:21 · 12 answers · asked by sotellme_25 1

Everytime it goes to that, cause i leave it for a while i press the button and can't get it back on, and have to restart my PC. How do i stop this??!?! its bloody annoying.

2007-12-27 18:59:25 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I backed up my (OE) address book, and '.ink' popped up when I tried to open the back-up.

2007-12-27 15:43:11 · 3 answers · asked by Rhinorm 2

I keep starting up my computer but once it starts up i am unable to click on anything or do anything. and if i do click on something, in a few seconds my comp freezes. Another thing is my comp is very low on free space does that have anything to do with it? (but i did delete like 200mbs free)

2007-12-27 14:47:46 · 1 answers · asked by bonzerchicken 2

Pease state you words per minute if you know it

2007-12-27 12:45:56 · 11 answers · asked by Victorpoprocks 2

Congress is going to pass a law that before you can buy a computer you have to take a test to show that you know how to use it.
Actually they aren't, but I sure wish they did!

2007-12-27 09:41:42 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Somtimes it sounds like someones talking, like one of those internet explorer ads that can talk. It just happened again as im typing this lol, and it sounded like a tv ad. it was like "your watching somthing tv" and then i can hear some explosion noises or somthing. ITS WIERD AND CREEPY! it just randomly happens!

2007-12-27 08:30:27 · 3 answers · asked by ajju h 1

Tell me the name of the font in the following link please!


:) thanks

2007-12-27 06:03:44 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just got my computer back from the repair shop, x-mas hijinks by family and now everything is huge. The windows and text seem bigger, the task bars are giant and even the pages i load inside of firefox are too big to fit in one window. I have windows xp home.

Anyone know how to fix this?

2007-12-27 05:39:49 · 6 answers · asked by lunas_4 2

Using Widows Professional with Windows media.

2007-12-27 04:34:25 · 2 answers · asked by Alybak 1

How often do people go on the computer and sign up for something and their parents don't know about it? I'm a teenager myself but do u other teens think it's dangerous?

2007-12-27 04:12:27 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I took some short videos on my kodak easy share camera and wanted to make a larger video using Windows Movie Maker. By now I've realized that's not going to work until I can convert them into Windows files. I tried "Save As" but there's only one option and I tried "Open With" to see if I could open them in WMP but that didn't work either. I only have average computer skills and I'm out of ideas. Anyone know of an easy way I can convert?

2007-12-27 04:08:47 · 3 answers · asked by Kiwi 1

one i can download safely

2007-12-27 01:15:58 · 6 answers · asked by pixie 4

Did you take computer classes or are you just smart?

2007-12-26 20:51:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

my laptop is running very slow. I done a full systeme restore on my pc before but I can't manage to do it on my laptop...any suggestions

2007-12-26 20:27:10 · 3 answers · asked by vinny 2

In Windows 2000, I think the command used to be whohas.

2007-12-26 20:03:09 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous