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I was wonder what tag mode is. Me and my friend put our dses together and it started working but for some reason it told us to turn it on and nothing happened. Thanks

2007-09-24 10:02:42 · 2 answers · asked by Kelsey 1

if you look at the left side mirror of the car in front of you, you will be able to see the face of the driver in front of you?

2007-09-24 07:59:40 · 9 answers · asked by I'M GONNA GO PLACES 5

Please answer the following questions:
Do you think mopeds are safe?
Do you know anyone who has had an accident on a moped?
Who you ride a moped when it is icey?

2007-09-24 06:38:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I goota go at least 80mph unless i see the bill. sometimes up to 100mph.

why do 60mph when no one else is?

2007-09-24 06:35:31 · 13 answers · asked by My pic looks good 2

That is ****** dangerous! I had my blinker on and was merging right when zooom, a **** motorbike passes me on the right going about 80 mph. If I had just been two seconds off then that guy would have been burnt toast.

2007-09-24 06:29:03 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was driving down a four lane divided boulevard around lunch time today (Monday) in light traffic, when I saw the police cleaning up a traffic accident. There was a convertible in the middle of the grassy raised medium that was turned sideways and had its passenger side smashed in by the light pole that obviously stopped it. I hoped that there wasn't a passenger in the car, because the pole was where he should have been.

I worked briefly as an accident investigator for auto insurance companies shortly after graduating with a BS in engineering, but I couldn't figure out off the top of my head how it was possible for a driver, on dry pavement and a sunny day, to do this.

Insert whatever philosophical or religious comment that you want about the fragility of life, or idiot drivers. You decide.

2007-09-24 06:08:11 · 7 answers · asked by Randy G 7

and in fact i could and maybe should be driving at 70 in the inside lane? and therefore if i want to over take the car in front, i move to the middle lane and then move back again?

i havent driven on a motorway yet, im just asking because im interested from a question was asked on here earlier

2007-09-24 03:19:50 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi I live in semi privet house, what do I do to my bad neighbor how park his old car ((with out license plate)) on the rood very close to my house every weekend, he levees his drive threw empty and he knows that I have moor than one car and I need that space.

2007-09-23 20:31:07 · 14 answers · asked by John 1

state of Utah, car has no rear seats

2007-09-23 19:41:27 · 9 answers · asked by redheader 1


2007-09-23 14:35:49 · 3 answers · asked by bigred71457 1

Several times now I've seen drivers go right through an intersection when the walk sign was on, and they were all on cell phones. They seemed so oblivious! Have you experienced the same?

2007-09-23 13:51:49 · 3 answers · asked by Pascha 7

Patient man. But it's going over the top and no wonder there's Road rage.

Should we be thinking about putting the drivers license up or what would you suggest?

2007-09-22 19:10:27 · 11 answers · asked by goodbloke45 3


2007-09-22 18:06:27 · 6 answers · asked by Fred W 3

I live in the Northeast where winters can be harsh, what kind of tires should I have on the front or for that matter, all four, winter treads,studded or just reg. tires ?

2007-09-22 15:20:03 · 12 answers · asked by flamingo 6

do you know about urban legends?
Don't be shy!
Go to: http://www.yoururbanlegends.blogspot.com
and let everyone know what you think!!

2007-09-22 12:39:17 · 7 answers · asked by Your Urban Legends!! 1

I'm going to be living downtown, and though it's a really nice building there has been car theft.

I drive a stock Pontiac Vibe. Not that anyone would want to steal it, but I would like piece of mind.

Does my Vibe have any kind of decent alarm system?

Does the club really prevent car theft?

What is lo jack? I know, stupid question. But I've always lived out in the sticks and never had to worry about car theft.

2007-09-22 10:27:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yesterday I saw a commercial for a specific kind of wheelchair.
I couldn't stop laughing at it.
I can't remember the name of it, but it looks something like this:

(Sorry, I was in a rush)

There were two wheels and one could go on top of the other to give you extra height. Or something.

If you can give me the name of the wheelchair or a link to the actual commercial, that would be great. ^_^!


2007-09-22 06:55:54 · 2 answers · asked by Bobby Soxr Zombie 2

Two trucks are traveling on the same highway. The first truck travels at an average rate of 50 mi/h. The second truck leaves two hours later and travels at an average rate of 60 mi/h. How long will the trucks have traveled when the second truck catches up with the first truck?

SOrry i thought they would show it all

2007-09-22 06:36:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been driving for three years but I am getting a brand new car for the first time and I don't anyone to scratch it, so will you all please keep at the safe braking distance away as it says in the Highway Code and double that when it's raining..Thank you. ps It's the silver one.

2007-09-22 03:20:18 · 12 answers · asked by poppy vox 4

Why are cars made to go faster, when we have roads that are so congested that speed is not essential? The technology is there so get rid of speed cameras, and fit devises on to cars to make them keep to the speed that they should be going. And no car will be able to go faster than 70mpm. This I am sure will save a lot of lives. By the way this includes all BIG vehicles as well. Why make cars so big? They can do it and still get a big family in them ,If cars were smaller there would be more room on the roads.

2007-09-22 03:15:03 · 14 answers · asked by sexy Phil 1

In my line of work I tend to stress my rope out to the max. I often haul large boonies behind my pickup truck and sometimes the rope breaks. Should I move to chains or is there a good modern "unbreakable" rope I should try?

2007-09-21 19:09:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

its got a big ol crack in it, its growing pretty fast, but I'm afraid the whole thing is going to come in on me, b/c I HEAR it crackling when I am going fast. Am I nuts?

2007-09-21 18:22:37 · 20 answers · asked by pantiquay 2

Bottom outside corner? Bottom inside corner? Top inside? or top outside?

2007-09-21 17:48:02 · 6 answers · asked by Mister Sarcastic 4

a law that prohibits the amount of lift on your vehicle?

2007-09-21 15:45:33 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are "Brodie knobs" A.K.A "Suicide Knob, Granny Knob, and Steering Wheel Spinner." Legal for use in a car? Specfically ohio?

The reason i ask is, they are convenient and some are stylish but my dad told me when i was younger that they were only aloud to be used on tractors, forklifts, etc.

2007-09-21 13:24:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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