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Beauty & Style - 9 August 2007

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Fashion & Accessories · Hair · Makeup · Other - Beauty & Style · Skin & Body

Currently my hair is sorta not long, but shaggy a bit over my eyes, i like it a lot, but for ROTC I have to get it cut again, not shaved head but like kinda short, although it gives me some styling options with my hair, Im going to be a Junior in High School, I know that the I dont know what you call it (cowlick) in the front is out of style, any ideas?

They give me about 2 inches at the top at maximum, not touching my ears

2007-08-09 07:15:59 · 2 answers · asked by stw5991 1 in Hair

With all the hot summer weather, deodorant isn't seeming good enough. I've been told that baby powder will help to prevent excess sweating and also smells nice. So I was wondering if after getting out of the shower and applying deodorant, should I also apply baby powder? I'm a teenager by the way. (and please, no inappropriate responses)

2007-08-09 07:03:51 · 9 answers · asked by Cace N 2 in Other - Skin & Body

ALOT of people have told me this. i think she's uniquely pretty and dresses nicely. we are both half-italian and dress sorta kinda girly and indie-ish. i never know how to take this. i think it's nice, but it seems people arent into her?

2007-08-09 06:40:03 · 8 answers · asked by tally r 1 in Other - Beauty & Style

I was talkling to my husband yesterday. And he is saying Im NOT getting a tattoo(he doesnt have any). I am anyway....but he is afraid I will get some kind of complication like hepatitis, or get some infection cause I have sensitive skin.
Plus he is saying that even the brand new needles in the package was used but cleaned by professionals. Do the tattoo artists throw the needles away for disposal or do they have them cleaned and repackaged??
My husband said he knew 2 people at his work that had to go to the hospital after getting tattoos. Not sure if he is trying to scare me.
I still want to get one though....and told him he doesnt have to look at it.

2007-08-09 06:17:58 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Tattoos

I have very thick course hair on my head and consequently the hair on my legs is thick and course. I frequently end up with razor burn and/or stubble even when I use new razors, 3 blade razors, and shaving cream. Any ideas?

2007-08-09 06:09:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Skin & Body

I am using Basis All Clear Antibacterial bar for my face and it works well, however I think it makes my skin on the dry side. It works too good besides that to stop using it, and I still want to put 2.5% BP on to make sure i dont get any new pimples, but perhaps I should only put BP on once a day? And if so when is it better to use it, in the morning or at night before bed?

2007-08-09 06:09:15 · 5 answers · asked by achemicalsunset 2 in Other - Skin & Body

I want to get a tattoo on my knee.Ok that's weird I know,but there is a reason,I have a horrible 2 inch long 1 inch wide scar on the lower right hand side,it never healed properly and remained slighly raised with an obvious pinkish purple colour,I want to cover it.Trouble is I have no idea what sort of thing would look good on a knee,so I was hoping you guys could give me some design suggestions.

^^^ No wise cracks about my knee's I know they're knobbly xD

2007-08-09 06:07:26 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Tattoos

what is my face shape

2007-08-09 06:06:18 · 9 answers · asked by Hayley Electrik 7 in Hair

2007-08-09 06:06:13 · 10 answers · asked by X Princess jade X 1 in Fashion & Accessories

i have had really dry skin all my life and it seems the plder i get the worse it gets. right now i am putting it on once a day and occasionaly i will have to put extra on just incase when i go somewhere. but right now i am using straight cocoa butter and it helps but it wears off easy, too. but my main problem i have right now is my hands and feet. b/c i can handle the other parts of my body. but my feet are really dry and they feel like sand papaer and i have like sharp things on the bottom of my heels, and i dont know what it is, like one way i can rub them and it is smooth and the other way they feel sharp, or rough. how do i make my feet softer? and look better?

2007-08-09 06:05:43 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Skin & Body

im getting my upper lip waxed and i was wondring how long it would stay red and if would become bumpy???

btw- i have sensative skin

2007-08-09 05:59:27 · 4 answers · asked by emms 2 in Other - Skin & Body

2007-08-09 05:47:58 · 13 answers · asked by ~Intelligence is the key~ 1 in Other - Beauty & Style

I'd like to give myself a french manicure but I am not stead enough to make the tips evenly white. In the past, I've bought those sticky strips to adhear to my nails, but they really don't work. When I peel the strips off, it takes some of the white polish with it and the seam is uneven in thickness.

Is there a product/kit I can buy that will help me give myself a flawless french manicure?

Any reccomendations for the white poilsh...brand wise?


2007-08-09 05:39:43 · 4 answers · asked by K 3 in Other - Beauty & Style

Nike, Adidas, Newbalance? Any specifics? I do a lot of sports and I need good running sneakers that look very cute!

2007-08-09 05:36:50 · 8 answers · asked by cartalk 2 in Fashion & Accessories

I am turning 18 next month and I want to have an awesome hairstyle. I'm not inviting any guys so I don't need to impress anyone but I want to have a great hairstyle for my 18th. My hair is about medium volume and it's dark brown and about three inches below my shoulders. I don't have bangs but I may get side swept ones before the partay. What should I do?

2007-08-09 05:34:57 · 9 answers · asked by MissMolly 1 in Hair

I just got back from Florida and want to maintain my tan but its pretty rainy here in michigan and will be for awhile. If i went to a tanning booth would that help maintain it?

2007-08-09 05:30:57 · 2 answers · asked by hot_pink_sunsets 1 in Other - Beauty & Style

I have had this tattoo on the top of my foot for about a week. its beginning to peel. i got kinda curious and gently lifted up a very small piece of it to see the color underneath. and its a much pailer green underneath as opposed to the bright beautiful green thats on top. im worried when the skin falls off that the colors will be pail colors.....?

2007-08-09 05:00:45 · 11 answers · asked by luv2dance 3 in Tattoos

I want to get a tattoo on my hip. It would be the outline of a star with a little filled in star in the middle, then two small filled in stars next to it.
The colors I was thinking of were bright green, pink, bright blue, and orange. Each star a different color.

2007-08-09 05:00:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Tattoos

what should i do...sometimes when when i am well rested i have small baggs or light brown circles under my eyes! my friends think its from the fact that i eat so unhealty and then go work out but i dont think so... what should i do to get rid of them?

2007-08-09 04:42:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Skin & Body

I have an oval face, warm, light skin, amber brown eyes, and boob-length, straight reddish brown hair (a little browner than Lindsay-Lohan-red). My old glasses were rimless and boring; I want something with thick rectangular rims. What colors/styles should I get? I don't look good in black rims, so dont suggest them, and oval frames make my face look too round.

2007-08-09 04:41:59 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Beauty & Style

2007-08-09 04:28:16 · 18 answers · asked by tyler m 1 in Tattoos

Just when I though Birkenstocks had the corner on the ugly shoe market, we now have Croc's. Besides the comfort factor, which is a non-issue to me, what would posess a woman to wear these monstrosities? I expect to get it from the hippie-chicks. Go ahead girls, flame away!

2007-08-09 03:43:29 · 11 answers · asked by sleepingliv 7 in Other - Beauty & Style

i pesinally love paris hilton perfume
but whats your opinion
price range=$10-20

2007-08-09 03:33:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fashion & Accessories

i heard ppl saying i have to shave it lots of times.. but nothing seems to be growing.. i only see very fine little hair.. but nth bushy yet. =D

2007-08-09 03:32:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

i wanna know what makes you a beautiful person? it seems a little weird expressing my feelings but i think what makes me a beautiful person is a part or my personality. i know it seems wrong, but i forgive people who are usually bad people. criminals or something like that. i just always feel bad for them and i know not to judge them on what they do. i always want to know how they feel on the inside and why they do such things. i dont know if anybody agrees with me. im very forgiving and i dont like to judge people on what they do...what makes you beautiful???

2007-08-09 03:26:23 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Beauty & Style

The brass button on the bag also has mould marks. The leather
is soft type.

2007-08-09 03:12:51 · 9 answers · asked by Celia C 1 in Fashion & Accessories

Is cellulite and fat the same thing? I used to think it was but now I'm just confused. Please explain this to me! Thanks

2007-08-09 02:39:42 · 5 answers · asked by ♥ I WISH♥ 5 in Other - Beauty & Style

Actually I already know how to do tracks. I already know how to sew them in. What I really want to know is how do you make the hair blend with the hair?? I don't get perms. It's not an option. So I can't gel it down. My hair will curl back up, but I buy straight hair. How do you get it to blend it??(without gel) Thanks alot!!!

2007-08-09 02:35:00 · 1 answers · asked by kate f 3 in Hair



I plan on getting this as a tattoo soon, but I'm not sure where to put it, I was thinking my wrist or arm[Not sure where on my arm, though..] I want it in a noticeable place. Any recommendations?

Also, I would like to add something else to it but I'm not sure what.. It was originally meant for my dog that died awhile ago, but I decided to just use it as a symbol of my love for animals. Does anyone have any ideas??

and no need to tell me it's my body I should decide, I already know that. I just want opinions!


2007-08-09 02:30:49 · 13 answers · asked by Angela 2 in Tattoos

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