I just designed a tattoo to get on my upper back in memory of my girlfriend Jackie who passed away three weeks ago in a car crash. It is a heart with angel wings extending from the curved parts of it. It has barbed wire in an 'X' digging into the heart with a few drops of blood from it. There is a banner hanging over the heart with the date of the accident in fancy lettering. I have her name above the heart in fancy calligraphy. There is blooming rose with a stem and thorns underneath the heart. I want the heart and rose to be in red and the stem to be green and the banner and wings to be blue with all the lettering being black, assuming I have no allergic reactions to the colours. I want to know what people think of this idea, if it is too over the top, if it is gay, if it is going to be too crowded, etc. etc. Any input or ideas would be great. Thank you very much.
R.I.P. Jackie <3
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