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Beauty & Style - 21 January 2007

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Fashion & Accessories · Hair · Makeup · Other - Beauty & Style · Skin & Body

Does anyone know anywhere that sells a 30C or 31C cup bra?? Im skinny but i do have boobs :S and places seem to think skinny people dont have boobs? because you can only get 30A and things.

2007-01-21 21:19:23 · 15 answers · asked by ?Gems? 5 in Fashion & Accessories

When I was little, my aunt used to use soap instead of shampoo when she was bathing me. Is it only supposed to be used when your a baby? Or can you still do it?

2007-01-21 21:14:53 · 10 answers · asked by bluu_fool 1 in Hair

Are we supposed to be 100% hairless??!?? I have hair almost everywhere and mostly visible. Am I supposed to shave everything?

2007-01-21 21:12:44 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Skin & Body

Hey, I wonder if anyone can help, it's my best friends 19th birthday coming up and i dont know what to get her, she isnt a girly girl like me she is more of like a rock chick? She likes doing her hair and make up etc but clothes wise and things she needs im stuck! As i said she likes the rock style but she is so hard to by for, any ideas? xx

2007-01-21 21:12:06 · 13 answers · asked by sian_cousins 1 in Other - Beauty & Style

I'd like to know how many people don't mind if a women doesn't shave. I know quite a few that leave their arm pit hairs. and I know quite a few guys who don't mind either way. does anyone think that natural is best????

2007-01-21 21:03:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

The grey is where people commonly place highlights, being a guy I don't want to change the colour of the rest of my hair, what products will colour the grey but not the rest of my hair? any suggestions?

2007-01-21 20:59:18 · 5 answers · asked by CHEESUS GROYST 5 in Hair


2007-01-21 20:58:36 · 19 answers · asked by SWEETY 2 in Other - Skin & Body

what foods make your skin clearer, less oily, etc... my skin is tan but i think it also looks yellowish especially on my face, also if anyone knows anything about this...?

2007-01-21 20:42:16 · 10 answers · asked by ---ellerose--- 1 in Other - Skin & Body

I got skin rash while using blush on my cheeks what's the problem :(

2007-01-21 20:40:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Makeup

2007-01-21 20:32:25 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fashion & Accessories

Everytime i get my rings fitted at the jewelers they only fit for maybe a month or so.Plus i have very tiny fingers which makes it hard for them to get the right size.Anyways I was wondering if there was anyway i can avoid spending the money from going to the jewelers and doing it myself.

2007-01-21 20:28:44 · 4 answers · asked by msX 6 in Fashion & Accessories

I presently wear a tatty Casio diving watch with a broken strap wrapped in black gaffer tape, I need to smarten uop for formal occasions, I like both these watches and can get them cheaper on eBay than the RRP advertised so which should I choose? Can you help me?
Krug Baumen:
or Lacoste:

2007-01-21 20:28:29 · 6 answers · asked by CHEESUS GROYST 5 in Fashion & Accessories


Sorry to post such a crude question, but I'd rather ask then suffer some un-mentionable damage to my delicate regions.

What's the best way (at home) to remove hair from sensitive areas such as around the anus?

Thanks for any replies.

2007-01-21 20:26:55 · 7 answers · asked by Jubu 1 in Hair

looking for mens shirt-type bodysuits so they are fitted and wont come untucked. Casual, pullover style.

2007-01-21 20:17:56 · 6 answers · asked by jim n 1 in Fashion & Accessories

They are almost of the same texture.

2007-01-21 20:10:59 · 2 answers · asked by Squeaks 3 in Hair

Its not "high top" as in the top of my head, more near the back, but its still a "high top" ponytail. My hair is short, so this way I can get the front part of my hair out of my face (only part of it is in a ponytail.. as much as can fit anyways)... would that look immature or not? It looks really nice on my facial features

2007-01-21 20:02:18 · 6 answers · asked by Sammy 5 in Hair

I'm planning on getting a small wrist tattoo(nothing offensive), its the only place where I find myself saying, yes I will love it there. My gf says its not a good idea, because its not easily hidden, which may affect me getting certain jobs(government mostly). What do you think?

2007-01-21 20:00:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Tattoos

I am 5'3" and I am 12 years old. How tall do you think I'll get when I'm 16? All my family is different. I want to be a model, Im actually going to a modeling acting search in Vancouver for 3 days, and I heard to be a model when your 16 you have to be 5'7".
Any Estimates? Thank you very much.

2007-01-21 19:48:03 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Skin & Body

Long hair:


Long hair, pulled back:




Short Hair:

super short, photo edited:

2007-01-21 19:45:05 · 11 answers · asked by Sammy 5 in Hair

I want to buy a pair of UGG Boots, but don't know of any UK websites/shops that sell them. Has anyone got any ideas please?

2007-01-21 19:41:39 · 8 answers · asked by mcminx368 1 in Fashion & Accessories

Everytime I buy a new pair of pants they fit great, Iike a 30, 32 or something so its not hard to find a good fitting pair. Anyway, after a few weeks they are always too big for me. Not just in the waste though, the legs and everything, so the butt part is all baggy and it looks like I have child baring hips. For a while I was blaiming my mom for doing something wrong when she did the laundry. But last year I went away to college and the same thing happens no matter what you do to the washing machine. I also tried not washing them, but you have to eventually, they start smelling so bad. No one I know has this problem at all, they think Im crazy if I mention it. I think now maybe its as a result of putting things in my pockets that stretches them out. but how does everyone else avoid this problem, girls i understand you have a purse but i need my wallet keys cell phone and some change everyday, how else can you carry that, isnt what pockets are for? anyone else have this problem?

2007-01-21 19:35:29 · 5 answers · asked by mwells0629 1 in Fashion & Accessories

2007-01-21 19:10:57 · 6 answers · asked by albert167 1 in Fashion & Accessories

2007-01-21 19:02:57 · 14 answers · asked by MANISH Agarwal 1 in Hair

Is it ok to get a tattoo if my daughter who's 19 months still nurses 1-2x per day - usually at night before she goes to bed? I've contacted my daughter's pedi, and the lactation center at the hospital that she was born at say that it's ok to do so long as the equipment that they use is sterilized and new. (needles and autoclaved equipment). I wanted to find out. I THINK that I told my artist that I was still nursing but the appt was made almost 6 months ago and so I do not recall the conversation at this time.

Also - in terms of tattoo prep once I get there...they said that they open the needles in front of me and such....equipment wise, what is supposed to be autoclaved and what does not need autoclaving? I am not sure if there is tubing connected to the tattoo machine, but is that supposed to be autoclaved? Like, what is autoclaved and what isn't - just so that I know..

thanks a bunch!

2007-01-21 18:54:54 · 2 answers · asked by kristina807 5 in Tattoos

Well I really confused cuz most of my school mates all wearing AE, seems like AE is the uniform for high school:S well I never buy AE and to be honest it don't really have unique style,just a cloth~ (sorri if offend or if you really a AE fans :P) Hum I like Diesel, FCUK etc, but I don't think FCUK have design as well even for me just wear their logo:P to be honest I do buy GAP when it's on sale, I have an A&F sweather and I swear I won't buy the second one, it doesn't cost me to pay that much~ I actually don't care about wht brand it is that much as long as itdo have really good design on it along with a high quality product. So~ wht you guys think?

2007-01-21 18:50:54 · 8 answers · asked by Zac 3 in Fashion & Accessories

I just bought one, its so sweet, but im worried i look a tiny little bit pregnant. Is this normal? is this how the dress is meant to look?
Is there a way to hide it? Under the bust, the entire dress is pleated.

2007-01-21 18:49:56 · 8 answers · asked by stolen_reeboks 1 in Other - Beauty & Style

i wanna wear feminie clothes and i would love to wear high heel shoes but they get so uncomfortable - i dont no wat shoes to wear that are confortable and sexy - if there is such a thing

2007-01-21 18:41:36 · 18 answers · asked by all that jazz 3 in Fashion & Accessories

2007-01-21 18:26:35 · 11 answers · asked by Janey99 2 in Makeup

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