Judas Iscariot ?
Truth number one, is that Judas, like Peter may have been pre-destined to their roles. Peter to deny Jesus, and Judas to betray Jesus.
Regardless of his role, the role of Judas would have been insignificant in his role to die; Jesus had as his mission a role which he would have to provide.
So is there a purpose to the role of Judas ?
Is it to show that we should not prejudge others, and ourselves to our purpose relative to the 'way of the cross' as it relates to Christ.
Is it to show an abstract representation to us that in some cases we are predestined for actions that may appear inappropriate to us at the time, but are important to the message of Jesus Christ, and that we should not 'betray the cross' and the role we will play relative to the wishes of God ?
Is it possible that Judas provides 'the role' of betrayal, not that he betrayed Jesus Christ, but that he betrayed his role, by taking his life, in light of an action that was in his eyes a betrayal, but in the depths of prophesy was critical to the message from within and from without ?
Bottom line, it is not up to us to judge people or is it ?
Caesar J. B. Squitti The LIGHT; The Rainbow of Truth - the jesus christ code. ©
5 answers
asked by
Caesar J. B. Squitti